I just matched on Tinder for the first time. My mate got me to install it last night. It's a cute 7/10 redhead...

I just matched on Tinder for the first time. My mate got me to install it last night. It's a cute 7/10 redhead. How do I get her to suck my cock, Holla Forums?

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Cut her head off first user, that way she can't refuse :D


you message them and they randomly stop replying

I could get my hands on some strong Xanax.

She messaged me back but I'm too much of a coward to see what she sent me

Just look at it. Think of how much worse you'll feel later for not looking at it.

Okay, fuck it.

What if I send her this picture

What did she send OP?

You're trying to get your dick sucked by a bot

I send something smooth yesterday evening and she replied today with 'was watching a movie, bout to go to sleep, hbu?' I replied something among the lines of I was watching a movie at a friend's house and then I asked what she studied and she replied with that and now I don't know what to say.

Send her this message


Retard, she's a bot. No one will ever genuinely be inerested in you; you're a disgusting, pathetic beta that'll die alone having known no intimacy.

Should I include a picture of my tiny little cock buried in a sea of disgusting black pubic hairs?

She's not a bot though, I got her facebook and everything.

It's time to tell her the TRUTH about yourself… about how and your daddy have been intimate together for the previous 12 years…


Any girl on Tinder wants to fuck, its a hookup app, not a "I want to fall in love and marry you" app.

Just believe me, she's not a bot.

Okay so what should I do?

(I'm not the one you asked)
I guess ask her if she wants to meet? Idfk what singlans she's been sending you:
I'd say don't act too much like a beta, but if you are inexperienced, idk, I feel like trying to pretend you are not wouldn't help. She could probably tell.

Ask her out

1) wrong: Gee you are cute maybe we should go out to a movie sometime?

2) right: Hey babe, we should go out, I will shower you with wine and pleasure you in ways no other man has before.

Not OP, but this legit sounds like good advice. Better peak their interest, raise expectations, than leave them with that 'uhh, maybe'.

We're talking at a nice pace now. I know I should make her laugh and I'm looking for the right moment to do that. It's too early to ask her out we've only just began talking.

I might try that approach. thx babe

Trust me women love a man that boasts about his sexuality, even if it sounds comical. Its a challenge to them and they do expect you to follow through.
I did this to one girl, she gave me some bullshit about her "dating other guys, not just me". I just looked at her and said "Do what you want, but once you've had me, you won't want other guys"
I was already balls deep inside her by the 2nd date.

OP here. I have a feeling that this girl has low self-esteem. This puts me more at ease. How can I exploit her lack of confidence for my own gain? I'm looking to make her a fuckbuddy so I can perfect my pussy destroying skills. Oh, and lose my virginity.

Just get your dick wet already

hit it and quit it, because if she's on Tinder, chances are that's all she wants too. You can make her a fuckbuddy, but trying to have a legitimate relationship with her is pretty null.

Say another language, then find a language to study.
Then forget about her and study the language.
Also just bee alpha

That actually really motivated me. I just asked for her number after making a joke. Bitches love confidence, right?

If this works I'll post some OC to thank 8ch. If she'd let me take pics of course. She just turned 19 so..

if you really want inspiration, an Holla Forums user last year got laid and made a video.


I wish he had said what we told him to louder.
IIRC it was "I wish you were a dude" but he said it so low in order not to embarrass himself and fuck up his fuck hole situation. Wish he had taken one for the team

wonder if he's still around here.

Alright she said something among the lines of haha I don't give away my number so easily but keep maintaining my interest and then ask me again :D

Is that good?


what should i say bruv

Should I say I have an inverted micropenus?
Should I say I have a horrible rash around my anus?
Should I say my dick smells like brie cheese?
Or should I tell her I'm just a lonely soul looking to tap that ginger pussy? What should I say?

message back saying "get in touch when you've got bored of playing games"

No that's super salty. Big turn off imo

>haha I don't give away my number so easily
This far I'd personally say okay, that's fine, if an user hesitates, has her own, different idea of just how quickly she should give up her contact info and/or go have sum fug, that's fine.
But man, this
>but keep maintaining my interest and then ask me again :D
is precisely what a buddy of mine just said the other day. It's like you're a contestant and she's the big prize. That's off-putting as fuck.

OP post a pic of her

I have to say it feels pretty stalky uploading a pic.

The convo is pretty one-sided. She replies but she doesn't ask questions herself. I got another match, so I'll just quit responding and see if the ginger makes a move.

never change Holla Forums

Who is this semen demon?

kek gotta start somewhere

I need to get laid dude, don't judge.

I just… such desperation to prove yourself to *that*. Is is that hard for you?

I have very low self esteem.


My cock is one inch

Become a trap, really only option at that point.

My cock is fine, about 16 centimeters.

That's irrelevant tho, guess I won't be getting help from Holla Forums


Post cock.

What about the other chick then?

Just fucking tell her to stop playing games, brudder.

If you keep talking asking for nothing she's gonna lose interest.
If you ask too soon she might think you're desperate.

The latter is the only choice that has a chance of getting your willy wet. Also post more pics I love ugly sluts.

Alright I'll tell her. I'll wait until tomorrow though, I figured it doesn't hurt leaving some time inbetween ya know?
I know right? Glad I'm not the only one. ugly bitches can be such a turn on if they're fuckable. I want to pump this little plump ginger pumpkin so bad.

Can confirm. My most recent ex was a virgin, 15 years old, and at first she wasn't interested in me sexually or romantically but that changed when I told her I'm able to keep fucking for the whole night and would give her a minimum of two orgasms. She ended up having five over the course of three hours even though the first hour was really slow to get her to open up and lube up enough.

She's not bad, just average. Average is not bad. It's not good either, just average. I can't tell if I'd fuck her or not, but I know I've fucked average girls in the past and haven't regretted it.



I'd have to get her to meet me before I could even attempt that

She looks like Ted Cruz.

Disgustingly ugly and acting like an entitled bitch?

Not worth it.

If you did get her she'd probably poke a hole in here condom to get pregnant.

That's a 3-5, friend.

I stopped replying and she hasn't sent anything back yet. Fuck dat bitch

I'm doing great with this morroccan chick though, and I just got another match with a girl who's way out of my league.

Guess it's just a matter of time now before I get some pussy


Good luck with achieving ejaculation, let alone an erection.

Cannot unsee

I don't know why but I'm sexually aroused by seeing average looking chicks sucking cock.

Girls don't make the move, you must do it. Do it now, if you wait more than a week or two you get friend-zoned for life.

Dress her up like a swedish girl then fuck her.
Pigtails is so hot IMHO.

You think? Alright I'll send something tomorrow around noon.

Be bold, brave yet playful. Say something like "Why haven't I asked you out yet?"

Hey yeah, kinda like James Bond.

Minus the style, the wealth, the sports car, the enormous dick, the encyclopaediac knowledge of food, wine and culture, and the license to kill. But yeah, kinda like James Bond.

You got it, son. I'll be the beta Bond of her dreams. Best not mention my alcohol and benzo addiction I bet?


I need to fuck her. She's the kind of fugly girl that gives me the biggest hard on. Send me tips&tricks user, and I'll post OC out of gratitude.


Plenty of room for my balls on her forehead.

Help me fuck her ginger pussy Holla Forums


Just say to her "A little firecracker like you would help me get of with a bang!"

I'm obsessed with her by this point. I can talk to other chicks without problem but this one girl keeps haunting me.

I'm sure if I fuck her my life will be perfect. I need to just get inside her. but how?

I'm Dutch, and that sounds like a lame pickup line even to me. I need a strategy dude.

Ask her if she has heard of Islam

Shut up and help me. I got the balls to film her pussy and titties but I haven't got the skills.

Train her in the ways of Islam and you will be able to durka her in the burka in no time.


Tell her your Frisian and need her to keep you warm.

This is why I finally lost the love of my life to another guy just last week. I'd been waiting for the right time to tell her how I feel — that I would like to be more than friends — for fifteen years. We'd always had a real connection and she always opened the way for more, but I was too scared of losing our friendship to do it. Now she finally stopped waiting and is moving in with her first boyfriend — she never dated or anything, she just waited for me to make a move. The worst part is that I can't get myself to even call her anymore, I feel too much like a spineless sack of shit. We could've had the perfect life together, but the only reason it will never happen is that I waited too long.

So I should make the move ASAP?

Is dit wat Hollands meisje lijken op nu? Ugh. why isn't she tall and blonde/light brunette? also

I get match sometimes in tinder but when i sent the first message they keep disappearing. What's wrong with this app?
OP are you paying this app?

You should probably kill yourself or fully embrace 2Ds because you'll obviously never mate.

A video to help you understand dating

OP please answer me.
Are you paying this app. Coz all my matches always disappeared

You're probably just ugly.

if i were ugly i wouldn't get match to begin with,

Make sure your picture is really good, get a 35mm digital photo, lighting has to be perfect, all that shit. A potato-cam grainy photo means nobody will give you the time of day over tinder.

Dude i get matches i don't have problem with my pics
The problem is my matches always disappeared when i try to message the woman.

They're probably just bots, why would you want to date a bot.

One of the ugliest people I have ever seen who isn't also retarded.

You should tell her that.

Literally 0.5/10


ll be back


fuck no. It's all in the profile, mate. Just get your best friend to take a few pics of you. It might be genant but it's worth it

I still haven't sent the ginger bitch anything but that is because I'm waaaay to drunkj.


Jep, Belgfag. Straight outta Brussels

What the fuck is wrong with you? Your mother would be ashamed of you.

I refrained from sending anything and she just sent me.
How are you holding up on tinder? ;)

I think I'm back in the game. I'm gonna tap that ginger pussy sometime.

What if her pussy is radish.

If you haven't asked her out by now its too late OP.
you fucked up, enjoy that hand

dear god




So what's the scoop, OP? Got laid yet?

OP, where do you live? where does she live?
looks oddly familiar.

too familiar…