Western Civilisation and the Preservation of the White Race (1/2)

Western civilisation is directly a product of the White race’s brilliance and vigour. In order to rejuvenate our society and return ourselves to the level of prestige we once occupied, we must ensure the racial purity of our nations is maintained, and we must become aggressively fanatical about our self-preservation. Anything less, and we will continue to be colonised by racial foreigners and bred out of existence in our own nations.

In our prosperity, we have become complacent and easily manipulated. We have had our natural inclinations towards self-preservation and racial identity disabled by the Marxist propagandists who occupy every facet of our society, and these defenses have been replaced with self-destructive egalitarian universalism. In this brainwashed state, we have opened our borders up to foreigners with the faulty assumption that they are just the same as us, and share the same naïve universalist tendencies. We have been duped into ignoring the self-interest-based motivations inherent to human races, and in the process, have allowed foreigners to embed themselves in our societies and work directly against the interests of the White majority, such as further promoting the mongrelisation and deracination of our nations through mass immigration, or the creation of minority lobby groups that influence the government to benefit said minorities.

These non-whites may at best “integrate” on a superficial level into our modern, consumerist, globalist non-cultures, but this is precisely because this very “culture” has been specifically manufactured with the intent of being as rootless, sterilised, and devoid of any genuine identity as possible. Even a “successful” multiracial integration will result in an identity-less, ununified, low-trust, uninspiring society filled with vastly different people of various racial backgrounds. These foreigners will never share, even generations down the line, a common bond or affinity through shared racial blood, with the European race that founded and built our societies, nor will they have any genuine connection to the longstanding European traditions that defined them. All non-European immigration only works to dilute and pollute the innate European nature and identity of our nations, and destroys any possibility of a collective national racial identity from forming and uniting our people.



last bump.

So what's your solution?

Promote Nationalist parties and youth groups, spread awareness to whites in your country, call out marxist bullshit wherever you see it. Stuff like that, I guess.

Then there's the RAHOWA route, but that's significantly less likely and far more bloody.

We're not exactly in the best of situations, as you probably know.

You could take a page out of the lolbertian's book - Freedom of Association, that would allow us to do a economic chockhold on nonWhites - cut off buying and selling to them, cut off jobs, and buy land and corner them.

Personally I'm for some sort of insular community. Network with likeminded people. Devise plans to assume control/power in your locality whether it's through business or politics. And then totally shut-off from other people. Create an insular community, almost like the Amish, where good values are promoted but god knows how you start something like that.

I get that this is going into LARP territory, but what if we focused on shilling one (or more) of the whitest states in America with information about anti-white sentiments, the current trends taking place, and redpills in general?

If we can galvanize a couple of already white (preferably already conservative) states against the cultural marxist brainwashing, we could create almost like a battleship or refuge for our ideas. We could sow sentiments of white separatism or white identity in certain states so we at least have a backup plan if all else fails. America is a big place, and some locations are already completely overrun by non-whites and degenerates. If we focused our efforts on a few select, overwhelmingly majority-white conservative states, we'd have a last resort backup plan.

It's an idea. I think what would be better though is networking with likeminded people. Create an almost secret society type organization. Implement a lifestyle and core values for example, push reproduction and large families, heavy emphasis on education amongst kids so that they aspire to positions of power amongst other things and once you have that cell/organization you go insular as fuck. No petty activism. No shit that would alert the alphabets. You just bunkerdown with your group and play the long game. You hold onto that culture with high birthrates, nepotism etc then you've got something that will flourish. We essentially need to engineer a new tribe with core values that can stand the test of time generating people that are resilient to modernity and leftist mind control. But I'm fantasizing, how you would actually start something like this I have no idea.

That won't work so great when we're less than 50% white and the government actively targets us. Look at South Africa. That'll probably be our future.

We'll probably be less than 50% white at some point but if the groups/cells hold on to their values and beliefs the pendulum could swing in our favour. We need to wage demographic war. Overwhelm your country's infrastructure with millions of white babies and force them to shut the doors to migrants. You'd be doing nothing illegal, just networking with likeminded people. I'd also suggest to blend in to modern society as much as possible, do all the things normal people do but behind closed doors you completely reject modernity. When you have the majority again, you let your true feelings be known in public.

This is why I think we need to focus on one majority-white conservative state and shill our ideas hard. If we can use it as our hypothetical "base of operations", we could start going after other white conservative states and waking them up to the worrying trend. We need to make people conscious of the problem on all levels and get some political power rolling, even if it's just in one state, it would be a wonderful victory for our cause and a possible fallback option in the future if/when we become a minority nationally.


I believe the NWF does that already. Might be worth looking into that. Part of my idea with my secret society thing was that you would engineer the model white family. When people see a healthy male and a healthy female with an abdunance of kids they'll naturally be inclined to aim for that standard.

Unfortunately for them they've chosen a largely liberal location with a sizeable minority population that spans multiple countries. It's more of a pipe dream than focusing on one conservative all-white state and promoting racial purity and survival.




The West is like the Eldar Empire. You were pretty much at the hight of civilization and they grew complacent and now are collapsing in on themselves. This is a common reoccurring theme with the west.

We need to infiltrate all of the political parties and change them into nationalist. Nationalists need to win the seats in the Parliament and become independent if it is successful, that is to reduce the political parties control over the government.

That's easier said than done you know. The only way you'll do that is by encouraging mass white births and engineering a culture of higher education to those kids. Ingrain in them the desire to aim high. To take control and seize power. Make sure they avoid garbage subjects at school. White children are underachievers in many countries now and it's saddening.


There is a problem with simply increasing white birthrates. There are so many things stacked against kids, and white kids particularly.

First of all, we are generally smart enough to know when we cant afford to raise kids properly, but i guess not smart enough to know when we are getting genocided.


-House prices in many cities are through the roof. This is the main problem facing potential families. Obviously this is due to some mix of immigration (demand) and actually having the money to buy ever more expensive houses (home loans by commercial banks which creates credit out of thin air)

-Marriage is shat upon by general media, kids and marriage are seen as ruining your life.

-Female hypergamy. The desire to marry up, combined with women having equal salaries to many men makes them hold out forever for a richer man.

-Interracial breeding encouraged, etc etc, you know all this of course

-Refusing baby bonuses if you dont get your kids vaccinated (at least in Australia)

-Actual marriage for men can be a raw deal sometimes, and divorce is obviously too easy to get.

This is true for some cities but not everywhere. Granted it's hard financially to raise kids but the alternative is a white minority and being at the mercy of your non-ethnic majority who are plied with tales about le ebil white man. I'd honestly make that financial sacrifice to avoid another South Africa situation.

Yes but marriages do still take place. There's probably way more metropolitan white liberal cucks today who shit on the idea of marriage as some sort of outdated concept but I'd argue they are in the minority. There are white people out there still getting married.

This is true for certain woman for sure but I'm not ready to give up on all women yet and admit that they are all like this. I think we might be being played by shills into thinking that all women are bad and that there's no point in trying to find a partner. It's dangerous to just give up completely like this.

Can be avoided with a pre-nup and carefully selecting your partner.

Absolutey youre 100% right

I am by no means telling whites not to marry and raise children, im trying to convince my gf to have kids asap even tho we cant really afford them. And my bias is affected due to living in Sydney which is full of Chinks and Lebs, and liberal fucknuggets, and the average house price is at least 12 times the average annual wage

That sucks. I hope you find a solution.

That is good posts.

Local tribalism. All politics is local. If you want white nationalism (ethnocentric identity) you have to start living it by strengthing and expanding family ties and bringing in friends into a true tight, self sufficient, ingroup.

Otherwise you're just a useless talker.

He/she is right. It is not possible unless we take over existing or start somewhere on the island with out the neighbours surrounding the islands.

Good thread

Welcome to Holla Forums.

I'm glad you enjoyed your first day here. Stick around and remember to pass on the memes and scare the general masses with them regularly.

Yawn….newfags/shills are so boring