Holla Forums: 1 Gamergate: 0

Holla Forums just notched up a legitimate victory against the Marxist cancer with Trump grabbing the nomination. And best of all they did it without donating a single cent to feminist charities, without adopting a fucking circus animal, and most importantly without cucking themselves to death. Holla Forums didn't give a shit about "public relations" while GG back then was punching themselves in the dick at every opportunity to please their enemies.

Today you have Holla Forumslacks openly calling out kikes on twitter, while gamergate is banning people for "gendered insults" from their shitty little subreddit nobody cares about. Literally every single thing Holla Forums told gamergate to do has proven to be the correct choice.

Great job Holla Forums
Fuck you /gg/

Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprising given the average age of GG vs. the average age of 8/pol/.

We all had to cut our teeth somewhere. At least GG was lucky enough to learn these lessons under the wing of uncle/pol/.

Gamegate should always be shamed. They need to know they fucked up and are just playing and losing somebody elses game.

How to Fight a War: The GamerGate Way

Did anyone honestly expect anything from a bunch of videogame-addicted neets and parasites?

Trump and Hogan showed the Gamergoys how you beat the SJW's, but sadly they didn't pay attention because they were more worried about muh pr and protecting people like bahar mustafa

Did you expect any more from Reddi- I mean neo Holla Forums?

You know user, there are treatments for autism

Yes, you put down the control, stop playing video game, grow the fuck up, and get an actual life.

This. There was sigjificant leftist overlap in gg. By default these people are ineffectual. And after all it was some a bitchfit about video games. Sure corruption must be opposed but of all the corruption in this country they stood up for fucking video games.

Meanwhile Trump tosses boycotts around like popcorn.

It hurts me every time I remember that the whole damn reason I came to Holla Forums cucked itself out to kikes. Isn't just the funniest little pure coincidence that "gamergaters" started inviting reddit to join in shortly after gamergaters discovered a link between what they were reeing against and the government? There is definitely no way that shills had anything to do with that whacky happenstance, goyim.

Jesus. OP's pic related is actually a real thread on KiA.


Does GG still have a board here? Or is that shit only on reddit now?

This is what happens when you let in 'tone police.' Hang GG from the highest branch as a daily fucking reminder.

It's dead, who cares anymore? Don't be like IA and learn to let go.

What did you expect? Please tell me you aren't one of those anons that kept linking to the Donald trump subreddit.

I think the GG boards kept splitting over and over again until the main board was just all the people from Holla Forums, so they simply packed up and went home.

muh safe-space.

yeah sure, YOU are the reason Trump won.
Get the fuck out of here

Never, ever apologize. That's the secret.


Non-gamer here. GG is important, which is why it was targetted by various groups. Games will be used for education, and should fall somewhere between advertising scandal and education scandal.

It's important that GG, if it is still a thing, focuses on production of OC games. The more people that know how to do it and the easier the process becomes, the less of a chokehold the jew can have over it.

Yes faggot, our VOTES made it happen

Being a Missourifag myself, yes definitely. That race was close as fuck. I got my entire family and my friends out to the polls as several other people here did.

Gamergate was an explicitly Marxist movement.


I just gave 10 shekels to Feminist Frequency, will you match me?

Why was "not your shield" and donating to female game developers the very first things the movement did.

Gamergate was "leftists are the real racists" the movement and that's why it was a massive failure.

This is what happens when leftists try to police leftists. It just turns into a giant gay orgy.

Not your shield was good because it took away the SJWs power. The problem was that they went further in that direction rather than going full Holla Forums once the narritive was under their control.

Also, that pic was done on leddit.

Trump tweeted pic related to us as thanks for blowing that useless commie cooz the fuck out when that uppity cunt decided wrongly to step out of the kitchen and away from my dick to mouth off. Had it been gamergate you would have thrown Trump under the bus just to white knight the cocksucking whore.

Hey. At least you have your heavily censored feminist video games to cry yourself to sleep to every night, right?

Shit, I thought you were butthurt but I was wrong

You're butthurt AS FUCK

I want to see those 4 or 5 people who are maxed out on the left and are in the bottom corner.

I want to meet them in real life. Just to see.

Your hateboner for gaming is showing. You can have an actual life and still enjoy vidya user. There is plenty of non pozz shit. Im unwinding with some dark souls 3 at night at present. Dont be such a nofun faggot.


35yr old with two kids


He is right, fucking gamers must be deported into the >>>/oven/

GamerGate was an ineffectual tranny fap session.

And the saddest thing of all was it was still 100% more effective at fighting the left than cuckservatives.

namefags need ovening son, get it right.

Nah I will remove it after Benji commits suicide ;)

Trump had nothing to do with it, it was all shitposting from tfwnogf NEETs that won this.

There's also playing and showing off non-pozzed indie games like that Streets of Rage remake. I'm not talking about Hipster/SJW junk.

Hating on Gamers=/=Hating on Vidya

Video games in proper doses is dandy. Making an identity out of them is trash. I don't konw if you've noticed, but the gamer community draws in SJWs or other branches of progressive. Take a visit to GameFAQs or even reddit.

We GamerGate are the heroes of the civilized world and we would have already won if you assholes hadn't stabbed us in the back just because we want to wait before exterminating all the jews.

You're just mad that you suck at redpilling.

Also congrats on your pro-Israel candidate, kek.

The Not Your Shield idea came about to help make fun of the fact that most of the Marxists were a bunch of white people wanting to speak for their pet minorities.

And Holla Forums came up with the donating to The Fine Young Capitalists to help create controversy amongst the Marxists who would have to rationalize how it was a bad thing to donate to some female game developers.

As far as the political compasses, it's next to impossible to end up in the top right on that thing. Have you ever even tried it? The questions are all framed in such a way that most everyone will end up on the libertarian left side.

Anyway it seems stupid to get upset over GG still as it did its good with popularizing boycotting against visiting a lot of the lugenpresse in favor of instead just using archives. Since GG you see that done near constantly and people shitting on anyone that uses a live link to these sites. As well it helped to make better known just how ridiculous liberals have been behaving over the past couple years so that people like Trump would get more support from the anti-PC crowd.

You're missing the point that the silent majority doesn't care about vidya politics.

Fucking cuck denying tactics that we used that worked vs theirs that didn't.


The way GG evolved perfectly mirrors the emotional situation of most Holla Forumsirgins. They get angry really easily but they also forget easily and in the end, vidya is more important than principles.

Pretty much all the tactics that were used really just amounted to either making fun of Marxists or getting people to boycott sections of the press. The only time the prior started to die out was when people decided they needed to signal hard that they were too conservative or liberal to do such a thing, such as when a variety of people would suggest they couldn't be joking about the subject because people they didn't like were also joking about it.

GG makes my skin crawl.


He's cucking so hard it makes me cringe

That's why they were easily co-opted into no boycotts, and why they 'purged' the only non-cucks left out of that degenerate faggots gamergate board.

They've pretty much abandoned all gorillion of their boards and stick to fagging up Holla Forums with a non-stop general in which they do absolutely nothing.


These people are fucking robots

*beep boop* please refrain from using [gendered] [colloquial] [noun] in a [derogatory] manner *beep boop*

We have Brit/pol/, we know how that feels

gamergate died a while ago.
it was the beginning of the backlash against the left and it obviously fulfilled its intended purpose.
gamergate wasn't a single entity. i have no idea how you don't know better.

Is he self aware or something?

It wasn't, until they kicked out the other identities and all boards were shut down to those who weren't pozzed on getting something done like boycotts and fucking the industry up.

no shit?

the only way you could get people on board with fucking the industry up is if there was justification to do so. in other words, spreading damning information about XYZ. that would have naturally resulted in a "boycott".
declaring war on the entire industry would have failed miserably. that wasn't what it was about.

it was a culture war. the industry was just infrastructure. winning the war was about wololo. wololo is currently helping the entirety of the west uncuck itself.

I thought GamerGate did a great job, just not in the way it wanted to or achieving what it meant to.

It thrust the feminism and SJW 'gamers are sexist' bullshit into the limelight of the public, where it was laughed off as nonsense because the majority of the public had dealt with the real world and doesn't tolerate that kind of college-based bullshit. I mean, the moment you appear on Law and Order with Ice T stiffly trying to speak gamer lingo, then you're fucked. I mean, just look at the wonders it did for furries and midgets.

bump for more salt

Hi autistic revoltfag, you weren't here in the beginning but if you had been, spreading larpy D&C like this at the time, you would have been laughed out. No doubt your little IRC chums will astroturf this thread to death but that's OK, btfoing cancerous faggots like you is half the fun here.


Do one to reddit, gg has no place here.

Internet Aristocrat was completely right. He warned them, but they didn't listen. Why didn’t they listen?

“Internet Aristocrat on Gamergate and why he left”


Who do you think was responsible for the exodus you newfag retard.

Says the revoltard bumping and slidethreading obvious D&C

Did you mean "go back to reddit" dipshit? Like OP who literally just fucking came from there?

You morons need to plan these threads better in your little skype group. Nobody cares about you, your shit board or your failed ecelebs. They never did. Please fuck off and kill yourselves.


I miss Jim

Sucks to be you guys, that's for sure.

What a massive letdown GG was. It was like a baby that lives for a day, only to die alone and unnoticed in its crib the next night.

It was so surreal to watch it turn overnight from a bunch of people fed up with SJWs, into a totally cucked SJW-lite group of morons.

It really does show we were right all along. We spam memes of Trump throwing Jews in the gas chamber and it doesn't hurt the PR a bit.

That was the infiltration. Unless you vigilantly guard against it and maintain ideological purity, you will be subverted.

Alison Rapp was the best example of what a failure GamerGate is.

On Holla Forums you had cucks sagebombing and porn dumping thread after thread about the cunt, people shouting she was our "ally", that we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level, MUH PR, MUH ETHICS.

GG tried to pretend this was Holla Forums later on, but we all know they do shit like this all the time, especially when you mention KiA and their twitter gestapo and they pretend they are unrelated to each other.

Turns out using leftists tactics against them is incredibly effective, especially since most of them are disgusting freaks that no company will keep employed if someone shines a limelight on them.


GG was a huge eye opener to the shitty nature of the liberal media, and a good trial run to learn what does and does not work.

Their loss becomes our gain.

Too bad they stuck around like a smelly, festering cancer, shitting up everything they come in contact with.

Why would Trump winning be a blow against Gamergate? Trump IS Gamergate.

Gamergate getting cucked is a victory for Holla Forums.

Gawker suffering seven figure losses was a victory for Holla Forums.

to be fair, that test is slanted more than a squinting jap

I see subtlety is an alien concept to some people.


How much IDs on full/pol/? 3000+

get the fuck out of here. I find it sad that you dumb faggots fall for this d&c shit with GG

His new account is Mister Metokur and it's still just as great

I hope these faggots are only pretending to be retarded.

How does GG politically differ from leftists?

From what I can tell their main beef with their fellow leftists is that they are besmirching the holy name of GamerGate, otherwise they see eye to eye on virtually everything else.

Wasn't funding that feminist game charity a Holla Forums OP? IIRC, it even said PR in the original post.

Fuck you Holla Forums you never did anything to help us. You help ggrevolt take down gghq.

If gg failed it cause of you.


I didn't know millions of people visited this website.


shit wrong pic

Didn't he ragequit again recently?

Average GG board owner.

The Trumpening was always going to be the logical next step after GamerGate. Instead of focusing on MUH GAME JOURNO ETHICS, we moved onto the greater things, such as dismantling the corrupt media and political class





Reddit isn't that bad so long as you stick to the good subs and don't allow yourself to become a karmawhore.


Since the very first their donation to fine young capitalists feminist group i decided - they are cancer.

And since the times before exodus they still remain cancer.


Skinwalker, please stop posting.

Go back to Holla Forums, child.

They're all in the Holla Forums thread sucking each other off and making everyone else miserable with their autism.

Might as well wear diapers, nintentoddler.

So much Holla Forums shills in the thread, wonder if we have been linked in the gamergate thread.

We where.

>>>Holla Forums9232844

Anyone sitting on Holla Forums has no self respect. Just like anyone sitting on Holla Forums. Because the most popular board = most cancerous board.

Unlike you, that play mature games for a mature audience like pic related.

And Nintendo hasn't made a game worth playing in years.

Jesus Christ, they're like Jews with their persecution complex.

You do realize it's a tie between Holla Forums and Holla Forums, right?

You first skinwalker.

Says a /ggretard/.

Imagine if those were all your Aryan children. You could raise them up to be a mafia for the race

Fuck video games. Fuck team sports if you're not playing yourself and getting stronger

Holla Forums knows its cancer. It is cancerous indeed. Shills, reddit faggots, normalfags, people like you and jewish propagandists. Including crypto communists.

You don't realize you are cancerous, but why you even should? Gaming board must not rule over entire imageboard. It is childish. Holla Forums is the only board on the entire internet where Holla Forums is the most popular board.

I don't play video games my friend, we got to protect our white nation from muslim invaders and jewish exploiters. No time for games, that you buy on your moms money, and then continue shilling your dlcs to everybody. Time to forget games and grow up, don't you agree?

Your trying to hard, skinwalker.

Illegal invader from Holla Forums, its time to go back.


No no no, we have to work with you, you have to go back.

7 posts, all saged
you don't seems to understand its purpose

you are cordially invited to leave
you spastic cunt

They left for Endchan, you can't even spam their board, it's closed.

But what's the FBI queers excuse? He had an anniversary party a few weeks ago didn't he? Nobody stuck around?

Way too transparent, but Holla Forums has been falling for this for a while now & lost a potent weapon in the process. It doesn't really surprise me anymore. Kikes don't want Holla Forums to have the reigns of a bunch of normalfags who a great many of could be (& have been) turned against liberals since they're tirelessly attacked by the liberal press. Still sad to watch Holla Forums dance on these 10 dollar puppet strings & lose a fuckload of influence in the process.

Go back to Holla Forums you insufferable cunt. Holla Forums can never take a neutral approach to reddit, even the likes of the Donald sub must always be constantly kept in check.

Are you the leader of Holla Forums?

well done

I'm asking him if he's the leader of Pol.
Please stay out of our conversation, K?
Thx, bye!

k thx kill yourself

Fucking gamergate. Barges into Holla Forums and starts making demands.

Fucking ggrevolt. Barges into Holla Forums and starts making D&C threads.

I'm sure most of Holla Forums really doesn't care about GG or the whole ordeal it's linked to. Maybe in the past, but I think people here have other interest probably centered around more political issues.

You know what the other victory was? You got people like me weened off video games and into white nationalism, thank you Holla Forums.


Holla Forums was direct linked here in the gamergate thread.

Sounds about right.

Come on now, GG were like the retarded brother we never wanted.
We tried to help him put his pants on but he just kept putting them on his head.

Then he started masturbating and throwing shit everywhere so we closed the door and went back to what we were doing.

Keep trying, skinwalker.

I wonder what it's like to think everyone who disagrees with you is a shill. It must be similar to SJWs who think everyone who disagrees with them is rayciss/sexist/ableist and so on. Then again it's not like you guys are any different from SJWs in anything but extremism so it's not far fetched that you'd think alike.


The real reason GG doesn't like boycotts is because pic related is what eventually happens.

That doesn't even make sense as a reply to me. You should know I have a third reich battle flag on the wall behind me before you try and compare me to your own ilk.

Keep trying.

you cant reason with GG faggots, they follow no logic, misuse memes and fail at introspection.

There is your example;

Gamergate was exactly like the beach body ready controversy in that in both cases the people boycotting and writing letters to advertisers (Holla Forums or fat acceptance advocates), were exactly the kind of people who weren't the consumer group for the product being targeted ("gaming journalism" or supplements).

No wonder the list of people who made money from gamergate is so long while the list of people who lost it is so small, or why Brianna Wu was so desperate to become a target.

As if writing that hides your faggotry.

Vidya is a drug that falls between gluten-free beer and dude weed lmao.

Games are made to be addicting time-wasters, learning materials are visual seminars or reading texts.

GG was important. Now it's become the tonepolice monster it once fought. You can't fight for the right thing if you developed cognitive dissonance which flips your sense of right and wrong.

Not your kike was a horrible failure and should never be replicated.

Are you blaming Holla Forums for stabbing who? Reddit?

It's stupid to get upset over a movement that lost? It doesn't matter how much "good" you did, you lost. There are no participation trophies.

Boycotting an entire industry is impossible because you addicts have no self-control whatsoever.

Voice of reason

At this point we should ask ourselves what exactly we've learned from GG.

My take:
Holla Forums is full of autists who can easily be manipulated by either side. If you can make them angry at something their 'tism and lack of anything better to do will cause your target a lot of trouble for a while but don't expect Holla Forumsirgins to stick to their principles. They are, at best, cannonfodder and need decent leadership.

Except you were called out not on complaining (rhetoric), but the values you hold, which are similar to SJWs. But I'm sure that's a pure coincidence.

Kill yourself.

Seven figures.

Seven figures seems like a win to me.

Take a photo with timestamp then fgt

Stop bumping this thread.

yeah stop bumping, just keep posting saged so everyone else replying to you bumps it instead like this faggot

I tried dammit, but the cucks, there were just too many of them :((((


anyone who opposes gamergate is an intl shill

Please report all these retards shitting on the most successful conservative movement in the last century. Just because we disavowed racists/sexists doesn't mean we aren't redpilled.

I'm tired of Holla Forums goons shitting on our great movement.

Bump :)

You mean like the El Rato campaign for those REAL CONSERVATIVES. Ya I would say gamergate was about as successful.

Why should I? I'm not Jeb.

Can we just make a Trump General thread? The catalog is fucking garbage-tier with all the Trump spam and legitimately interesting threads are being slid off.



Yep and also caused the growing electoral success of the Front National, Swedish Democrats and Freedom Party of Austria.

Thanks Gamergate.

stay delusional GG
you do it so well

Guess Holla Forums still has a rat in the house


Good, the walking cum dumpster can take her aids infected fuck hole and jump off the nearest building.
She thought she could roll into Holla Forums waiving her pussy pass in the air and get special treatment.

GG failed so hard in this respect alone

gg accomplished a few good things like making gawker bleed but all that is overshadowed by their massive fuck ups. everyone of those faggots who rallied to support bahar mustafa so they could take the moral high ground on twitter should commit sudoku. queers should have never gotten reddit involved.

He stopped making videos (again). But still tweets.

You treat them as you would any other prison fight. You start nothing and end everything.

Ignorant kike fuckwits like you are why Ursula Haverbeck is in prison right now. Take your "free speech for some" bullshit over to leftypol where it belongs, faggot.

There is a difference between 'free speech for some' and sucking up the arse of the enemy.

moral and pr faggotry killed your movement

i'm not the one who supported a legal double standard m8. stay salty.

pick one

When would a Bahar Mustafa-type SJW turbofag ever stand up for you? She made her bed and she can fucking lie in it. Just because we're pro-free speech doesn't mean that we're all obliged to have to whiteknight every stupid cunt that opens her mouth and gets in trouble.

It's not her account you moron.

*crossposts from Reddit*
*unironically posts the words "sigh" and "lol"*

what the fuck ?

are you the one spamming all the articles about Trump's ties to Goldman Sachs and Israel.

No, and I'm curious why you would think that.

you're using the same argumentative tactics against Gamergate that they are using against Trump.


Gamergate died.
It spiraled down immensely when e-celebs and PR fags kicked in.
Uncle Holla Forums was censored and left which basically killed GG.

The only good thing that came out of GG was the spread of SJW awareness to the masses and new Holla Forumsack recruits.
I would argue that it also lead to this new "Holla Forums-youth culture" which is slowly taking over normie places.

He said, while browsing the Bulgarian Rug-weaving anonymous forum.
I bet you don't even remember these memes (two pics related) from the first exodus, Newfag.


1) Elevatorgate (atheists fighting feminists) made Gamergate possible, with the help of some MRAs.

2) Gamergate (anti-feminists on all sides) made Trump possible.

3) Trump gets the benefits of the fighting against feminists that has been going on for years.