Which is the fastest?

Which is the fastest?

I'm not counting Bart, Inertia, or Zoom since I'm fairly sure these four are faster than them, except maybe Zoom. Bart wasn't Flash for very long and Wally trashed Inertia easily

the answer is this

The father is the best until hiss sun surpasses him

I don't know, I'm pretty sure Barry is faster than Wally, and they're all definitely faster than Bart, so it's not incremental.

Barry is the fastest as he created the speedforce, killed black flash and can travel through tome with ease and skill rivalled only by Thawne

Can't they all do that if they use the cosmic treadmill?

I wasn't sure if barry could just do it by running.

Barry can do it by running and simply breaking the time field. He can also swap throgh dimensions if he tries, which cant be done on the treadmill. Do t think anyone but the 4 mentioned in the OP can use the treadmill due to their low speds, anyways.

He *used* to have to use the treadmil, but he got faster due to shitty writing, retcons and inconsistencies.

Why hasn't Batman killed Barry so he can't fuck up the time stream, yet again?

>Doesn't kill anyone

Implying he doesn't already have a fool-proof plan in place, just in case.

That doesn't invalidate what I said does it?


He is the fastest.


Absolutely based

why is Thawne such a cunt

The man's a snake, user.

Obsession and insanity mostly. He was a fan boy so obsessed with the Flash that he literally wanted to BE the Flash. When he couldn't get that he just decided to say fuck it and become his greatest enemy instead.

Even snakes can speak the truth.

He is right. A hero's power level is dictated by the author and, at least when it comes to superheroes, you can't accurately measure their limitations because those limitations have been defined and redefined and muddied and treaded over and forgotten over decades of writing and rewriting.

The Flash is one of the worst examples of this.

Yes you can, retard. The most powerful character is the one with the most or best feats. You also have to work with canon at times, mixing and matching continuities.

Stan was also only talking about "who would win in a hypothetical fight, not "who's the fastest flash".

But there's been years of feats that range from "reasonable" to "utterly retarded." And what a hero is capable of can change not only between continuities or writers but between singular chapters. There are entire orchards of stupid bullshit you can cherry-pick to make any argument you want.

Congratulations, you have described half of the appeal of powerlevel arguments.

I'd say Wally is the fastest, I've seen much more high end feats out of him than the others. I mean even without dragging in extrapolated math that's the result of bad writing when's the last time you've seen Barry do an IMP or outrace instantaneous teleportation?

That's always been my biggest grind with continuities. When you tell me Superman can lift 60 quintillion tons that just breaks immersion. It doesn't make a character "DA STRONGEST" it just reveals that you're a shitty writer. There's a reason unbearable squirrel girl can't be taken seriously. Your own established universe becomes a joke.

Recent comic writers have been guilty of this. I won't buy for a second The Thing can beat Namor underwater in a fair fight. But he did. Shit's canon.

Source on this? I seem to remember Bart being a prodigy since he was from the future. Like his ability to actually retain information he had speed read, something other flashes weren't (supposed to be) able to do.

I don't really have a source, it's just that Bart wasn't Flash for very long, and as such didn't have any feats or as much experience as the others.

I'm pretty sure Barry can speed read also, I remember him doing it in Rebirth.

Flashes can direct speed force energy to make their brains process information faster and retain it.

Muh attoseconds.