So, I know most western comics are shit due to an over reliance on hamfisted political issues

So, I know most western comics are shit due to an over reliance on hamfisted political issues.
But, is there a comic book you follow regardless?
Personally, I read B.P.R.D, Tomboy, Exlibrium and CHEW.

Other urls found in this thread:


I decided to read Vision. Vision tries to have a normal life and a normal family but it doesn't work out since they're robots. Shit hits the fan pretty quick and I'm enjoying it. It's the absolute only thing that's captured my interest from the Big Two. I haven't been able to find anything else worth mentioning.

As far as upcoming stuff goes, I am looking towards new Umbrella Academy, Gerard Way's imprint, and Frank Cho's new projects.

How does it compare to things like The Superior Foes of Spider-Man? If it's about as good, I'm sold.

It's a subversion. The plot is really about a girl having a mental break down because her boyfriend was murdered in what appears to be a police conspiracy. It's actually a pretty decent comic.

It's ironic. I did some digging and found out that the creator of Tomboy, Mia Goodwin, was the artist for the first volume of fucking Princeless. It just goes to show that numales have no fucking clue what women really want and should be ignored.

Fuck, I think I got cut myself with this edge.

I'm also fucking tired with all the subversions and shit. It is okay authors want to be unique and do their own thing, but they all do the same shit that makes you want to jump out of a window.

Also, did the pirate in Princeless 2 got raped yet?

At least it's not nearly as bad as what the irradiated island monkeys shit out

Always bet on Dredd… and Hammerstein, and Slaine

After seeing people post images of the main character face (Allison) here, a few weeks back I decided to finally look into this comic and have my local comic store order it for me. I don't know why, something about the comic just looked and sounded interesting to me (as well as only as being self contained to 12 issues long)

So thanks to the Holla Forums anons that did that. Probably would have never heard about or brought it regardless.

Ever heard of "paying their dues?" Sometime your got to work on shit projects before moving up in life to better ones. She certainly seems to have done it, as artist and writer for Tomboy and now she's now a concept artist at Retro Studios.

Yes, THAT Retro Studios.

The same Retro who made Metroid Prime Trilogy and recent Donkey Kong games.

I wouldn't say there's a humorous tone. It's not a family of robots getting in wacky hijinks while pretending to be normal neighbors. It's more like subroutines start coming apart at the seams and there's an assault they have to cover up. There's a bit of tension on everyone as they lie to each one another and pretend they're not 7 steps from murdering the neighborhood. It's only on issue 6, but things have begun to break down and I'm waiting for how much damage the climax of the story is going to bring.

new daredevil looks promising

they stopped with the hipster shit and dude even became a prosecutor

only problem is the inclusion of an illegal spic who won't shut the fuck up about it

I should have specified that I was not referring to humor. I just used The Superior Foes, because that was the most recent good series from Marvel that came to my mind.

Vision sounds pretty good and I will give it a shot. Thanks, user.

It's also pretty common. For example, Frank Cho did art for books written by Bendis.


Off the top of my head:
The Discipline, Spidey, Pencil-Head, Dark Horse Presents, Superman: Lois and Clark, Swamp Thing, Empress.


Bendis. The writer for Marvel comics.

tokyo ghost
rick and morty comic
son of the devil

nah man im cool

c'mon all of dc comic's have retarded alternate covers

any thousand sons comics?

The are shit for a million reasons other than that.

jesus, user. Did the nipponese raped your mom or something?

It seems like someone (or several someones) has been trying to stir shit up between /a/ and Holla Forums for a couple weeks now.

go back to /a/ faggot.

The hell is this from and why is that chick naked?

We all know who you're implicating.

who needs hamfisted politics in comics when you have hamfisted politics in thread topics that have nothing to do with the thing they want nothing to do with but hamfist it anyway in and complain about it being hamfisted ?

front page, catalog, it never ends. isn't this meant to be a refuge from it all?

This is from Mighty Avengers and that naked chick is a version of Ultron who looks like Janet. I completely forgot why this happens.

This isn't cuck/co/, nigger.

You cant escape reality, theres plenty of great comics out there but a good number of them have been fucked over by those puritans.
try all you want but its impossible to distance mainstream western comic books from sjw influence, I hope we could but they have a foot hold on this industry thats why i wanted people to take a break and actually discus comics they enjoy.

If they don't make a thread and relate it with feminists, sjws or liberals then the thread dies in matter of days (because it is a very slow board and such).
The same goes for storytimes, people here will only be interested in something made by a sjw even if it is something from the darkest parts of devianart, because we all like to rage and put posts of how angry we are.

And I will admit that the Dex-Starr idea won't happen due to Dex-Starr not having his own series while Sinestro does.

But back to the the current cover. For fucks sake the didn't even put his ring on the correct hand/paw. Sinestro has his ring on his LEFT hand to reference the "sinister" left hand is evil old times belief.

It's from mighty avengers, like said. The chick is Tony Stark fused with his armor, controlled by Ultron.

That's just not true. I story timed Witch Doctor, Umbrella Academy, and few other things, and they had good amount of replies and stuck around for quite a while. Same with Warhammer storytimes.

The thing with SJW comic storytimes, is that there is more to criticize and people love to complain. When you story time something good, most people will just read through, and then possibly leave a thank you comment or ask for a cbz files links/upload.

It happens only because so many comics are permeated by far left propaganda and this is pretty much the only place where it can be challenged without getting banned, ignored, or shunned.
However, at times it seems like old "Holla Forums doesn't play games" applies to Holla Forums and comics.

Some would call it a containment board.

But seriously, most people seem content circling the drains with the same topics to compensate for the lack of genuine enthusiasm for anything else. If there's anything that the SJWs are responsible for, it's that.

You can just read 2000ad and/or Heavy Metal and pretty much ignore everything else.
HM saw a real decrease in quality though, 2000ad too, but not so much. There was a point when half of HM were porn ads.

I wonder how Grant Morrison will change the magazine.

Despite everything, I still follow Invincible. Is the only comic I keep following.I kinda miss the funny days.

Jojolion is also the only comic (manga, whatever) i'm following.

I'm kinda… depressed, because I can't seem to enjoy anything else.

Sorry to be a burden, guys.

You're pretty masochistic, dude. I gave up completely when Invincible, his sometimes fat always whore-cunt of a wife and child moved to that other planet. Looking back how much the comic became shit it's really sad and appalling how bad writing can get.

I haven't seen an interesting comic in a long time, to be honest. Every, just the same old concepts, stiff, stale or lame art, never trying anything new and the only thing "fresh" getting showed in is niggers as if they're THE brand new and must have feature for your work.

Only stuff I still regularly follow are (Plz don't bully) One Piece and My Hero Academia .

And another thing that really bothers me about comics is that all the stories are so short and shallow. 100 - 200 pages for a single story and then you get something only tangentially related. Invincible was interesting for a while because there was consequential buildup, new concepts I hadn't seen before and generally a feel of experimentation.

And then it went to shit because The Walking Dead is cancer and a money maker.

Where the fuck do you think you are? 8ch became popular after an exodus due to political reasons. Do you think the fags browsing this board will not be bitter and triggered by certain politics?
Furthermore, is really "politics in everything" a bigger problem than the overall lack or drop of quality in any fucking medium all across the board over the last x years? SJW shit is the most blatantly shitty and boring garbage because they spout the same tired shuck and jive, parroting their media ( :^) ) overlords while acting like their counter culture. Of course those fuckers will be the main people any group that actually likes quality, interesting work of any kind and new ideas hates in the end.

That's pretty much what I do
Even if some of the current stories aren't that good, the overall quality of 2000AD is miles ahead of what other publishers tend to offer
I just hope that Mills continues with ABC Warriors soon…

I also follow MHA, too bad All Might will die facing off All for One
Also, Mina is best girl.

plz don't be animefag
Can't have the symbol of good dying to some simple problem as disease and organ failure. His death was cast in stone the moment it was revealed how passing on his power works.
Honestly Horikoshi draw's really cute girls all around. It's interesting that a great amount of manga is pretty much fueled to a high degree by men that want to look at neotenous drawings of "perfect" women. It's even impossible to think how MHA would play out if it didn't have cute girls, because A then it would be MHA anymore and B who would even want to read shit where all women are ugly trannies? One of several reasons Squirrel Girl-type shit bombs.


Why? She's a shit artist.

Is she an SJW? Because ideological nepotism is the only explanation I can come up with.


Who is this semen demon?

Mina has best Thighs.

Grrl power! Cute psycopatic killers!

Fuck this world and those hack frauds they call themselves artists.

fuck you i liked fairyland

The artist is yamatogawa, i dont know which doujin that is.

The sjw side is full of has-beens

Every dumb cunt who once had talent but was never good enough to cross a certain threshold or their talent ran out became one of these annoying shits that uses politics to compensate for their lack of talent

Shit writing?

Shit art?

Shit characters?

And so on, when you think about it sjw as an ideology is in a constant state of justifying mediocrity

Also it seems every edgetard from early 2000 DA jumped on this shit


It's from Yamatogawa's Tayu Tayu. I think this girl enters the story around the middle.

Fairyland was less shit than expected, but it wasn't good. It ended just as it was starting to get interesting.

You cheeky cunt. I had to actually download the image because this site is so shit it just seemed like an image loading.

I actually kinda like Tomboy

Fuck that, I want some more Deff Skwadron

I'm… not sure how to feel about this

Titan has done a fuck ton of Dr.Who comics

and apparently have a licence on Dark Souls comics.

They sure want the grimkdark audience


Give me exactly one line from the comic where they went "grrl power"
I'll concede that partially, but have in mind that Gert here is a 30 year old woman, not just a small gril.Shit, at some point, she asks a soldier of some sort to fuck her.

I'm getting the impression that you didn't read it, user.

The can have me shekels if they can pull out a good comic starring the White Scars, and another one featuring Freebootaz

I have not read it and am curious about whats going on now that you said she is apparently 30 years old.

Mind explaining the story a bit?



AHA! Fuck you and your cover-judging ways!

Well, the gist of it is that Gert got sucked into Fairyland against her will, and that she's told that she'll get out by finding some stupid McGuffin, but she's sort of stupid, so she's been stuck there for 28 years or so. Her body hasn't aged, tho, because magic, and this fucks with her brain. Now she's pretty much done with Fairyland, and now she just half-assedly looks for the mcGuffin while getting different sorts of high, wasted and injured, just rekking everyone's shit in the way. Everyone pretty much hates her for this , so everyone wants her dead.

Little girl get sent to fairyland and spends twenty or so years there eating candy and not escaping.

Wants to escape and go home but keeps fucking up/ and or is stopped by the fairyland queenWith the amazing rack

Another little girl comes and does the correct route and has a high chance of escaping so the first girls tries to stop her and to finally leaves.

Spoiler alert:

She kills the second girl, and before she goes home kills the fairy queen…which now make her, Fairy god queen.

It's been a few months since I read it, but that basically it. Also they exchange cure words, like fucker is now fluffer.

It's alright.

I think Issue #6 is on the way

June 16 to be precise


Looks interesting.
Storytime maybe?

Ill see if I can find anything no promises

Weird Love is the only comic series I'm actively reading, and it's just reprints of old romance comics.

I read the Superman comics.

Is Prophet still going on? I fell in love with it.

Haha, funny you should bring up the masochism in reading Invincible. You speak the truth, my friend. I just torrent it because I like to see how bad it can get. I mean, they killed the most based character in the series, but then it gets really bad.

For fuck's sake, the last issue's cliffhanger was literally Mark GOT CUCKED!!!

Backstory: [spoiler] Mark travelled back in time to before he was Invincible to save the world by warning everyone about the Viltrumites, and pretty much everything bad that has happened on Earth since the beginning of the series. Unfortunately, he was sent to before he got with Fat Cunt Eve and she was still with Rex and his saving the world precluded her from finding out that Rex was cheating on her so he gets retrocucked. So he BAWWWs like a little faggot because he misses his kid and misses not being a cuck, so the entity that sent him back in time reveals itself. He tells the entity that he wants to go home, and the entity calls him a disgrace and sends him back.

So he gets home, when he realizes that he was sent back to far and was sent 5 years into the future. He comes to find out that while he was gone, said fat cunt of a wife cucked him after he made a choice that doomed millions of people and cost the chance to prevent countless tragedies and advance mankind years before its time. e could've fucked *all* the women and had untold riches, but he only has cuckoldry to show for it. Fuck. [/spoiler]

At this point, the only way for this book to get *any* less cucked is for Mark to go Full Plutonian.

Fuck, I meant to upload these, not the repeat of Cucked Thor.



That….seems kind of fucking retarded.

Wait, are those real? The whole "MRA REDPILL" crap?

Yes, it was written by Marguerite Bennet, a former Snyder groupie who leveraged her cunt to get into the industry. It was in Angela: Queen of Hel #4. She also writes A-Force (moar liek Gay-Farce) and DC Bombshells.

That's Image now. They used to have good stuff like Devil's Due Press' GI Joe a of the and a lot of their awesome '80's revamps. Prophet was good too, but it's shit like this now. But hey, we get to see Mark get even more cucked in a few hours. Small victories!

Fucking hell, why does this keep going back to that retarded ginger whore being the most dogshit type of woman possible all the time?
I fucking hate what Invincible has become.