"Tasteful" joke thread?

"Tasteful" joke thread?

Let me start off,

Whats the hardest part of being a pedophile?

Fitting it :3

F for effort, see me after class.

Jesus Christ fed 2,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, but Adolf Hitler made 6 million Jews toast.

Well you really crippled that old gem of a joke there…

The correct version is "what is the hardest thing when fucking a child, my penis" or similar…

What is a pedophiles favorite part about Halloween? Free delivery.

What's the difference between a dollar and a jew?

I'd be upset if I lost 6 millions dollars.

What's the worst thing about licking a bald pussy?

Putting the nappy back on afterwards

Why do farts smell?

So deaf people can enjoy them too!

So I suggested to my wife that she'd look sexier with her hair back…

Which is apparently an insensitive thing to say to a cancer patient.

What's better than winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics?
Not being retarded.

Guys, can you put a grenade's pin back in?

I need the answer fast

What's the difference between a Jew and harry potter?
Harry can escape the chamber.

How do you make a pin laugh?

Tickle it's prick!

. What's a word that white people can call white people, but black people can't call black people?


Do you want to see something funny?

Look in the mirror!

Most black 15 year-olds in this country are decent, law abiding citizens.

It's their kids who cause all the trouble.

what cant u get a black guy?

black eye, swollen lip and a job

Its because thats done to death and its funnier that way, now no more replys just jokes.

How do you get a nun pregnant?
Dress her up like an altarboy.

How do you fit 4 queers on a bar stool?

You flip it upside down

Fucking savage

Whats the diffirence between a dead dog on the road and a dead nigger on the road?

Dead dog has skid marks leading to it

How many jews can you fit in a Volkswagen Beetle?

54. Two in the front, two in the back, and fifty in the ashtray

How do you know your girlfriend is too young for you?
When you have to make aeroplane noises to make her suck your cock