Tfw no heroin junkie gf to make you smell her armpits all day… Feels real bad man

tfw no heroin junkie gf to make you smell her armpits all day… Feels real bad man

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Chin up champ

A few years work and you can get yourself a junkie gf


Why does she need to be a junkie?

top pleb. easiest shit in the world.

dumpan a few i spose











Sindy XxX Chan.

Ima have to Try that 4th Pic Method whenever I Get a chance & some Chronic;
though id Rather Prefer a Pipe or Zig-Zag XD

this thread is making me want to pick up a ball

are you clean atm? why would you go back?
smack is fuckin' filthy stuff. pic shows my sheets after i last went cold turkey.

Ugh. Fucking heroin addicts make me want to start murdering junkies, if only to save their families from grief. They are worse than pedoes in the states.


You all niggas are fucking retarded

As a former heroin addict let me assure you, almost none of the girls in these pictures are actually junkies. But this shit srsly makes me wanna get high tbh

this qtpat2t posts on 4/r9k sometimes.

maybe they just smoke. i used crack, smack, vodka, benzos and weed basically every day for 18 months, only battle wound is a scar on my leg from itching so fucking much from the opiates.

having a fetish is degenerate

using drugs recreationally is degenerate

having a fetish about drug use…

would the degeneracy add up or multiply?

It's sort of like the effect of mixing downers. It's additive, but not quite.


The smell of a girl's armpits are okay, it depends on how white the girl is. The purer she is, the better her pits smell.

However, feet generally smell good regardless of how white the girl is. As long as she is remotely white, her feet will smell and taste really fucking good.


I mostly dated white girls and regularly tasted their feet, it was like heaven. I once dated a spic girl though, her feet tasted nasty, I didn't like it. I pretended to like it and then dumped her a few days later.

what the shit is it about foot fetishists? tf is it about feet that you enjoy?

If it is fashionable it is no longer good. It is safe. Money related, and full of posers.

OP & co remind me of a homosexual that thought he could take advantage of an opportunity.

Kind of people cops protect, students, opportunists, like themselves, like you scum.

Daily reminder of people who have no soul.

I'm ok with drugs generally, girls need to feel good, and should always, the deficiency of stuff to make them feel good isn't their fault. Problem is their cost, side effects, and they make them venreble, even a larger target for cops, students etc, rapists every last one.

Good idea to look after a girl, most are on drugs. Get them food and keep students away. No fake people like you people.

They could become dependent on that, what cops, shrinks etc fucking etc try to do. Make peope ok with anything through dependency.

A girl may need fitness to some degree, so move around, do stuff. Go swimming, diving, camp. Enjoy self sufficiency, music, movies, drugs or whatever, girls need luxury, soft stuff.

Drugs just show there isn't enough to make them feel good.

Males doing drugs is pathetic, including alchohol. All guys doing drugs should be taken out and shot.

Maybe drugs with less side effects should be available free to existing users or available so more harmful alternatives aren't pursued.

Never advertised. Advertising should have all it's facilitators shot too. All advertising, for all things. Any suggestion or direction.

Just things to do where they are.

Drugs available while things that would give pleasure, satiate their immgination and make worries redundant, are built.

Eg while cops, students etc ie terrorist parasites exist. While aging isn't stopped. While diseases aren't eliminated. While their bodies are in wait to be repaired.

If they do them it shows they need more. What exists isn't good enough.

So drugs as a fixture, available free as an option. When taken men being pushed harder until women rather other things. An incentive for men to do better.

Rather the world was free of corruption, instead of students fixed students shot.

Good for a girl to not want to be part of that. No media. No you scum. Just seperate, free.

See anyone try to hook them up to anything, cuff them, abduct them, imprison them fucking anything should stop that, and yourself too. If you have to kill to save a girl can't connect her to you. If done shouldn't be seen by her, not in her head in any form.

Cops shouldn't be on the streets. Even called off from trying to destroy a girl might make her wonder why or think they are good.

Nice stuff and perpetual fucking off of the parasites that harmed and fed off girls should help girls that have been wronged already eg girls in jail. Get them out and so they never see another cop coward again.

Should look after them in their mind as a perpetual force of nature they can take for granted.

Males only having to be that force when student filth are present. Otherwise enjoying life with them too.

Males taking girls on adventures and just entertaining them by having more drive to do more might negate the need to fix anything. Girls or both seeing the good in things, maybe only seeing that. And only furthering that.

As I see it, most people don't deserve to see a spark. Have aided the worst, do endorse it. Repace beauty with mediocrity. Exist to take and parasite themselves, see it as their right. Readily, eagerly assist any force of degradation in the hope of avoiding such degradation. Worse, to gain a portion of what is taken.

Debts that cannot be repaid.

Wrong to finalise such scum as they are though. Doing so part of what does so, almost like them.

Being apart takes some scum with. Spreads it.

Doing nothing after witnessing such corruption is decent. Being good perhaps.

Being away from where they can feed further.

Damning what is, to be fed upon easier by your absence isn't right.

Should get people and things fed upon out.

i relapsed a couple months ago but havnt mainlined anything since then… i got a bunch of morphine pills i was eating for a while but now im out.

those sheets bring back fucking nightmarish memories. congrats on fighting off the WDs

yeah it sucked. they'd only been on the bed 11 days and that's how they ended up looking. you can see little holes where i'd spilled molten crack on them, then instead of wasting it, cut out the bits of sheet and smoked them. anything to stop the agony of cold turkey from heroin. ridiculous way to live.
thanks man. never going back to that stuff. months since i used and zero cravings.
hope you can one day kick it and stay off, opiate abuse is ferociously bad for you.

never say never Holla Forumsro :)

well i guess, but in all honesty i don't really like the stuff. i've never craved heroin once, not even when i was physically addicted to it. i used primarily because i was drinking like 2 litres of vodka daily, i needed something, anything, to escape. i've used pretty much every common recreational drug trying to escape booze. i used smack for a year and a half, was physically addicted as fuck, but never felt a psychological craving. i don't miss heroin at all.
weed and cocaine on the other hand…

Cocaine is great. It's so euphoric even on tiny doses. Like euphoria sets in before energy.
I can't stand tweaking or binging, but in fair doses it's pleasant and productive.