‘Star Wars’ actress Daisy Ridley says criticism of her character Rey is ‘sexist’



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God, fuck this movie

No they aren't….. She had more advanced force powers than luke over the course of a weekened adventure. In the first star wars movie luke couldn't do jack shit.

Remember that time Luke was able to pilot the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo without ever setting foot on it before, and was able to do all sorts of advanced Force shit by accident?


Well fuck you old man, the original trilogy was boring anyway!

Does she even know how the term was created in the first place?

Tweet her this.

forgot the vid

After reading your first sentence I was about to start reading about episode 4 again. I was just thinking "no fucking way there is no way that happened"
then I realized you were joking

i guess i'm just a silly prankster boy ;)

She is so incredibly, painfully stupid. "I feel X and Y and am unable to look at things objectively"




ah, the classic counter.

everyone also forgets that luke had two things prior to destroying the death star: countless hours of flying in a t-16 in beggar's canyon, taking potshots at wampa rats that were roughly the same size as the exhaust port, and a quick but effective force training session with obi-wan, which is how luke was able to steer the proton torpedoes into the exhaust port.

rey literally just starts using the force without realizing what she's doing to the point that she can open and close doors at will (luke struggled to get his lightsaber out of snow), along with successfully performing a jedi mind trick (something luke failed to do), and managing to overpower kylo ren who had her at the edge of a canyon (luke only won his second duel with vader because he gave into his anger, the very thing yoda and obi-wan warned him against).

oh, and how is it that she knows about the jedi/force through various tales told at niima outpost, yet she does the mind trick, fucks with the base, and somehow forgets what the force is until ren says "i can teach you the ways of the force" and then just goes super saiyan?

you literally can't make any logic in this shitfest.

No, he gained them through training. Rey didn't, she had some sort of technomagic mcguffin give them to her for free.

To be fair he did know how to pilot a fighter pretty good and shoot good. That's about it.

Cunt please…

it is true that it is a poorly written movie with stakes or character development. that's what all the criticism is, how she is amazing out the gate. luke was retarded for most of the trilogy but got better.

FUCKING HELL JAR JAR ABRAMS CANNOT WRITE FOR SHIT. He is obsessed with perfect super powered women.

Yes, he did, but in the movie he explains that he and his friends spend their time piloting ships and shooting at whomp rats. There's actually an explanation for his piloting ability and his ability to hit a small target with a ship's blasters.

On the other hand, Rey is able to:

-Rappel, jump, and slide across terrain
-Speak multiple alien languages and understand droid binary
-Pilot a Corellian cruiser with such skill as to evade military trained TIE pilots
-Repair and maintain starships
-Use force powers including force pull, mind trick and reading minds
-Defend herself in melee combat against multiple larger foes
-Scale walls with no equipment and access computer banks
-Wield a lightsaber and defeat a trained dark force user

That's just off the top of my head, and I haven't seen the movie since it came out. She is 100% textbook example of a Mary Sue.

Yeah, I know. I was just defending my man Luke when people say "he couldn't do shit".

The thing is Luke became a badass AFTER most of the film, you were overpowered RIGHT AWAY.

“Everyone was saying that Luke had the exact same [capabilities].”

Wait she never even watched episode IV?

I don't think anyone involved did. They read a brief synopsis on the back of the dvds and went from there.

perfect analogies, i'll send this to my sister's bf and his group of friends, they all play dnd.


Does that imply people do things for the greater good without thinking it is the right thing to do for the greater good?

For the greater good.

Ebin pic right there

how do we stop our women from getting blacked?

who saw that coming?

Those people are morons. Luke spends most of the first movie being beaten up, belittled, and rescued by other characters. It's established that he's a good pilot and can shoot pretty good, otherwise he's just a dumb farm boy, who can't do much of anything.


About a cliche and stock response lifted from other, more successful people than her. Just like the movie she was in that lacked it's own unique identity.

The real problem with Rey in the end is that she's just a really boring character. She doesn't speak as a character but more as her profession speaks for her instead. This is probably more common in tabletop games but it's when a character is the sum of their traits rather than how the traits became what makes the character. Sure, an assassin can do assassinations every now and then but that alone doesn't convey who the character is. What is their reasoning? What is their motivation? This is basic character 101 and Rey really lacks any of that.

Rey's notable things are she talks to machines, she fixes things and has uncanny force powers. The only other notable thing about her, which was laughable, is her abandonment flashback. The first time she shows hints of this, was in a poor visual que of her not wanting to be touched by Boyega as they were being attacked. Until you saw that flashback scene later in the movie, the only personality you'd draw from her is that she was a stupid bitch who didn't need no man.

no it's not. it's also a Mary Sue.

that's because JJ let you put your hand in his Mystery Box and give whatever was in there a good squeeze. everybody else is left in the dark about who Rey is and what she thinks or why she does things.

nobody had a problem with Leia in the original.

I want to wild and rugged sex with BB8

Credit where credit's due, that guy is pretty close to what Finn looks like in the movie, with the exception being that dollar store lightsaber.

Like this guy's music.

what did he mean by this?

he got fucked up in the second one too, he was an arrogant little shit and hubris got him back for it like an actual character with depth.

I just loved the Jedi mind trick part. Not 10 minutes before the scene she was questioning Han about the Jedi and was surprised they were real and not a myth. On top of that, she had no fucking idea she was force sensitive, she didn't even know you could manipulate minds with the Force. It's where the movie basically stops giving a shit pretending anyone writing it had any care about coherence or quality, hoping that putting a nigger, an ugly cunt and a Jewish spic would deflect any criticism.

Just compare it with Episode IV where Luke is organically introduced to the Force when Obi Wan fools the two stormtroopers, adding a bit of social commentary in the mix (the trick only working on weak minds).

She doesn't. When Han tells her the Jedi are real she acts surprised and defaults to her resting fish face.

Knows more about the Falcon than Han does even, and this without having ever stepped foot in one and having spent most of her life being a scavenger rat out in the fucking desert.

Can one shoot stormtroopers without ever having held a blaster in her hand before too.

Evidently not, otherwise he wouldn't have lost every single lightsaber fight until the very end of the trilogy. Even Anakin gets his shit fucked up in almost all his fight scenes in the prequels and he was hyped up to be "THE CHOSEN ONE". He even got his shit kicked in by a conveyor belt for Christ's sake.

I'm glad we know the Ma-Rey Sue meme actually got to her though. I wonder what else got under her skin.

He only really started "winning" in the third movie, just like Luke, and only against Dooku, and, just like Luke, he managed it thanks to the Dark Side.

He still got his shit kicked in by Obi Wan.

Rey on the other hand never really gets challenged or punished for her choices. Luke went against Vader against Yoda's express wishes and lost a hand in the process, Anikin raged at an unwilling Obi Wan and got cut to pieces, Rey punchers way above her league and the plot bends over backwards to let her win.

You know with the leaked script I was hoping they could do something similar to KOTOR like Bastilla Shan where she's so good and arrogant she turns to the darkside. And Kylo Ren is the one to stop her.

The writers have already proven what their goals with the movies are. The good guys are good and perfect and always win, the bad guys are cartoonish clowns (and all are white) and never put the heroes in dangerous peril, the heroes can and will spontaneously develop skills and powers whenever the plot requires them to without any foreshadowing or backstory, and if any of you cishet, white goyim dare complain they will call you names until you hopefully shut up.

Possibly the biggest Sith bitch in the whole Star Wars saga. They should have never made him take off the mask.

You can look at Ridley's eyes and immediately tell she's completely stupid.
They always look completely vacant, like there's nothing inside that skull.

The bad guys will at least win Episode 8, but likely a shallow victory.

he's not even a Sith though.

that might be part of the point - only the Sith were able to use the Dark Side and not be complete fuck-ups, in order to temporarily take over the galaxy. and since Snoke isn't supposed to be a Sith either, he's going to get fucked up by a mostly-blind, arthritic Jar-Jar or something.

Sith are just a faction of dark force users, nothing special about them.

but they have/had their own techniques, just like the Jedi have theirs. someone who just has the Force but is off on their own would presumably not be as good with it as someone who's been trained, but then Rey comes along and just throws logic out the window. (she better not have been secretly trained as a Jedi then somehow "mind-wiped" because that's a stupid theory)

there's also the Nightsisters, but they got rekt in the Clone Wars, so the Sith are still the top dogs of the Dark Side.

and whatever Darth Maul is now, but he's ex-Sith so his power level is high enough to wear plot armor on Rebels.

I knew this shit was coming, everything is offensive to these skinless faggots. Good job I didn't pay to see that shit movie. Also:

Pick one

Chill, dude. That's basically what I was implying.



There are no force techniques that only certain factions can use, anyone who can use the force can potentially do shit like choke/lightning, just a matter of applying the force in the right way.

But they are themselves more easily used through certain ways of force manipulation, violence is much easier for someone on the "dark side" than for someone on the "light side" because of the inherent nature of certain actions and force applications.

Yes indeed, but as evidenced by the films, it doesn't take much to flip flop.

It was certainly garbage.

Calling Rey a Mary Sue isn't even acknowledging the difference between the sexes, so it's not "sexist" in that sense either.

Based chinks, laughing at Daisy's shitty acting.

They also edited the nigger out of the posters there, and then didn't even bother to see the film.

Why is this girl always making stupid faces?

Forgot my webms.

I may hate their stinky communism, but they hate black people and Xirbusters. That counts for a little something.

Because she is a dumb cunt with not a shred of talent to her name.

That mouth must be a vacuum cleaner for dick, it's the only explanation for her getting the role.

1) The male version of a Mary Sue is a Gary Stu or a Marty Sue/Stu. Some examples include Jon Snow (accused of), Harry Potter and Edward Cullen. Sometimes a villain can even be a Stu/Sue, like show Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones, who appears to suffer no flaws in his villainy and little consequences for his actions. Your character is the hero version of this.

An oppsite of a Stu would be someone like Guts from Berserk, who has had to work very hard to be so proficient at his job as a mercenary, and even then, his skill and proficiency don't save him from his fate, and he now has to work around his amputee status, and still hasn't gotten revenge against his nemesis Griffith fully. This is reminiscent of the GoT/ASOIAF characters Jaime Lannister and Sandor Clegane, who have gruesome disfigurements/flaws and slowly have to work around them.

2) The reason they call your character a Mary Sue is because she is already so good at everything and doesn't seem to have any flaws aside from slight abandonment issues due to being an orphan. She already has Force powers greater than the villain that spent years training them, and is an excellent marksman/acrobat. Now, Luke wasn't so much a Gary Stu because he was rash and paid for it dearly (charging into battle when warned not to and losing an arm for fuck's sake), and Han Solo is definitely not a Gary Stu either because he is foul-mouthed, debt ridden and friendless - and these are two characters that share some of Rey's attributes/strengths.

I wish someone would sit down and tell her actress this so she would understand.

Top wew

Also harry potter isn't as bad as rey, he still fucks up and gets lucky more than anything else.

This is true, but Harry doesn't have a lot of negative flaws (even then, he's still better than Rey, impulsiveness basically costs him Sirius' life); his negative flaws are often meant to make you feel sorry for him because he's a very archetypal hero. Similar to Rey you're sposed to think 'oh, his flaw is that he's mopey and angsty because he has no parents :('

Sometimes this can feel like it's not enough, but that's okay, like I said, Harry is way better than Rey as a character.

Not particularly. Like you said, even his flaws are there to make him more popular with the audience and outside of that one instance he never really gets to suffer for his stupidity, laziness and unwillingness to prepare.

Harry Potter is a below average wizard surrounded by above average geniuses, yet he still manages to defeat them, not through his own efforts, but due to prophecy and the machinations of others. He is a tool, both in the literal and metaphorical sense, and a very shitty protagonist.

Well he got eaten alive by dogs and his girlfriend was thrown off a rampart.

also lukes face got really fucked up in a car accident
hardly something that ever happened to a mary sue

…after 3 seasons

Well, Rey doesn't need a car accident to look like shit, that's for sure.

Holy shit, how dumb can you get?

That particular rabbit hole doesn't seem to have an end.

Well it is really, but everyone is too chicken shit to say the obvious.

Holy shit she doesn't even realize Mary Sue was a term from a Star Trek fanfic that parodied other Star Trek fanfics about fucking Spock by female authors.

So if a Jedi is a samurai/crusader knight what would the Sith be?

Why did this make me laugh so much?

Mike directs TFA.avi

Notice how these retards always use the "everyone was saying", "everyone knows" "we all know".

Ninja, Ronin or just simply samurai serving another shogun.

I really don't understand the point of these threads

It's shit either way and you guys shouldn't bother with this

He would have even less to say than Lucasfilm


Fucking moderation let Holla Forums get infested with cancer, go post about bbc and how much you love it.


good one user.

I remember that one time he nearly got killed out in the desert only to be saved by an old hermit named Ben Kenobi.

Oh, Luke and Rey are the same characters alright.

Fuck nostalgia. Please just stop with this shit.

If you think this is bad just imagine how much worse the sequels will be.

They only did the mind-trick thing because it was a call-back fucking joke.

That's all it was, a comedy-relief that basically shot holes right through the very premise of what the Star Wars movies were.

JJ Abrahms would serve better as a mystery box-shaped lamp shade.

No, it was the writers being complete fucking retards. One has to wonder if they even watched the originals or understand that it's bad writing for people to spontaneously develop powers as the situation requires.

Jew Jew would have been better served in a gas chamber with the rest of his extended family.


They'll learn all the wrong lessons from Star Trek Into Darkness

A black knight?

Open a goddam book once in a while and you would know that.

No it only served the purpose of setting up the joke with the droid letting her out. A fucking stupid scene.

Max Landis is a fag.

I won't watch it.

I fucking watched the original trilogy with my father as a kid. He loved those movies. I loved those movies.

We go to this tripe, watch it and i was just qiuet afterwards. My father said he was disappointed. My sister who never was into Star Wars of course loved it…

A black sheriff??

She is fine as a Mary Sue. Everyone knows it and everyone sees it. There is not a single fact in the movie that can counter that point.
So why not let her be the power fantasy she is? Why not just let her become the next John Rambo or any character by Steven Seagal.
Let her die like the others.

Rambo is only a Mary Sue in First Blood Part II, at most. In his debut he's a PTSD suffering basket case who hides in a tree.

True, First Blood is more about John being insane war veteran, than anything else. The story seems more like a cautionary PTSD tale.
(We all know how dumb the naming is on "Rambo"movies, so enough about that)
John gets really overly Gary Stuish in the later movies though.

Star Wars would fall under this if they didn't almost always have the complete name convention in the movie


Nice pic. Spilled a drink.
Shit has gone so off the rails…


I hope you get cancer and I hope the chemo fails completely.

agreed, star wars has always been about multiculturalism and race/class/gender equality, and now these retard white supremacist trump supporters think they are entitled to bitch and change the franchise because it doesnt show enough racism or antisemitism

.02 Republic credits have been desposited into your account.

anyone have that happy merchant meem with Wato in it?

I meant meme.

He didn't. He already had some experience flying and shooting on Tatooine, which is why he was able to fly the X-Wing.

But he sucked at most everything else. Especially the Jedi stuff. Seriously, the only time he "uses the force" in the first movie is to help him make the shot that blows up the Death Star.

That's it. No mindtricks, no levitation. Certainly no epic lightsaber battle where he holds his own against an opponent much more skilled.

(He tries that in Empire and gets his arm cut off. If they'd had Rey suffer the same fate I might respect her.)


He's a fag, but he's one of the few semi-famous people willing to acknowledge Rey is shit.

It will never happen, though.


Luke wasn't even a real badass until return of the jedi even then he was still being protected by vader the whole damn time.

well they get told what to do, feel, and think for a living. so they're probably all dumb as shit.

It'd be a lot funnier and more in-character if she went in, cut off her own arm during battle and then had to be saved by Ren because he wanted the honor of killing her himself.

It'd be a lot funnier and more in-character if she went in, cut off her own arm during battle and then had to be saved by Ren because he wanted the honor of killing her himself.

It'd be a lot funnier and more in-character if she went in, cut off her own arm during battle and then had to be saved by Ren because he wanted the honor of killing her himself.

I don't really understand it but I have a real love/hate relationship with this rainbow fag.

I have seen the future and I can confirm. Here's what really happens:
>Rey bitches at him with motivational music playing in the background til he agrees to come with her to the Rebel Resistance base
>suddenly Empire First Order attacks
>Rey rallies the Rebels Resistance to lead a big assault directly against the Emporer big bald dude
>also at some point Finn gets his nighole pozzed by Po Dameron in the world's first-ever PG-rated full-frontal nude gay sex scene.


go through puberty munther

Obvious script read there, Holy shit how did this make the final cut.

This is why I want stuff George left behind to leak, to know if we're truly better off

I meant that her eye movement showed they had a cue card or something along those lines off camera for her because she couldn't memorize the technobabble line.

But yes I want that badly too, even if it's bad it's probably more original and interesting than this shit

Truly the next Marleena Brando.

What's wrong with her face?

He became a badass pilot I guess, dogfighting with TIEs and shit while keeping up with Red Squadron, who were elites, but even then his ultimate victory was mostly due to Han Solo saving him from an Ace and space magic which most people thought was basically luck. I guess there's a good propaganda in that. But yeah, he didn't become what Rey instantly was until 3 films worth of character and skill development.

Just imagine. Somewhere out there is a folder on a desktop that contains like 20-40 takes of that same scene which were considered worse.

I don't want to belive that this is true
*But I know it is…**

I mean possible

I wouldn't be surprised if Ridley is a major diva off camera and any strong criticisms of her acting would probably send her to her trailer crying. That and Jew Jew is a hack director but I think we all know that by now.

I also want to post this because it's still fucking gross and fuck her for even doing this like close your fucking mouth you savage fucking hell.

Gay sex?

Later user, I'm busy being angry at Star Wars.

Waaiiit, is that real? Seriously? Rey Mixer?

That's what it says on the official concept art. Race Ray Mixer.

What's wrong with that gross bitch?

Also, Hail Satan.


Yeah but so what? Even if you give her a training montage, it's not going to improve much. She would still never have the combination of dexterity, strength, speed, stamina etc to match a (humanoid) male opponent.

Shit, nigger, don't you know women have exactly the same amount of strength as a man? Maybe even more!

If men are so muscular then why do women have 100% more vaginal muscles then men? Checkmate, patriarchy.

Which one is better waifu, /niggerdick/?

Screencap this, there's no other way the screenwriters of Episode VIII can explain how Rey is so good at everything without recycling the plot of KotOR, coming up with some other left field bullshit, or just flat out not explaining it at all.

I believe they'll just go somewhere along the lines of making up some bullshit excuse for Rey's advanced powers such as her being a former Sith/Jedi under training who got hit with amnesia. Just think about it, how does a 6 to 12-year old girl who was abandoned on a junkyard planet by her parents even survive as long as she did by herself without being sold as a slave or flat-out dying? From what little we saw, she clearly didn't bring any friends or had any regrets when leaving the planet. The only answers I can think of is that a mentor character took her in and taught her how to scavenge/survive and learned her to love things rather than being a loner surviving on her own who prioritizes random droids over food, but died before the events of Episode VII (this would clash with the idea of leaving the planet without regrets, of course you'd miss your mentor, but it wouldn't surprise me if the screenwriters pulled this shit and pretended the mentor was always foreshadowed from the beginning).

This is the one which seems the most likely because obviously a young girl can't learn to scavenge and survive all by herself on a hostile desert planet, and nerds will defend Episode VIII from this standpoint because a bullshit explanation which fills the plot holes is obviously the right way to write movies. Even if the mentor character crap turned out to be true, it's still a bullshit explanation because it was never foreshadowed. Without foreshadowing, you can come up with any random bullshit to explain mysteries, and the story just feels less coherent because there are no hints or leads to guess the explanation to a mystery as the answer comes completely out of left field, and as a result there's little reason to pay attention to what's happening if the story constantly keeps taking unpredictable left turns. There's no chance of a 'aha, it all makes sense now' moment happening in Episode VIII. And of course JewJew Abrams didn't bother with any plot-relevant details or foreshadowing for the sequels because he was instructed to make a movie as far as removed from the Prequel Trilogy as possible, so all that plot bullshit should stay as far removed as possible, in addition to him not directing or writing Episode VIII or IX anyways and not having a reason to keep the story coherent for future episodes..

The other explanation is that Rey had false memories implanted and is just some amnesiac sleeper agent for the First Order/some other shadowy organization. I mean, why the hell not? Her past is enough of a blank slate where anything goes.

Just say she's Palpatine's granddaughter and shit all makes sense.

Luke doesn't want to train her because she's walking dark side and she can wreck people because of palpy's genes. She was hidden away so the first order couldn't get her and make her their Empress.

Snoke's goal is a restoration of the Sith where Rey is Empress and Ren is Vader.

Muh force.


But that would mean that the evil old white man was capable to producve offspring that is good and worthy to be saved.
Unless ofc they bring back Palpatine in some ghost form to get his shitr kicked in by Rey who then proclaims that she is her own master or whatever.
Shit, I can actually see something like this happening.

8ch public service announcement #88

Any depiction of Jew Jew Abrams nose must be censored for lewd content. Failure to do so will result in a minimum 30 day ban. Thank you.

It would fit with the Daenerys archetype.

This is after all the white woman attitude of politics.

unkar platt is the guy that took her in, simon pegg's stupid role in the film. ironically, he turns out to be the new jar jar.

The Jew alien that keeps fucking her over on her food, then turns her in?


my guess is when she got old enough, he told her to piss off and was from there on her own

I wonder if that's why her character is a dreary cunt, or if that's just Daisy Ridley.

they'll do this. it's how you write sci-fi nowadays.

don't give them too much credit user, they're not capable of thinking that hard.

The difference is, it actually makes sense to have men be action heroes.

Not so much with small, weak women.

Because no one wants to fantasize that they are a flat-chested, plain looking girl.

Tumblrinas all want to be Sansa or Daenerys - beautiful, inert objects that have the universe revolve around them.

They applaud Rey but they power fantasize about being a princess.

That only leaves mangina WoW players who are numale beta orbiters who want to be Rey, and they are a sad small group.

thanks user.

Why don't they want to be she hulk? She's sexy, badass, sucessful lawyer and fun. That and her physical appearance is the result of Jennifer Walters subconcious desires.

Because she-hulk is mannish. Girls don'5 want to be a 'she' version of a masculine character

The only power fantasy girls have is being overpowered and having an oversized meat-truncheon being piledriven uncaringly, hardly and fastly, into their inexplicably now tight stench trench by a muscular version of Orlando Bloom.

I never saw she hulk as mannish but more like a buff supermodel. At least in the 80's she was but I can see your point.

And? If it was a man's name Gary Stu, is that somehow less sexist? You don't even know what you're saying.
Fucking no he didn't. He starts off shit and naive and at the end he's become more powerful. Rey is a stronk "badass" from her first scene. There's zero journey at all.
Did she watch her own fucking movie? She is invincible the entire time.
So, you mean YOU don't understand the criticism. That's your fault for being a talentless munter. That's not sexism. Fuck.

She Hulk has to do something to achieve. The whole point of a Mary Sue is she doesn't, it all just happens to her, she reaps the benefits of the Universe revolving around her purely because she's naturally brilliant.

That's something I'd watch.
I mean, I still wouldn't pay for it, but I'd gladly watch it.

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

Gary Stu?

No, the male version is Gary Stu.

Women and cucks can't write compelling fiction. They are too sensitive to "muh feelings". They literally think that a female lead has to be the best at everything. To a person with life experience it just smacks of lazy writing.

Women and cucks write this type of shit because that is how they see themselves. You can have the dumbest woman in the world being supported by a man, and she will talk highly of herself. Her job and accomplishment is sucking dick poorly and she will think she is the next goddamn Einstein.

What is the smartest thing to ever come out of a woman's mouth?

Einstein's cock

Yep. Or in other words, it's "fiction", anything goes. Once you take out allegory from these stories, there's nothing of substance left.


That fucking commercial. That has to be the funniest shit I have seen in a long time. Dem niggas love dat fried chicken.


Was that ever shown, or is it just loosely implied?

grgr-8 bb-8 mm-8

If you have a way then I'd like to hear it.

Build it.

Even if you somehow could build a self-aware droid, marriage laws aren't that loose in most of the world yet.

I'm struggling to think why that matters.

The droid would be your property and if you programmed it right it shouldn't want to leave you.

BB-8 has a pilot light inside it, so you want to be really careful where your dick goes.

Overthrow the government.

Be the change you want to see, user. Shape the world to your will. You have the power.

And then give me a sexbot too please

Rey is the love-child of Luke and some yet to be named character in the story (a female jedi, perhaps?). This makes perfect sense, seeing as Luke is the progeny of one of the most powerful force users the galaxy has ever seen. Anakin's arc within the first six films will mirror Luke's. We will only get to see this through montages and flashbacks in the new abominations yet to come.

George Lucas fucked everything up by going with this midichlorians bullshit theory where the force isn't really some magical, mystical element; it's just genetics, guys!

This explains Rey's plot armor and inability to fuck up. It's just nature, goy! er, I mean guys! These new SW films are going to be a painful retelling of the original story, but with awful characters and wooden acting throughout.



They could easily destroy 2 fan favorites iwith one stroke.

More like uninterested. The prequels are a fucking joke. all of them

Hello Mike Cucklasa, I know you don't understand the prequels at all but please stop spreading misinformation.


Yup, you sure got me there!

Midichlorians was in the original script from early on, it wasn't a change and it didn't make the force any less mystical. It was simply a thing revealed to connect the force with the major theme of TPM, which was symbiosis.

Oh was it? Point out the exact scene and time in the ORIGINAL trilogy that the word "midichlorians" was uttered by any character. I'll be waiting.
Just by introducing the concept of a PHYSICAL requirement in order to use/manipulate/feel the force did Lucas reduce the force's mystical properties to nothing more than "genetics."

So Lucas came up with this concept only to fulfill a recurrent theme in TPM? Fucking brilliant.

This is amazing. TFA is so awful that we're now back to arguing about how bad the prequels are.


Yeah I feel the same, Max is a hard one to peg.

Sometimes he is 100% on the ball, like with the Rey Mary Sue thing, or that casting Scarjo in Ghost in the Shell is just how starpower in Hollywood works and not some grand whitewashing crisis.

Other times he'll say shit like "virtue signaling isn't real."

Oh god, why?

Wait wait wait, you might be on to something here: An incestuous love child, so stupid and undeserving of anything but ridicule turns out to be retard strong in the force. Yep, it all makes sense now. Daisy is a brilliant actress after all.

I guess they had to establish somehow that not everyone can use the force. Otherwise, why would they not? Why would every random guy on the street not be forcing all over the place, if all it took was belief?

it took training, usually from an early age.

Hell, Luke apparently had the propensity for being adept at using the force and he didn't even know it existed. Of course, one could argue that was why he was such a good pilot.

Yeah force was just a concept for someone who's naturally gifted, or someone that can go to a slightly higher zone then normals… maybe a bit of telekinesis.

The OT kept it at that level, but once the extended universe and games came about, it was always going to turn into some x-men/genetic/scientific/autistic component.

I never got the outrage over midichlorians.

The force always was genetic to some extent, even the oldest EU stuff had that. Only certain people were force-sensitive, and Yoda told Luke the force was strong in his family.

Not everybody could be a jedi.

Some people seem to think midichlorians are the force.

hold up a minute you retards.

first of all, from george's own words, everyone is connected to the force in some way. some are more naturally gifted than others, but anyone can train to become a jedi.

second, why don't we all revisit qui-gon's brief explanation of midichlorians to anakin, eh? for old time's sake?

starts at about 50 seconds in.

if you don't feel like watching, i'll give you the tl;dr version

- midichlorians are a microscopic life form residing within all living things
- without midichlorians, life would not exist (the building block material of the universe, aka atoms)
- without midichlorians, nobody would know about the force
- midichlorians tell the will of the force

those last two right there point out the fact that midichlorians and the force are two very separate entities.

in short, some fuckwit moron got the wrong idea about what this scene meant and thus started a whole crusade of shit over nothing. y'all have been bitching about literally nothing. the force is still the force, it always has been and always will be.

I guess there might be some sense in saying that it's all unneccessary babble, when we ever needed to know about the force is that it's magic and only special people get to use it. Still seems incredibly petty to get this mad over a scene that lasts about ten seconds.

Don't forget about Mara Jade. They're gonna erase her from existence too, if they haven't ruined her already in some piece of media I'm not aware of.

I don't think anybody thought the Force was midichlorians. They just didn't like any explanation or quantification of how it worked.

except that didn't explain how the force worked so much as how they are able to find people with force affinity. now, why they couldn't just use their own affinity for the force to find others with the same ability I don't know.

Vader perceived Luke's affinity in episode 4.

I agree, although I considered Luke pretty badass for following his convictions in his attempt to save his friends @ the end of Empire. His struggle against Vader was also very brave and badass, although ultimately completely futile.

4 U

You got me, user.

The worst part is I can see them doing it just like this.

Good trick Kike. Now get into the oven and take that idea-stealing patent-licenser with you.

Mike Stoklasa ejaculates in the movie theater because Star Wars finally has the sex scenes it did in the original trilogy again.

it would help if you bothered to read the whole post you know.

Lucasfilm probably actually has a room like this


iirc the pilot's name on the helmet is rhae

Geez-o-shit, isn't she driving some high-speed open-air vehicle while doing this? Just imagine all that sand and dust flying into her mouth while she's eating.

No, she's just sitting outside her shanty.

This was probably the best moment the character had - not being a bitch, just being a person who wants to pretend they are somewhere else. It was relatable.



You know, when she did the Jedi mind trick, it flabbergasted me. Not because she was able to do it, but because it would have been so easy to make it actually seem natural. If she had been panicked and screaming, and shouted, "No! Stop!" and then he stopped…That would have actually been believable.

Where did I say any of that?

I doubt she'll watch it, but somebody should send this video to her. He does a good job breaking it down objectively.


How was he able to fly a fighter without any pilot experience?

RIP in peace in the force Rhae. I hope your force soul can find peace even with a Mary Sue eating with her fucking mouth open in your helmet. Come to think of it Rhae's skull was probably still inside the helmet when that bitch found it. She probably bartered her skeleton for some space bread or some bullshit. I'm so sorry Rhae.

No. She is in a desert, though, and anyone with half a brain knows to keep your mouth closed in a desert because you lose more moisture breathing through your mouth than your nose.

For a fucking savage maybe.

He flew a T-16 skyhopper at home. I think it was supposed to be similar to the X-wings or something.

He was a pilot. It's mentioned several times, when he says he could buy his own ship and that he's not a bad pilot himself when Han charges them an arm and a leg for their trip to Alderaan, and again in the briefing for the attack on the Death Star. Also one of his fellow pilots, Biggs, vouches for him as a pilot and they grew up flying the same ships on Tatooine. He also gets some level of combat experience late in the Falcon.

This is one of the weak points of episode 4, though. Telling us he's a good pilot rather than showing us that he's decent enough beforehand. But at least they laid the groundwork as for why he's able to fly something like an X-Wing.

Fun fact, they were suppose to show him flying the T-16 but that scene was cut, and the studio model they were going to use for that scene ends up being the miniature in the movie that Luke is seen playing with.

And here it is in the background.

Buff women are mannish.

Depends on the woman.

The mention it a couple times. Namely when he runs into Biggs. Both in the movie and original deleted scenes.



Nope, but I can see how you'd think that. It must hurt thinking a girl with muscles is more of a man that you are.

Noice. How did she get those muscles and retain her boobs?

I could be wrong but based on the way they move they're probably implants.

She's right.

You're right about all this. What changed though is that it started as Eastern/Christian conception, where the force-user is tapping into the "will of the force/universe"… meaning the mysterious will has to "agree" to its usage.

And then it all became quantified, like the user is just pulling special powers out of his ass… where everything has a number like a D&D game, and the will of the force is no longer an independent actor.

Did you watch the same film as me? Shit, have you actually seen TPM or are you just talking about what the moronic Plinkett review told you to think?

I like this guy though sometimes he can get a bit clickbaity.

I wonder if there's anyway of cleaning up some of those scenes?
Then fan editing them into a New hope.

oh also notice how Luke was treated like crap by that hippie chick in the bar. Luke starts off as a humble cucked kid … not so with Sauron's voice Rey.

I really like these scenes. Especially the one with Biggs Darklighter. Gives Biggs meeting and death more meaning.

It look like someone decided to take the movie versions and increase jaw size in both like in Oblivion char generator.

They'll give her a backstory in the sequel which explains all of this. They're using this film to bait all the Mary Sue complaints and then revealing she isn't a Mary Sue, you're just a sexist manbaby who can't handle strong womyn.

You give them too much credit they did not think that far ahead they just let jew jew do whatever he wanted.

Its a garbage movie there is nothing they could do save a complete reboot to save it. Even if everything is explained nicely it doesn't matter… what is the explanation she is space Jesus? seriously … There is no conflict or drama she is too perfect.

And to think they threw 20 years of EU for this shitpile. Nothing since the release of TFA has been good. The games are shit, Rebels is a stinking turd and the books are godwaful and only there to introduce a faggot character.

Liberals and leftists ruin everything they touch.


The faggots even broke the empire….. Starwars is no longer fun.
I predict that Starwars will move into Dr.who level of shit with disney at the helm (judging from TFA and rogue one).

They already have.

I'm not saying they planned this, just that they can use this bit of controversy to further push the agenda. She's also another chosen one.

They're not that smart. Rey is going to keep being perfect at everything and whatever backstory they come up with is either going to be extremely predictable (she's Luke's daughter) or lame.

Is she gonna bring back balance to the Force like Anikin did?

I'm sorry, what's TFA? What games? Disney hasn't done anything with the Star Wars IP since buying it.

Battlefield with Star Wars grafted onto it and any Lego games if they made any maybe?

Surprisingly, the lego game was better than the actual movie. Only shitty parts are the forced cameos of jew jew and cuckquean kennedy

I saw the second part of his masterpiece trilogy at the bookstore a while ago. How much worse was it from his first turd?

Leftists ruined everything Star Wars in record time. I expected the charade of them having a grace period to prove themselves would go on for a few years but to my amazement and relief, they're being rejected in less than a year than the release of its pilot movie The Cuckold Awakens. These people are so terrible that the "new" fans are sounding like the old fans who want nu-StarWars to go away.

Technically it's still Lucasfilm

Just how many people are "chosen" and who is doing the choosing?

a woman "balancing" anything … talk to me when they can balance their mood swings.

Fuck…. so starwars is dead.
Thanks jews, sjws, homo freaks and women you ruined yet one more thing.

Is there any other space related scifi universe that hasn't been ruined yet? preferably a book series as leftist don't bother to read much.

Parsecs are a measure of DISTANCE!!!!

It's not like they could throw in Lego George

they still tap into the force, you dingus. kylo ren clearly has a high midichlorian count, being the grandchild of vader, but if he (like luke) is struggling to grab a saber from the snow, they aren't doing it right.

again, a line taken out of context.

nothing about the line "made it in less than 12 parsecs" implies time as opposed to distance. also, the old eu even explained the statement. generally the kessel run, a well-known smuggler route, was roughly 12 parsecs long, but han managed to cut some distance out by essentially going in a straight line via drifting on a black hole, which also theoretically means he time traveled, but that's another thing entirely on its own.

i will test the character creator and see what i can come up with.

also, if anything, i believe baron papanoida is in the complete saga so there's that.

I want to stick my dick inside that C3PO and mash it so hard I will tear her pussy apart.

There aren't enough priggish sissy-girls getting fucked hard nowadays.

you need to watch better porn m8

Actually I do. I only watched ultra fucked up stuff I don't even like much.

well, if you want to watch some hard fucking, stoya usually gets pounded good.

Yeah, but I want a really girly girl, like totally femme and dainty.

Bitch is fucking flat as a board just like Daisy Ridley. I want a qt that is busty and curvy like to tenderly dick to death all night.

You are sperging too much about a franchise that its being whored out by a major corporation

Always expect the worst

It would a ripoff of the "luke I'm your father" thing if it went like that

Then again this is nostalgia trip: the movie

That appeals to 99% of the SJWs out there which are the offspring of evil old white men that believe they are good and worthy to be saved

get fit


The whole blacked thing is a meme, and you're perpetuating it.
Kill yourself.


So is BB a robotic tranny? That would be more interesting than what we got in the movie.

Thats kind a funny.

It's like Dr Seuss was brought back from the dead to write this.

And I bet it'd be a hell lot more entertaining than this trash.


He was practically untouchable up until the last episode and even then the odds were completely up into his favor. Beforehand, he fought armored men in a armed brawl while shirtless, and people still side with him even after he committed kinslaying - one of the most taboo crimes in the setting - by killing his father, stepmother and brother.

She's right

It'd be funny if the lightsaber turns on by accident while fucking herself with it.

12 good keks to you, sir

Is that Corey?

I'm sure she'll survive it as per her Mary Sue status. The'll just write it of as a new force ability - force cervix.

force anus is more likely.


So…a fitness model?

Reminder that she has a smegma std in both of her lower holes.

I don't know how many of you played Doom 3, but there were these little mini spiders that made this raspy hissing noise and all variations of this pic makes me imagine her crawling out from a ventilation shaft and hissing at her victims just before leaping at their torsos.




Just search "daisy ridley endometriosis".

Gay sex now?


They should reboot The Mask with her in the lead role.

Eyes need to be bigger; otherwise this'd be perfect.

Somebody Stop Me!!!

Well, at least we won't be seeing more of her.

No wonder she hates being a woman.

No wonder she's a feminist.


Looks like she might be having emergencies on set.

I always saw this bit like when mufasa tells simba about the circle of life and everything is connected

Like this?

I giggled

Beautiful. Top work, user.

"Untouchable" aside from the fact he was constantly insulted by everyone calling him a bastard and cast aside by his father, fueling his insane desire to impress him.

Did you watch the show, you fucking retard? He had motivation for EVERYTHING he did, he lost everything, and he died horrifically.


Well, she is a British woman, after all.

What's funnier is the list of cures
She'll have a problem with endometriosis forever.

So she fucked her way into the role, drank the memories away, and now has stankpussy for it?


Why do I still use this board

You act like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or /tg/ wouldn't post about fucking a droid either.

Not strictly. There are also very heavy religious undertones to both orders, to the point that you could in theory draw parallels between, say, Catholicism/Christianity (Jedi) and Satanic worship (Sith). Jedi practice submission to the will of the Force (God), and self-denial (at least on paper, ALSO much like Christianity), whereas the Sith use the Force to subjugate and for personal gain and aggrandizement.

And this is just the most basic comparison you can make, as evidenced by the book "Star Wars and Philosophy".