What's the best way to fuck up an atm?

What's the best way to fuck up an atm?

Inb4 break the screen- I want to fuck up the machine to the point where they HAVE to replace it.

Thermite on the keypad, it will eat through the plastic frame and keypad.

You shouldn't damage that machine, OP.
It doesn't belong to you.

Don't fuck up atm. You increase cost of ATMs which means more over draft fees or w/e for everyone.

If you hate banks, switch to credit union. Or go full retard and switch to bitcoin.

Don't be a bitch. Go all the way. Use C4.

But why?

print out a CP picture big enough to cover the entire screen, and glue it on top of the screen

IM guessing the bank running the ATM or the ATM itself somehow fuked OP over

I wonder if magnets might work

they've got cameras in their frame.

Cameras + printers uniquely tag serial on prints + CP


put the note you'll never find my card skimmer on it, then don't put a card skimmer in it.

wtf would anyone ever take advice from Holla Forums ? Does anyone actually follow through on advice?

You probably don't even just fuck up the atm with that . You probably create a ridiculously expensive investigation.

there was that one guy many years ago whose bunny had an eye problem of some kind

on the advice of an user posing as a vet, he ended up sticking a syringe in the eye and draining the fluid or some shit

wait until peak hours and stand there checking you balance over and over again while a cue of people form behind you.

Why do you want to fuck up an ATM?

You know these things have monitored cameras right?


inject melted cheese / glue / bucketloads of jizz into the slot where the money comes out.

Yes. The cameras are there for several reasons
1.) Catch hackers who replace the card hardware with personal scanners and card readers that phish card data
2.) Thieves who target users of the ATM, who would normally try to attack them from behind.
3.) Vandals.
4.) The internal camera footage is used to resolve card crime.


Cheeki breeki

thermonuclear warhead

Boiling water in the card slot.

The only way to fuck it up beyond repair is to blow it up with explosives.
ATM machines are modular; so every part (keypad, screen, cardreader, moneyslot etc) is easily exchanged when it breaks down, without having to replace the complete installation. Putting glue in the cardslot is fixed by just replacing the cardslot, breaking the displayprotection is fixed by replacing just that.. etc.

Long story short: don't bother. They are cheap and easily repaired.

Source: I have an ATM

You want to really fuck it up? Hack the software/firmware.

They'll keep replacing it until someone writes a firmware upgrade.

how would you 'hack' it? there's no way to reach the computer from the outside.