Nazi Occultism Thread

I've read an interesting book called Magic and Occultism in the Third Reich. In this book, I've read about the Kartothekia, which sounded really mysterious and exciting, but there's almost nothing about on it on the internet. Also the Ahnenerbe itself and the occult practices of the SS ("The Nazi Knights") fascinated me.

Can someone recommend books related to this stuff? Are there any?

Also what's your opinion on the dark practices of the Nazis?

Other urls found in this thread:örg_Lanz_von_Liebenfels

bump for interest

10 Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making them to pass through the fire: or that consulteth soothsayers, or observeth dreams and omens, neither let there be any wizard,
11 Nor charmer, nor any one that consulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeketh the truth from the dead.
12 For the Lord abhorreth all these things, and for these abominations he will destroy them at thy coming.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12

A lot of it was made up by jews and shabbos goyim to defame the Nazis.

the castle of wewelsburg was the occult command post of the nazi party

What says is true to some extent.
The occultism in National Socialist Germany was mainly "bear cult" rituals.
Not like wiccanism and all that crap, more a way to connect with their Germanic roots.

You people are so fucking annoying.
Keep your cuck religion to yourself.



Wasn't it also planned to become a new city that lie in the "center of the world" with the castle in the middle of the city?
The wonders of the world that will never see the light of day sadden me…

Look you can quote random Christians all you want, I am not Christian and still consider Jews untermenschen.
I can also take several verses from the actual Holy book that put Christianity in a terrible light.
But I don't want to ruin OP's thread even though it belongs on fringe, so I won't.
All I ask is that you stop shitposting about Christianity in unrelated threads user.

John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof

I think you're mixing up Welthauptstad Germania with Wewelsburg. Wewelsburg is 'only' the centre for the SS and the reawakened paganism it was in the process creating.

Ah yes, I must be because that is exactly the map I had in mind when making the post.
Thanks for posting it user!

You're welcome, kamerad

sage and hide this Jewish thread


If Hitler had magic how did he lose the war huh

Although I agree with the specific verses you wrote, Deuteronomy only applies to jews…

If the Jews had Yahweh why couldn't they defeat chariots fitted with iron?

Honestly the Joseph Campbell stuff will give you the tools to understand it yourself.

Ways to either contact the devil if your not worthy, or reach enlightenment if you are worthy.

Christianity is a slave religion based on feeling guilty. Kill yourself, cuck.

you could say that about basically everything.

The answers aren't in fairy tales you conformist retard. Campbell espoused nothing more than the typical humanist bullshit that everyone already believes. The reason you like him is because he tells you what you want to hear. But by all means, keep believing the propaganda.



Christians stop shilling us meme wizards. You don't belong here.

Most of the core NSDAP members, including hitler, were members of the vril society.

Given that Germany was outnumbered 97-1, They did remarkably well.

I always wondered why the Sith would rule the Empire considering the Empire represents Order while the Sith are more about their feelings.

cuz they felt like it

Look at the ying yang symbol. That is why
Jedi fucked themselves good by trying to make it all good all the time. Life thrives in the grey of it, else you get black cancers from within.
That's why in the extended universe, before the disney pussification, Luke rejects both the old jedi and the sith, founding a much more 'grey' jedi order. Anakin fell because he was a being of life, of passion, strapped into a life of serving logic and order. Eventually he snapped and poured his whole into forcing that order. Luke saw the goodness that it came from, and how it was turned to dark.
-In my opinion

You have objective reality
You have subjective reality
Subjective reality will always be a story we agree to
His works, along with Jungs, deal with the roots of our collecticd subjectivity

It is worth a read at least as it certainly helps in crafting propoganda, spinning news, and 'developing a narrative'. In the end, what he and his wrote about is why we get up in the morning to do the real stuff.
He likes sugar, and it happens that you like sugar too. The whole human race likes sugar, and could not function without it. See what I mean?

You're right.

Miguel Serrano


As others have already said, take anything you read about the occult and the NSDAP with massive amounts of salt. While there are some truths in it, most of what you'll read about it are either half truths expanded upon to absurdity or just straight up fucking lies.

No they weren't spending massive amount of resources and money trying to find the fucking Spear of Destiny.
No they weren't trying to summon fucking demons/monsters to use as super weapons.
No they weren't trying to literally conjure fucking magic.

Jesus christ people, get it together.

I want to know what esoteric order Miguel Serrano belonged to.

Anyone have any info on this? They were based out of Chile, I guess.

They needed to lose for the greater victory. The time was not yet ripe for total victory, but that time will come in the near future when the führer will return.

Joseph Campbell was not really educated on it.

If you want to learnt the real deal, go straight to the source. The Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita.

My question is, how much of it is real, and how much of it was made up to smear the NSDAP and Hitler after the war?



In general, the Old Testament is a good blueprint for nation-building. What most evangelicucks today don't understand is that the New Testament was primarily intended for the new Church, so the tactics are fundamentally different. Now, with Christendom slipping from our grasp, we must turn back to the Old Testament to see what it has to offer. And yeah, keeping kosher is only necessary for Jews, but most of the law system is excellent.

Polite sage for off-topic Also, first reply is probably an Holla Forums D&C shill.

I'unno, user. The SA weren't exactly the pinnacles of Aryan evolution, either. Skinheads and their ilk will have their place when and if the revolution comes.

Yes they were.

Fuck off kike.

And they will be dealt with accordingly afterwards but the problem most posters don't get is that you need muscle in the initial stages. You need footsoldiers to get stuff done. You can't just have perfect Aryans intellectuals to do work. Hitler had plenty of degenerates working for him. He only asked for their loyalty in return. When the time came, he dealt with them once they inevitably tried to betray him.

Thanks for the info, kike!

It's better than the new testament, at least the old testament is well written.

Most of the people who tried to betray him were the "intellectuals." National Socialism and fascism in general are anti-intellectual.

Thanks for the info, kike!

This again? Fuck off with your (((magic)))

schlomo get out

I don't know why you atheist types pretend to have read any of the Bible, it's painfully obvious you haven't

Nice joke.

considering your other posts

it's quite clear you are a shill. responding with short, sarcastic responses is exactly what the kikes do on twitter and other social media. please gas yourself

It's actually that "intellectualism" is inherently disloyal. Especially when that "intellectualism" revolves around theories specializing in deconstruction and utopian perfectionism.

Yeah and I'm sure that's why almost the entirety of government officials and high command left alive after the war was over all had IQs over at least 110. Hell Karl Dönitz the one Hitler named as his successor in his will had an IQ of 138, literally genius level.

Or when you say intellectual do you actually mean (((intellectual)))?

The Reich was interested in quantum theory but didn't have a name for it yet. They were on the path to memetic magic but fell short. The hebes took over with their crybaby wall and we took it back.

What more do you need to know?


Moses was dead and they started to puppet him. It's in Exodus, they kike literally used his corpse then said it "disappeared" hahahahahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahah

Of course Moses was an Egyptian fairytale made to relate Kikes as the rulers of a land that NEVER belonged to them. Jesus lies. You lie. You all need to die, kike worshipers!

Joseph and someone else held up hi corpse like a puppet. Like "Weekend at Bernie's" and the Jews who you worship put it into the book as a way to influence the intellectual class, saying "look we can cheat sometimes to get what we need"

It's bad enough you christniggers betrayed your forebears and destroyed 2000 years of classical knowledge, it's bad enough you let the kikes you worship into Europe, it's bad enough you shill to let shitskins in today.

But stay the fuck off Holla Forums if casual discussion of things beyond the ability of your simple brain to comprehend triggers you.

So now the Phantoms ring is Nazi Occult paraphernalia?

Seriously nigga?

The fuck are you smoking?

Wotan sometimes makes the best lose the battle so he can add them to his Heer in the Hall of the Fallen in preparation for Ragnarok.

God himself can't defeat the American military when we're fully invested in a war.


All the jew magic in the world didn't help el rato.

Found one.

You find nothing, because there is nothing.

The nazis funded thousands of research project into german history, because suprise! german nationalist have a fetish for all things german.

Same goes for science projects the nazis did, they weren't the only in WW2 who looked at from today perspective absurd ideas to get themselves a edge in the war.

But every few years some crackpot comes out, who can't even read german, cherry picks a few of these research projects and creates from his own misunderstandings and exaggeration this great occult nazi conspiracy, which never existed.

This. It's made up by idiots, conmen and "new agers" to sell books. In fact, it began before the war - with Hermann Rauschning, the Nazi former governor of Danzig who defected to America and wrote "The Voice of Destruction", a book full of "Nazi secrets" that Hitler had allegedly entrusted him with. Of course, it was complete bullshit, but since it was material that made Germany look bad the Allied propagandists picked it up and ran with it, becoming the basis for the popular western image of Hitler that we know today. Parts of Rauschning's work were eventually incorporated into the US army instructional film "Why We Fight", which you probably saw in high school. In his book Rauschning talks about how Hitler wanted to destroy Christianity and revive some kind of meme paganism/devil worship. It was full of quotes like this:

Of course all the other occult weirdos who wanted validation for their beliefs, as well as people who wanted to trash Hitler, latched on to this and ran with it.

Chaim is trying to turn you into tinfoil wearing loonies who're easily dismissed as crazy


I'm serious, look it up. The guy straight up ripped the idea of demon posession from a 19th century French novel.

And you're saying a Nazi defector is a trustworthy or noteworthy source of Nazi occultism why?


Stick around then, you might learn something.

This, don't allow them to make us look crazy.



I've always wondered about the fate of a paid poster. Surely their bosses are aware of where they post. The kind of subversive content in this thread alone would have to be erased completely from memory. Since they've been exposed to it, those same paid posters would be equal problems as to the regular posters themselves. A tragedy on all parts.

I think he means that NS was more of the energy of passion, spirit, respect for empirical reality, and physical grounding in one's body, rather than what most intellectual exercises are, mental abstractions/gymnastics, aka mostly jew-thought.

Jesus Christ can it get any smaller?

Fascists in general have those qualities.
Primarily because they're a group who desire tangible results. What with their roots in the military men of WW1 who spent the most dangerous times of their lives stuck in trenches achieving no noticeable results at the behest of wealthy upper class twats.
And even after the war was over, nobody really knew what had actually been achieved.

That time is coming…SOON, within the next year or so. Look at the new Call of Duty game how they're normalizing nazi ayyryans as the bad guys. Not an accident.

Of courshe

lol'd had to write it like did you?


Bullshit. Every Jew I know wants to make it Christian/Catholic so they can "prove" that all Christians/Catholics are "secret" Nazis


The source is good, but Campbell ties it all together and shows you how the same ideas cut across cultures that had no connection.

The only connection was from within. If you know the one story, then the symbols and rituals of any other society or culture make perfect sense.

The skull, represents death, but not death of the physical self, but death of the ego. The swastika, represents the order of reality, or the natural order of things. The swastika in OP's pic has the old roman P sign on it, representing the elite guard.

So OP's Skull ring literally means, "Death of the ego, elite mastery over reality."

Skull and bones 322 means. "mastery of the Ego through the mid point (the cross on the bones), 322 is referring the Genesis 3:22:"

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever

So its an ego driven symbol.

the Catholics were the main ones opposing hitler, and also opposing communism.

idk if they were the "main" ones, but, at any rate, you're preaching to the choir. Didn't the Jesuits save more Jews than any other organized group?

It's more likely that Nazism got "influenced" by a certain society that existed long before it.

You mean cucktolics, right?


It's based on the Hussar's skull you dipshit

pretty sure the Jesuits were started by Marrano Jews anyway

its called "the deaths head"

meaning death of the ego

having the ability to run into battle with no fear of death.

interesting. any citations on this? I had actually suspected this myself

Since every post in this entire thread is complete bullshit with idiots spouting things they have no idea about, I'll give the OP an actual serious reply.

In order to understand the occult aspects of the Third Reich you need to read the ariosophist literature in the decades leading up to WW2 which influenced both Hitler and Himmler.

You need to read the works of Guido von List, his basic teachings of Wotanism, and familiarize yourself with the Armanenschaft. The Armanen runes are what Wiligut based his rune row on. One of his most important works is "The Secret of the Runes".

You need to read the works of Karl Maria Wiligut, he was Himmler's personal occultist and runologist. It was Wiligut that contributed the most in making Wewelsburg the allegorical center of the world. He also invented the rune row used by the Nazis, loosely based on the Armanen runes of Guido von List.

You need to read the books and essays of Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, including his German nationalist magazine Ostara.örg_Lanz_von_Liebenfels

The following books you can find on Amazon, and they have translations of the works of the people listed above:

The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism by Moynihan, Michael

The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology by Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas

The Complete Armanen and The Untold Story by The 55 Club

The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List (Author), Stephen E. Flowers

Next, you need to read the ancient Oera Linda book, it's a book written in ancient Frisian that covers events in Europe from 1500 BC to 6 BC. It gives you a glimpse of European society and beliefs before it was corrupted by shitskins and christcucks. Himmler was so infatuated with this book that it was known as Himmler's bible.

Finally, throw in some Miguel Serrano, and then you'll have a good understanding of Nazi occultism, what Himmler was seeking to accomplish at Wewelsburg, and the type of society Hitler and Himmler wanted after the war.

but you covered most of it


It's just like how jews inject their sick sexual deviant fantasies into their fake holocaust stories.

They take the fact they practiced ritual murder throughout hundreds of years of western civilization and actually had occult rites and shit around the kabbala and pin it all on the nazis.

Yes, the founder was Saint Ignatius, a jewish convert.

I wonder where is this imagery from.


It's called "Totenschädel", and literally just means Skull in German


Very interesting, thanks

Whoops, didn't mean to sage that time. I'll add a pic of Maria for because she's one of the most beautiful sights to behold. And thanks for the post, user. I'm going to check out the Oera Linda book. I'd love to read more how Europe was pre-Christianity.

I fucking knew it. I've gotten amazingly good at spotting kikery. Its almost creepy

Fucking jewcrosoft.

finally something to live for again

The Jew worshippers can't seem to leave one fucking thread alone. It's funny, if I practiced racial cuckoldry, I wouldn't be so quick to announce it to the wold, but they sure love to.

Fuck man….post a larger photo

It becomes second nature after a while


there is nothing edgy about being anti-religion.

Yeah, it's mainstream now. Every retard can be anti-religious.

In fact, being religious is now act of rebellion, even in bad goy circles.

The Germanic tribes, Roman Legion, Spartans, the entire Third Reich military…

Odin's pretty much un-fucking-stoppable.

It's a rebellion against logic and reason.

Jews hating something doesn't automatically make it good.

Also important to note that this ties together a lot of the existing mythologies as having a common Aryan origin.

Aztlan is Shambhala is Asgard is Hyperborea

Quetzalcoatl is Lucifer/Venus


So you're being rebellious by worshipping a kike? OK, buddy.

Not a shill. It is plainly clear that there is no theology in the new testament. All biblical theology is extrenal to the bible and was added from outside by various people, mostly just stealing the ideas of Greek philosophy and repackaging it as Christianity. That is because the Bible itself is very intellectually shallow and often incoherent, so they need outside systems to piece everything together and try to make sense of it. And they even fail to do that, considering how there are thousands of different interpretations of it. That only happens when a document is nonsensical in itself.

Logic and reason debunk atheism, which is another dogma for the goyim.

Christianity is a kike creation but the esoteric truth in Christianity is very anti-Jewish. The cross, swastika and black sun all represent the same thing, the freeing of our Gods to destroy Yahweh's universe ( our current universe ) and bring about the eternal return. Jesus likely did not exist but the Kristos myth is anti-kike in every way. Note how the cross is a box opened, while the heebs and muslims worship the black box ?

Also relevant…Greek mythology is another bastardization of the Truth like mainstream Christianity/the Bible. Pandora's box…remember that? Represents the same box that kikes and mudslimes worship. Zeus is Yahweh and the real Gods are the Titans.

Intriguing. Got a book for me?

Jupiter and Marduk are other names for Zeus as well, aka Yahweh

Uh, no. I'm open-minded and shit, but there's no reason the universe can't exist without a God.

Now that's getting interesting. Can you recommend some books?


Except for the fact that it is impossible.

I'm surpised Speer's IQ is that low and Hess's IQ is that high.

How could Speer have a lower IQ that Goering?

Why is it impossible?

hitler was very much against the occult. he only tolerated it by his SS, but had plans to outlaw the practices.

My girlfriend's IQ is 150, has a PhD, et al., but to me, her understanding of the world is that of a retarded child.

And you can just have a god given natural aptitude and then just not fully use it. Maybe Speer just pushed himself to his limits more.

I don't think so. This quote isn't against occult practices, but it's pretty clear he wanted NS to replace Christianity in the long run.

Nothing about the Bible is original. The kikes steal everything and twist it to fit their narrative.

The genesis story is an unoriginal bastardization
The forbidden fruit in many ways parallel's pandora's box, the Jews twist something that is beneficial ( gaining knowledge/ freeing our Gods ) as evil and to be avoided.
Even the concept of "chosen people" is stolen from the Aryans who are the real children of the Gods


Christianity was a creation of Jews ( paul of Tarsus anybody? ) to destroy paganism in Europe and elsewhere which were not really religions, but a spiritual path. At times certain Christians were not Jew-controlled and fighting against kike influence but the general direction has been that way.

Not true

The Old Testament is iconic, the new testament is poorly written fanfiction .

this is the problem with Holla Forums. 17 yr old edgelords who sit and talk about hitler all day without having educated themselves in the slightest.


There's also a difference between what you say in public to a Christian nation and then what your private beliefs and plans are. Please see video related - very good one.

Pretty sure Jews came up with the master race mentality.

Which is hilariously ironic.

Because there must be an absolute, which is God.

Most of those quotes are from Mein Kampf which was intended for mass consumption. Regardless, you missed the part where I said esoteric Christianity is correct. i.e. The cross, whom the Jesus figure represents ( Baldr ) and his Father ( Lord/Odin ).

Sort of, in the sense that they deserve dominion over others controlling them like cattle ( a sick twisted definition of what it means to be chosen ).

The 3rd Reich concept of master race is a bit misunderstood. National Socialism goes beyond worldly concerns, which is why it has little in common with fascism. It is a cosmic ideology fighting the suffering of the Demiurge's universe.

The ability to reflect divine ideals, the antithesis of what this world has become, is intimately tied to race and health. That is why racemixing and holding down the best racial stock in the name of "equality" ( as if all life has the same value ) is such a sin. It plunges us further into decay…makes the struggle more difficult and the suffering greater. The Aryans are our exit from the pain of this world that Yahweh feeds off.

It is not simply one ethnic group trying to become the most powerful and subjugate the rest, that's the Jews projecting.

Once again, why?

Hahaha, Skal

Are we thinking of the same story here? Yeah hope was ok but all that other shit was just plain meant to fuck humanity's shit up.

Greek mythology and the bible bastardize those concepts. It's sold as negative but in reality is represents the same imprisonment of the Gods as the black box in Mecca or like I posted above that kikes wear. In other words, the story is just made up BS.

I already posted higher resolution sections of the picture in question in this very thread.

Right, that's why he wrote a poem about doing runemagic

Mein Kampf isn't actually an autobiography

You should look at God as a result rather than the cause.

Also this

It symbolizes the same thing as those boxes despite the fact that it being a box at all is a modern corruption. But I'll bite how do you know about the original version?

kike fiction

Unless you are going to provide some evidence, I'll take Irving's judgment on the authenticity of the Table Talks over yours.

Hey guys, I was reading through that sticky with a bunch of good reading 8ch threads and came across this, very relevant to the nazi occultism I believe. I love studying about their occultism as well as the forgotten civilizations. Check this out y'all

Funny how kike shills attacked it even then

Yeah man, just hide the shills and ignore them and continue onward, don't let em slow us down.

Meme magic is real and hitler tried to utilize it. Kek watches over us. Praise kek

So. Fucking. Deep.

You will never hear of the Ahnenerbe in history books, because of all sins cast by the Third Reich, the biggest was to question established history. History is the guide that leads civilization, and they sought to reclaim truth that had been buried.

Give me stuff to read

I've been reading about this Oera Linda book all day and I can't seem to find any evidence that it's without a doubt legit or without a doubt a hoax.

It seems to be just like the protocols in that way.

that picasso one is so fucking fake

Because there must be a foundation for reality. Even if God is simply "being" itself. There must be something that is absolute and it cannot be otherwise.

The debate is still open, there's evidence both for and against it being legit, though I think the evidence leans in favor of it being legit.

Regardless of rather it's legit or not, it's been denounced by leftist researchers for not being politically correct, i.e. it promotes western values. The left and christcucks hate it and Himmler loved it so that tells me it's a worthwhile read whether it's legit or not.

says who? why would that have to be God?

Considering that the most successful secret societies don't leave a paper trail, it's ambiguous for a reason. Also consider how information like this would have been passed on, symbolically and metaphorically to avoid being burned at the stake for being a heretic. Tbh figuring out what's legit is half the fun.

Yeah, it seems like it was forgotten as soon as the early 1900's and only the Germans seemed to remember or care about it, and like a lot of other things after the 3rd Reich fell I guess it fell out of popularity because of evil natzees or whatever.

It its interesting that there was a big campaign during the Christianization of Europe to destroy pagan writings and things with a lot of historical significance. In England I've read that the Christians destroyed hundreds of years worth of stories from the heroic age.

I've always found it hard to believe there's only like two pagan charms recorded in Old German, or only a handful of works about what life was like in general while Rome and Greece have abundant records.

Maybe if Christianity had started and spread from Germany and went to Rome instead our whole understanding of history would be vastly different.

Although I still find it hard to believe all the things the book claims. If it were true it would be the single greatest discovery in ancient history, imo.

Where did the people who made this thread go to? I've never seen a thread like it in a long time. perhaps the dying hack being those GATE threads.

We're still here, user. It's election season now though, so more regular people and less metaphysical threads.

Don't knock on Table Talks without having read them, by the way.

Whoops, I was ID checking and somehow got you mixed up with someone else.


Thousands of years of empirical evidence is enough to pretty much close the debate on the fact that the left side is far more accurate than the right side, regardless of whether or not you accept the theological connotations that go with it.

I've been waiting for one of these, was hoping to see if I could practice that stuff the SS did.

What do you mean by this? It's obvious that the left side is a representation of the current era we're living in, and the right side only a potential at this point since that vision was crushed with the Germans. I'd say this is also why there's so much confusion and turmoil in the world, since we've abandoned the natural order of things and just live in abstractions about how life should be, rather than what life has already given us.

You don't say.

Holy shit