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Why are women so uninteresting to like this shit?

They have no hobbies and dream of being a princess. Sadly todays princesses are the celeb whores.

Nailed it, it's sad but true.

the highest achievement for a women is to be a complete parasite to society.
to do absolutely nothing of value and receive everything they haven't earn is what all women dream of.

and you blue pill beta faggots enable them

Did she have a major nose job?

If you ever dealed with a woman you know how to deal with a jew.
The only difference here is that the jew has nothing to offer in return.

Who is she? She's freaking GORGEOUS!!

*some women
hell, maybe even most, but not all

I work in a lab, and there are some really fucking driven people in there, men and women

don't hate women, don't hate men, hate shit people regardless of their gender

Because women no longer follow their evolutionary purpose, to have children and gather food. Humanity has gone too far. We must return to nature.

Women are miserable that's all, they can't achieve real happiness in life and that happens mostly to teen girls, they have a perfect vision of life in their heads with money glamour and being spoiled by a man , and that is not what reality is , so what do they decide ? They start living vicariously through others when they see a famous person with no talent whatsoever "that they can relate to because they too have no actual talent" living that kind of life they always dreamed about so they start following the life of that person like it's a tv show ,they want to be those people so bad , that they accept the idea they will never achieve it and start living life through their eyes like the depressed cunts they are, they want to be beautiful , rich and famous without having any kind of talent

I wonder this too. Why they love mind numbing shit like reality TV, BuzzFeed… All of it.

Literally whom?

because women have become whores, or what they like to refer to as "equal to men".

it means they celebrate sluts as long as the slut is prettier than they are.

If your an ugly slut, then EVERY girl bashes her.

At the point that we developed weapons we had already made too many mistakes for redemption to be an option.

I would call you a white knight, but you did admit most woman are shit, so I guess that makes up for it.

It is a complex they get ripped out of the moment life curb checks them, unfortunately women a.k.a feminism have succeeded somewhat in their efforts to get around life's curb checks with government intervention, but that can't least forever. Men being able to get their physical and emotional intimacy from technology will end these discussion's relevance, but hey an economic collapse would end it too, it just won't end it forever, we do get to kill all the feminists in this scenario, so that is a plus

well obvioiusly

feminisim is why the economy is in it's dire straight today.

In the 40's and 50's a man could raise a big (average was 4 kids) family, own a house, a car and retire comfortably, with a one income job.

Now that women are in the work place. The market has crashed. Why pay top dollar when we have 50% more people in the work place now.

The inability for the average man to afford a family on his own is due to inflation, frictional banking, and technological innovation.
The only things feminism did to the family was A: destroyed any sense of worth in being a husband and I thank them for that. If you are working 70+ hours a week so your cunt wife can continue to be a house wife, then you're a fucking idiot, and you are being used. Yeah, fathers and working husbands get shit on everywhere you look, but at least that is encouraging men to put themselves first in life B: give all the power to women in marriage and paternity. All men are able to easily avoid this, making this an individual problem

She is from this video


OP it's not our fault if you take as a reference point for women the ones who are the ugliest and the most uninteresting.
Fucking neckbeard

To continue, this is how most of you think:

You're the fucking cancer of earth
fucking betafaggots

fuck you

This posy was made by a ((woman))

I'm MGTOW too but I agree. There are women who know their shit. When I was in the Army, there were female soldiers that were great. I'd say it was probably as high as 1 in 4. For males, it was 3 in 4 in my branch (transportation) and even higher than that in combat arms, and lower in other branches.

I'm a programmer now, and I'd say the ratio is about the same. About 1 in 4 women programmers are top-notch. When I work now, they're all basically fantastic.

The problem has never been, "all women are shit" - the problem has always been that shit women get a pussy pass.

Red pill reporting in. Single for the first time in a long time and I intend to keep it that way.

Who fuck asked you? You and your whores get the fuck back there, and start writing A.I. for sexbots. then it won't matter if all women are shit or not.

I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.
I'm sorry Kennedi Cotarelo (the one in Forest City, NC), I've learned my lesson and I'll never hurt you again.

Fuck this normalfag kike celebrity shit. I cant believe people actually give a fuck about this shit. People actually spending money on this shit. Worshipping these fucking fags like they're Jesus Christ. It makes me sick. I fucking hate normalfags. I can see right through em. They are full of shit and only out for themselves. Its like seeing a fucking vampire in broad daylight. Blowing smoke up someones ass with a fake ass face you could cut off and sell as a dollar store Halloween mask. Too many people in the world acting like kikes when they shouldn't. These people live pathetic lives only a lemming could pity.

I hate working with allot of women because no one says anything to the lazy ones, no one can make the bossy ones happy as they would rather give orders then work hard & when you come across the good ones that work hard and dont cause drama the rest of the women dispise her and try to get her fired.

Why is it so hard for most to be a fucking decent human being?

You try being a nice person while walking around with a gaping axe wound between your legs

Jesus Christ she's instant marriage material

What is it about black singers with neck tattoos? It's like they've replaced the midget as entourage accessory overnight.

And that's how you plant a video. Nice psyop.

psyop to accomplish what exactly? To prove that SJWs are retarded? That happens every day on this site.

Pix now!!!

Women and men alike with no talent find her more relatable than singers, artists, businessmen, and other famous persons who achieved their fame by having an actual talent. She has no talent and has achieved all of this wealth and fame by doing no more than being born with the right last name and with the right people behind and beside her. She's uninteresting, she's boring in interviews, she never has anything substantial to say.
However, she's pretty, has great stylists, a shit ton of money, and lives this fantastical lifestyle filled with lavish parties on yachts and in high rise mega-suites. Basically she's got life made and has had to do nothing to achieve this success; a lot of people, male and female, dream of this lifestyle. I do give her props for trying to make something of herself with this whole makeup thing, though.

Noones saying they have to be nice just decent, not human garbage walking around like there no chance one day we could turn on them and reduce them back to norhing more then bangmaids that take care of our offspring. Hell there are still places where you have to pay someone to take your shitty daughter