How is it possible for 2 blonde blue eyed parents to have an Asian looking child?

How is it possible for 2 blonde blue eyed parents to have an Asian looking child?

I'm not out to rip on anyone, i'm simply wondering how its possible from a genetic standpoint.
She looks half Thai, or half Filipino from her facial features.

Are there more examples of this happening besides Bjork?

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Honeslty OP, how do you think it's possible?
You fucking idiot

most people dont realize that genetics dont work how you think it does.

For example, if your mom is black and your dad is white, you can get more white or black genetics based on factors as well as luck or unlucky depending on how you see it.

Your father can be 25% asian,and you get more asian genetics then that once you are born.

Look it up yourself

How is it possible for an Icelandic singer-songwriter to look Asian?

I understand that a child might look white or black if its mixed, but in this case both the parents are of 100% english/irish descent.

Irwin was Australian, so it wouldn't be too unbelievable if he has some Asiatic blood going back.

He had some real slanty eyes in his own right.

Because genetics. There is always a chance of randomness which is how evolution progresses.

Australia didn't have that many Asians back then due to the White Australia policy, so i don't see that being likely.

Vacations to mainland Asia were already a thing.

Fuck it! I thought we got rid of all the fucking Slopes!

She might have a touch of the Downs.

can one have a touch of the downs? for instance… an additional 1.3 chromosomes?



Telegony - the mom probably fucked asians before and this is the result.

Recessive genes and/or natural variation.

As of now, this has been only confirmed to be true if you're a fly.

Can't discard the idea until there's further evidence though

obviously her mom got bored and was hugging something else while steve was too busy hugging crocodiles

New Teen C H A N open

Cuckoldphile Hunter


Her 'Asiatic' features come from her father. Can't you see that in the photo? He had typical bogan class features - the eyes and cheeks being the main giveaway.