It's not over yet guys!


I sold my vacation home and donated the money to bernie!

I haven't been watching this side of the primaries at all. How unlikely has a sanders nomination become? Is the FBI Bernie's only hope now?


I liked Bernie on Facebook! He has SO many more likes than Hillary!

the latest poll out of commiefornia has him down 19 points

fuck I forgot the damn link

tfw live in illinois on a university

tfw heard screaming from upstairs when msnbc announced bernie lost

tfw heard crying when trump won

It's the end of the end.


a sanders nomination was never even a possibility

Sanders did what he set out to do; scare the older, actually voting democrats towards Hillary and jew college students out of shekels.

Bernie's Jew magick is weak and has low energy.

Is this counting superdelegates or does he still have the opportunity of trying to sway them?

I sometimes feel sorry for Bernouts but remember their attacks on Trump and Trump supporters. Looking forward to their jonestown suicide with Bernie at the helm.

counting super delegates

Bernie hasnt a chance in hell

Bernie is a communist Jew and his supporters are genuinely horrible people, so I'm smug.

Poor Tay.


isn't pestering people on the phone more likely to piss people off

Sometimes I wish that I could be a college student during this electoral process.

Don't it's terrible.

The better his results in California the more butthurt his fans are going to be when he announces he endorses Hillary and licks her boots in public and ignores all of her Goldman Sachs connections.

I might be ignorant but is it impossible for a Hillary / Bernie ticket? I could see that cuck accepting VP

It really bugs me - I don't know why - that they think that works.

It only hurts their candidate.

Most people I know don't have a landline. They don't have a landline specifically due to political calls.

I graduated before all this trigger warning stuff, and I'm not even that old. Must be tough


Go to a random college on the week of a semester and to a bunch of classes. Ask intentionally triggering questions and make more triggering points.

Run Bernie run, before the SJW's demand their cash back.

Juice to that! Juice to you!

What gets me is when I heard that kids not even able to vote in other countries were calling Americans to vote for Sanders. It reminded me of when Bush was running for his second term and The Guardian had a letter writing campaign to American citizens in Ohio telling them to vote for Kerry. It backfired spectacularly and galvanized people who actually were on the fence to vote for Bush.

what the fuck is that anime on the left and is that even a grill?


The more Bernie is crushed, the more certain I am that Communism in its Soviet form will never come to America.

that and

It's possible, but would only hurt Clinton in the long run. Most Bernouts hate Clinton even more than we do, and that might be what pushes them over the edge to vote Trump instead of just staying home.

You mean campaigning to scam as many liberal retards as possible and pocket every last shekel they had. Boynee is a shit tier politician, but his merchant skills are supreme

We should be pushing "accelerationism" more on the Bernouts to get them on the Trump train.
Fucking stupid commies are liable to believe anything.

How fares the daily count at the salt mines this fine morning, sir?

what is that abomination on the left?

Fuckin xenoestrogens man.

Clinton is going to straight up steal the last few delegates- thats obvious. More reasons why I gave up on sanders and went to trump.



Did he ever do one of those $40 million fundraiser things again?



No, Satan.
But his supporters have been giving millions themselves since then.
To me it seems like they are donating money out of sheer frustration or they feel that donating to glassberg will give them cred to bemoan bernie for losing forever and ever, even after they retcon him as a holocaust survivor in History for Goys 9th Edition.

I'm so glad these cucks got cucked. They deserved this life lesson in spades

i wonder if these cucks will back the emperor out of hatred on shillary

They either turn Trump or resign themselves altogether and remain despondent for cycle or two.

Hahahahaha, that whole thing looks like something a Holla Forumslack would write as a ruse but these people are so pathetic I don't even know.

Hahaha, blacks voting for Hillary over bernie has been the best red pill the bernie SJWS could ever swallow

I sold my primary home to donate to Bernie! Match me?

Yes, their phonebanking strategy just shows how naive and autistic they are.


who gives a shit about bernie

I honestly think that's a trollpost. What's the account name?


I sold my wife and children into slavery!

This post HAS to be fake. Holy fuck.

They better wake up and become Holla Forumsacks to save whatever shred of dignity they have left.

This. Only blown money was ever an option lol thanks god for berntards

Elites have such disdain for the comman man the notion that someone would be insulted by being told how to vote doesn't even cross their minds.

Same thing is happening in the reverse with Obama trying to blackmail Britons into voting to stay in the EU.

The only thing that saddens me about the end of Bernie is that the memes and OC about him will stop here.

Well, in fairness, the chances of anyone other than Hillary in the White House has been statistically zero since she was promised the spot in 2008.

Before someone breaks out the latest Trump poll numbers, I will point out that Putin was elected with a 146% voter turnout (not making this up, google it) and nobody did a damn thing.

I wish Trump would be the next president but I believe in facts > feels and the fact is the US elections are rigged in a dozen different ways. This means in order to get Trump into the white house we have to do more than watch poll numbers and pray, we need to dig to expose electoral corruption before its too late to do anything about it.

Just to use another example, as much as I think Gore is a tool, the fact is he should have been President as he should have won the electoral college but Jeb! literally cheated for his brother (he promised his state to GW and delivered). Being an oldfag, I was an adult in 2000 and remember quite clearly the stuff about Diebold and whole precincts whose ballots went missing and really mounting evidence that the election had been rigged. But by the time this all came out, it was too late, as Bush was already sworn in and possession is 9/10 of the law.

Trump has something that Gore doesn't (and that Bernie doesn't, and that Ron Paul doesn't, and Howard Dean doesn't) – all people who were cheated by the political aristocracy. Trump is an alpha male, and a fighter, and spend his whole life dealing with the corrupt New York mafia/labor union/political alliance. So Trump can win where all the other guys lost, but he needs non-autistic ammo that Holla Forums used to be good at providing until this place got flooded with int, goons, shills, applied memetics, correct the records, and FBI.

I go there looking for asshurt after primary days. these are teh options I see being talked about in order of their popularity

Yes, it's all hopeless, we should go home and masturbate to anime.

Gas yourself.

Hi int

Tay, based as hell and always up for a laugh at the holocaust.

I really don't understand this.
I thought colored/sjws/etc would be exalting Bernie like we do Trump.

Is Hillary's vagina that important?

it was suspicious how he would attack trump and republicans at every opportunity while throwing softballs at hillary but after "enough with the emails" it should have been obvious that bernie was only there to farm the youth and swing vote before giving her his endorsement. the salt from that is likely to send me into cardiac arrest but at least i'll die laughing.

He could win Indiana tonight.