Dear Holla Forums

Dear Holla Forums

I need your advice as I am about to do something drastic to change my sex. My parents are okay with me doing this, they understand and now some jackass therapist has to do a full diagnosis on me to see what I already know: That I'm a transsexual. This will take a long time and after that there are still 12 months of taking hormones and living as a fake woman (I'll still have what I don't want, a dick) before they even consider doing the operation. I saw on Jerry Springer once this guy who had body integrity identity disorder and wanted to lose his leg and he just sawed it off, then called paramedics. I'm thinking something similar, but can't bring myself to actually cutting off my dick and balls, since that would be slow and painful. Instead I am thinking of using my fathers gun to shoot myself in the dick and then quickly calling the ambulance. My question here is what is wisdom? Since I was more in to girls stuff as a kid I never truly took up my dads offer to learn how to shoot a pistol right. Don't get me wrong I know a little but even had I taken shooting lessons he wouldn't have taught me this. I'm afraid that if I first put my penis on the desk in example, there may be shrapnel from the bullet as well as from the table. I really need advice here. What would be the best way to do this? And don't try to talk me out of this. I'm very determined to change in to a woman. Not in a year, not in several years, no, today. Please help.

Trannies are 10 times more suicidal than plain old homos.
Just embrace your homosexuality and be done with it. Its been proved that sex change surgery does nothing to help the mental state of a person.

i am a woman inside.

i need help pls.

im not suicidal

shoot yourself in the dick, op. that's a good life choice and something you will only regret if you miss. to avoid this, try dynamite.

If your feelings are centered around your dick but not your feminity you may just be a freak who wants to walk around with a blown off dickā€¦ Anyhow, work on makeup and appearing as a woman & work cam shows like your picture. Kellys paid all her bills/surg camming and porn. You can too! Even uggos make good money because of gay niggers who like manley men dressed as girls.

Do not fucking do that, during the angioplasty or whatever they use parts of the dick, specifically the head (for feeling and pleasure)
So unless you wanna have an ultra fucked up vagina or just a coin sized hole where your dick was, dont fucking cut it off you dumbass

If you change too fast, you're really not gonna look good, just a dude with a cunt.
also, they use your dick in the sex change operation, no? if you shoot yourself in the dick, you'll just end up amputating, or just a fucked up cock.

i am not a freak i am a woman inside. the rest of your post i dont understahd

thatd be stupid

no but shooting it would be fine though right?

i look pretty feminine

no you fucking idiot, leave it there

what if i just shoot it a little bit?

do you really want to have an ugly pussy?

i dont mind if it looks a tad different, but ugly, no

Im saying blowing off your dick will make you a man with a blown off cock

Work on being female
The way you act
Pay for your surg with money from camming "jerking it for old men on cam who want to throw money away" start with ffs to make your face softer maybe a brow shave then tits and cut toyr dick off only after you paid for everything "t girls with no cock make no money"

it will be disgusting

i dont need any of that i already look a lot like a woman so im ready

No you dont otherwise you would have posted a picture, you look like a man

You don't want an ugly pussy, so you don't shoot yourself in the dick.
It's not something to argue.

They're not gonna give you a sex change just because you shoot yourself in the dick.

come to think about it i'll want them to put breasts in too so i think first i will shoot my chest but sideways so it will just sorta pierce trough the nipples and then after that my dick.

i have a bucket of ice and some towels ready and my phone of course

Why do you think shooting yourself is gonna make them give you what you want?

i figured if i shoot off my dick and its all messed up it will be too hard to make it back in to a penis and since i'm mentioning it in my note anyway they figure "oh alright"

specially since it will make me, their patient, really happy

god damnit that shooting trough my tits thing isn't working at all since i'm so skinny i just shot a hole trough my vanity mirror and the wall

i can however shoot myself in the dick i will let you guys know how it goes

enjoy your new life as a dickless madman in a mental ward.

Just for fun, could you take a picture of your beautiful female form?

sent hlp pls
so much blod

Just saying, they still can't just give you the ok just to be nice.
You shooting yourself in the dick is only gonna prove that you're mentally unstable.

it was fun roleplaying with you :^)


tink im dying.hlp

take a selfie already, stop being such a girl about it


you don't look very feminine to me dude

also, for realz, call the police. they'll send help.

Nice fake blogpost

There's no such thing as sex change, it's just mutilating your own genitals

that's retarded. all you'd be doing is losing what little pleasure you'd get out of your frankencunt if you ever do go through the surgery.
vid related, they use your dick to make the thing sensitive

not to mention all the other shit you need it for

TV really romanticizes surgery, they make it out to be this super delicate process, when really theyre just hacking away at flesh with no real precision

No, you think you're a woman inside. the fact remains that you are in fact a man and always will be, just own it and keep your dick. there's plenty of qt traps and trannies without frankentits and franketcunts.

Tranny cunts are always disgusting, they should all just keep their dicks instead of mutilating themselves.


You aren't a women user, you just identify with common women mannerisms/social expressiona a surgery won't change that. Just become a trap user, and if you are gonna actually do that dumb ass surgery go to a doctor, your homemade plan sounds stupid as all fuck.

jesus fucking christ this bait thread, kill yourself OP
this is NOT the website for you
all of the post that are "supportive" is you samefagging like a fucking good goy SJW

jesus fucking christ this bait thread, kill yourself OP
this is NOT the website for you
all of the post that are "supportive" is you samefagging like a fucking good goy SJW

where in this thread do you see support

you relate with a dude who cut his own leg off.

That should tell you that you are mentally ill.
Throw the drugs away, start weight lifting and work in a hard physical job for a year and see how you feel.


Same with nose jobs and facelifts.
Surgery in general is butchery. Avoid it whenever possible.


I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears considering you're clearly mentally insane, but shooting your dick off doesn't make you a woman. It makes you a dude with a shot-off dick. Sex changes exist in name only, you are what you are from the day you're born until you die. You should try to get used to that and seek help for your issues. That's the best advice I can think of.

Don't ruin yourself. The technology isn't there yet, you'll never be a woman unless God himself comes down and retcons your life.

You have the potential to be much better than any woman though, to be cute and pretty and sexy without the curse of a smelly, disgusting clam between your legs.

Wax, get fit, take hormones and learn to dress. Become a Trap, the woman of the Internet age. You're a pioneer in a new era, where men finally liberate the beauty of femininity from the horrible, sociopaths traits of the female sex.

I'm serious. You'll ruin your life if you chop off your dick. Please don't. We need cute traps, not more gross cunts, and most importantly, it will make you happy. It will make you love yourself.

OP don't do it, but if you do decide to mutilate yourself, stream it/film it.

the only sane thing you said in your poorly crafted paragraph.

If this is real, my best advice would be to wait until you no longer need your parent's permissions, and presumably their money, to chop your dick off.

This whole thread.


OP, live stream it!
Call ambulance b4 you do it, pull trigger when they arrive. Say on phone you already done it. Leave gun inside, run outside naked.

It's the only way

I know this is pasta, but mentally ill patients with gender disorder realize after they transition that it wasn't their body, it was there inability to cope all along. After there is no more surgical thing that can be done, trannys realize they can't reach orgasm and an hero.

Ask any tranny..

BUT, in the interest of being a helpful user, I will solve your dilemma with TWO words.
Rubber. Bands.

ur grate bud

Don't aim there. Put the pistol to the side of your (on your shoulders) head and fire it. Or pay for a qualified psychiatrist to get the help you really need, you delusional cretin.

woman is a term for sex. Your sex is male. Your idea of what it means to be a woman is based gender roles. Act however you want to act, and if you want to trick people in to perceiving you as something you're not you might as well since most people do it to some degree anyway. As much as you might want it you can never have complete control over how people perceive you, so be prepared for some level of failure. Wanting to shoot off a part of your body on the other hand means that you are 1)fucking crazy 2) so out of touch with reality that you cannot understand real consequences or 3)trolling

Subhuman piece of shit