You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this.

Any reasonable person would pull the lever. You would be stupid not to pull it.

Sucks to be the guies in the middle because they gonna die

This reduces property damage and maximizes your safety. Any loss of life will be the fault of the criminal who kidnapped 11 people and attempted to make some senseless point about society.

8 (max) people die if I pull the lever, however 6 (max) people die if I do not. Therefore I let the lever stay. Either way someone dies.

To ensure my own safety I would not pull the lever. You'd be gambling with your life if you did pull it.

Hopefully the other person would have the same realization and the trolley's would collide.

Pull the lever and move out of the way

photosynthesize those digits

faggot, it says you can't move out of the way in the image.

spamming that video is fucking stupid too.

Or else what? What will happen if I disobey some pixels on a jpeg image? Seriously, I'm moving, fuck u guys

And that's also why I'm spamming this video

it's just a hypothetical situation to make you think. anyone would just pull the lever and walk away if you could move.

No it's not, it's black megabytes on a (rather poorly) crafted image and there's nothing happening in it. This shit would NEVER happen in real life as well. But video related happens all the time in real life.

trips 2

god damn, you're retarded.

kennedi checkem

How dare you doctor memes from proof of the Holocaust™ you dirty gentile goyim it is as though you are killing infinite of g_d's chosen people™ every second you aren't killing yourself for Israel™

This isn't the game of chicken, this is the prisoner's dilemma. Although both players achieve higher payoff by playing "pull the lever", the uncertainty of one player concerning the other's will cause both of them to play "don't pull" in order to avert what is objectively an infinitly negative payoff (ie dieing). Game Theory 101.

Now explain to me how the fuck the proportion of us inbred retards whom aren't mathemations or economists are supposed to know how to solve this, user.

"… concerning the other's DECISION" and "mathematician", sorry.

Easy, don't pull.
However, you cannot guarantee the other will pull the lever, going onto the next option
Being that this is 1/2 of the possible options (both pull, both stay, one pulls, other pulls), it would be better for the player in particular to not pull. Leaving the last option
Only 5 people die.

It's simple, really.

In either case, the maximum that will die is 8.
If you pull the lever, and blue does not, then that kills 8 people
If you do not pull the lever, and blue does, then that also kills 8 people.

If blue thinks as logically as I do, then it is safe to assume that blue will make the same decision that I do. If we both make the same decision, then the choice I should make to minimise deaths is to pull the lever.

Best case scenario is you get multi-track drifting and kill 6 people yourself.

Do you really trust blue?

I'm so badass that I'd push the lever backwards, sending the tram backwards, and preventing me from any moral deficiencies




plot twist the five people are /suicide/ unique IPs.

My entire decision rests on my trust that he will also pull the lever to save one guy. My logical guess is that he will not pull the lever, because that in no way results in his death.

There's only one life to save here, and should he not pull the lever while I do, that's 5 lives plus my own. Let's cut our losses at 5 and do nothing. I'd rather have 5 or 6 than 4 or 6 including me.

Also, if I CAN climb into it, I don't see how his trolley could run me over. Do that and pull the lever, hoping he will do the same thing. Possibly kill only 4.

In what scenario do 8 people die? If you pull the lever and the other does nothing, his trolley kills the 5 people and you. That's 6. And I assume it's symmetrical, so 6 is the maximum for the other guy too.

Oh, I see. Your trolley doesn't magically disappear if you pull it and he doesn't, it kills the two people. Sorry, I assumed the text held all the information.

do nothing

I am guaranteed to live, whereas if I flip the switch I might die

this donkey: gets to die while feeling "reasonable" lol

then you take one step out of the way, if the other dude merely moved his lever normally

if you don't know the difference between "who" and "whom" then just always say "who" like the other retards