What's Holla Forums's deal?

What's Holla Forums's deal?
Why do they hate everything?

Other urls found in this thread:



That video is something they should watch.

Here is a piece of their ideology cargo cult.

because they're sjw retards with no sense of humor

Why does a nig nig?

Part two with that place's original reaction to it archive.is/ps8yk

Thanks, im struggling to understand this text to word bs

Just webm that shit m8.

dude, give the text, the videos are incomprehensible

I already did. Just click on the archive link. It contains the same bullshit sans the only good part at the end. I can't help your with unability to understand Moonman. What I can do is giving the original text from January 2015. That was when those clowns showed up first.

They were subverted by people who wanted to bring down the site, especially Holla Forums. Only a truly foolish person still thinks there's more to it than that, especially the useful idiots who follow the wishes of the subverters. Reminds me of how secret societies were always infiltrated and ruled by devil worshipers.

Saw that and here's the reaction to it from someone who knows them too well.

What do we learn from this? Never ever invite in a board infamous for funposting without asking its obvious counterpart here. The thing they used while cuckchan was the only game in town could have been tainted over the years. Just ask >>>/jp/ about gnfos.com

Let's see

Nuff said.

It's really sad and pathetic that people even saw them as somehow edgy anti-establishment or whatever. All they were good for was causing the site to stagnate.

They are not real threat. Just a autismal nuisance. You could have always asked /cow/. We fully saw through them from the getgo. Not this guy, but this is the best description of them as a reply to one of their lame attempts to become relevant for /cow/ again:

I know for a fact that the guy posting content about them into the thread intentionally starves them by not live reporting on their antics.


Bump! Everyone should know what Holla Forums really was.

bump to trigger Holla Forums

Holla Forums is just a group of trolls. Ignore them and they will starve.

Holla Forums was originally from warosu.org and gnfos.com. After Oman, its first BO blew up the board he made freech.net.

You should know at least one of the reasons why Holla Forums suffered under drama. This was one of them.

I will ignore you as long as I please.

cuz u dumb














ayyy /cow/tist


See? When they do that, this usually means they are upset on the brink of sperging out. Your lame antics remind me of that one Firefox plugin that someone wrote for dealing with Holla Forums spam. Remember? Usually went like this:

Holla Forums has autism!
Holla Forums has autism!
Holla Forums has autism!
Holla Forums has autism!
Holla Forums has autism!

This shit was till written for Yotsuba years before anyone thought about implementing Post filters in any Imageboard. 6 montsh later a software called Desuchan got these. Another 6 years later and someone finally implemented them for Yotsuba.

ayy /cow/tist


all me tbqh fam

ITT: cumskins

Bump. Holla Forums is being Sonic autistic again.


everyday until everyone knows.