What the fuck Holla Forums

What the fuck Holla Forums
Who the fuck would even like this film? its so god fucking aweful. The acting is so cheep you could call it a high school project, the writing made no sense, and i had no idea what was going on. Why didnt the movie just start out with the origin story for the scottish guy. Why not give us the "heros arc" nonsense that they obviously followed but somehow the editor dropped all the film snippets and said
Sean Connery's charcter is egyptian? Literally WE WUZ KANGZ. Why not make him greek so he seems all Philosiphy and mentory instead of the most scottish egyptian who was married to a Japanese princess before he lived in spain.

What am i missing Holla Forums? What didnt i see that makes people say its great? Why is this considered a cult film? Do people watch it during cult meetings and say

niec trol fam

Sean Connery is white, Egyptians were white, so what's the problem? Maybe he practices different accents for the regions he lived in? He was in Scotland, so he spoke with a Scottish accent.

I'm with you OP, that movie is over hyped garbage.

The point is that Sean Connery is from ancient Egypt and traveled the entire world throughout his life. He met MacLeod in Scotland where he must've spent multiple decades in, hence the accent. Why doesn't the fact that medieval Scotsmen speak Shakespeare's English bother you then you nitpicking twink.

tfw nobody ever questions why an SS officer was walking around a battlefield by himself with a machine gun, looking for random people to shoot


For some reason I keep seing the film referenced
Remember hearing it in venture bros and aqua teen hunger force

is this it's so bad it's good?

No, it's a mediocre action movie with a memorable premise.

This was my only real problem with the plot tbh

Im not trolling i legit dont know. The whole time im watching i cant get over the male lead and his rape eyes. The sword the villian has is impractical as fuck (you should never have a blade that splits into multiple parts. Just makes it weaker) and on top of that what the fuck is wrong with his armor? Why does it look like conan the barbarian had an alcohol baby with he-man? Also, he was alive from 1500 to 1980s and he only married a scottish woman, got stabbed by an english nobleman, and rescued a little girl from dos ebil nasiz. He didnt go to any other wars? He doesnt forget anything so if he is 400ish why doesnt he come off as highly intelligent. Why does the villian shave his head except for one strand on the side of his head? Your not exactly in disguise when you keep the same CHAINMAIL AND LEATHER EDGELORD UNIFORM. If anything it makes you more noticeable.

You got Highlander, Highlander III and Fortress. That's about it for Lambert, right? I can't think of any other decent films he's been in as the main character.

I love Fortress. Watch it at least once a year.

I never rewatched any of them, Fortress was the one i liked most.
A lot of shit nowadays copies the neck bomb collar thing.

>By 1979, Cannon had hit serious financial difficulties, and Friedland and Dewey sold Cannon to Israeli cousins Menahem Golan (who had directed The Apple) and Yoram Globus for $500,000.[4] The two cousins forged a business model of buying bottom-barrel scripts and putting them into production.

The anime was better tbh

he was more progressive and diverse than anything in the last 20 years

Don't know about "decent" but the Hunted is kinda a weird combo of ninja movie and skinemax thriller from 95 he was in.

dude, mortal kombat.


so much cultural appropriation

I don't remember this part, is this something they regularly cut out of television showings?

What's interesting is how they always cut out that pointless sex scene and it actually does have the effect of improving the film.

deleted scene that was put back in the director's cut

mcleod saves a little girl who is that old fart you see later in the film

also, tv edits usually have deleted scenes put in to either fill time slots or make up for the fact that they edit other shit out. for example, you'll never see the scene from ace ventura where he's at the cannibal corpse show on any video release.

This is the first I'm hearing of such a scene.


ace ventura? it's been out there for a long time dude.

i'll have to assume you're either a normalfag or underage to not have known about this.

in the case of either, commit seppuku or fuck the fuck back off to whatever shithole you came from.

I don't remember ever seeing this scene. Though it seems irrelevent enough that I could have just forgotten.

oh it's entirely irrelevant, carrey is just a fan of the group and they were in town touring while the film was being made.

wasn't the neck bomb collar started in total recall?

trying to find this out, but all i see the the incident that they based part of the movie 30 minutes or less on.

maybe just autism then

The Running Man

Love this film fam.

Probably the worst of all the Highlander movies and that's saying something.

Make up your mind already

The European version always had these scenes included.

The movie's gud but you can't really root for Macleod since Marcus actually brings out a decent point and Macleod's spirit guide even keeps calling him an idiot for his quest for revenge.

Because he was staying faithful to he one and only wife?

Because he was a big badass who did exactly what he wanted. Why the fuck would he care to blend in? It was pretty obvious he didn't give a fuck about anything besides chopping the heads of the others for the quickening.


and you watch it every year? Come on brother


Sean would have to be black for it to "literally" be that.
