I'm gonna say it was Trump winning that finally broke her

I'm gonna say it was Trump winning that finally broke her.

Lena Dunham Calls Herself a ‘Human Wastebasket’ in Drunken Video Rant


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The liar finally tells the truth.

Now she just has to admit she's a child molester.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't fit right in

tell me something I don't know, Lena.

why does she have the same facial expression as a retard taking a shit

Donald Trump is the great Philosopher king of our time.


that's disgusting


The arrogance of this pile of refuse. A waste basket is a modest and mild description for it.


I would add a human junkyard to the list but at least a junkyard has some uses.

Why do you keep shilling that shitty site here?

(((Shapiro needs his shekels, goy)))


It's archived you whiny fat fuck.

I was only joking about moving to Canada, because I didn't think he would win!

That would be a man who's already given up on life. Death by pebbles shoved in his benis that it eventually becomes a vagina.

Ahhhh! The tears of unfathomable sadness!


I've never actually heard her talk. She sounds like someone doing a parody of a valley girl. She's so beat and stupid it's enjoyable. Hopefully she makes more of these.


Didn't she already do that?


I bet she knows all about men being fragile around her.

what if every group gets his own president. trump becomes president of whites, hillary president of women, some gardener president of latinos, obongo king of niggers, etc. this way everyone gets happy. there amerifats, i just fixed your dumb country.


Then they would fight for total control. You just sped up the next civil war if you did that.

America should balkanize based on nations like the civilized world. Oh wait, the colonial mongrels don't have any nation.

Yet we still took it from the britcucks. Now the UK is worse off, maybe they should have become a colony of the United States?


Last time I checked there was a way to define an Englishman that wasn't "right coloured guy with a passport", while that is all American "nations" are.

What? Have you seen Londistan? If the Brits don't uncuck their shit, the UK will be New Mecca.

What if every group had it's own country?

You colonials are beyond retarded.


You are beyond retarded. Once they take the cities, they move further out. By that time they will have elected more then just the Londistan mayor, and the government will become muslim. But hey, at least that 1 town with a population 100 only has 1 muslim in it!

Colonialism was a mistake because it created a race of mudbreed retards like you.

Last time I checked, Britain is still a fucked up country that hasn't even been able to get out of the EU. But I have to congratulate you, Muhammad is only the second most popular name in your country. You sure showed thos Muslims who is boss.

Fucking lightweight pussy

This is why we need Civic Nationalism


You could at least champion for civic nationalism with a strong ethno-nationalist slant to it. I can get along with a civnat if they are at least willing to admit that culture mostly stems from genes and therefore defending ones culture means ensuring a primary ethnic group remains in the vast majority.

Calm yourself Hitler.

What if the albino mutant had never crawled out of his cave?

How/why is that goblin even famous?

Oh, I'm fully willing to admit that, it's YOU that has to spread vicious lies. It's a scientifically established FACT that the albino cave devil was only able to build his civilization after plundering all of the wealth and knowledge of the peaceful African tribes. That's not even mentioning how they drained the original man of his melanin and harnessed the sacred power agains him. Do you even know how much a pound of melanin used to fetch at the market? Educate yourself.

my heart goes out to the working men & women, the tired, the poor. so many people suffering under the heel of these rich assholes. the democrats are done, they should've run someone decent, both sides fucked us yet again. back & forth.

You need to go back

It would be a pretty sweet cave, tbh.


The democratic establishment give lip service to progressive causes and then feed at the same trough as the republican establishment. We only think they're better because the DNC is paid by the same crooks that finance the MSM.

Case in point: not even Elizabeth "I swear I'm 1/64th Cherokee" Warren has said a word about the pipeline protests in North Dakota.

The fact that Trump won while earning less votes than Romney shows that the people aren't going to vote if both choices are horrible.

Polite sage because this is Holla Forums.