Why don't we have a weekly thread for new releases worth watching and have it stickied?

Why don't we have a weekly thread for new releases worth watching and have it stickied?

Someone grabs a list from whatever websites. People watch them and post in the thread to discuss and recommend.

Might help us find some good stuff to watch.

Because there are no weekly releases that are worth watching.

Only for anime

Watching New Movies On Holla Forums,

this tbh

this tbh

Stickies and general threads are garbage.

tbh, this

I doubt there are any 10/10s but I bet there's a few 6-7s.

if you want to settle for average shit, be my fucking guest.

i don't do anything below 7.5

this tbh
Even if actors I like star in the movie, it just feels like a waste of time if the movie is shite. There are some exceptions where good movies get low ratings by jews.

This one too, which came out last year, was good in a tremors kind of way.

You don't have to watch then cuckcold. You can let someone else watch them and tell you how good they are.

Let's be real for a second. Any cyclical thread would just get spammed by the BBC-retard recommending the latest Blacked episode. What's the point.

but if said user has shit taste, how can i assume it's actually good?

Everyone on Holla Forums has shit taste. So if someone here tells you the movie is shit, just assume the opposite.

i think almost everyone on Holla Forums can say that they like john carpenter's the thing.

are you saying the thing is a shit movie?

Watch a movie and join in.

This is why 8ch is dying. No one wants to actually do anything, they just expect someone else to do it then they can get the rewards at the end.

Don't worry, just post this, it's to them like silver-covered garlic is to a vampire.

8ch is dying because the millennials that infest it are incapable of humor, OC, or not injecting normalfag shit like politics into unrelated subjects.


to be fair memelenials are pretty shit tbh

reminder that if you were born in the 80s and later you're a millennial

True, so are Gen X and Boomers though. Pretty much every currently-living generation is trash, there are exceptions of course, but we probably have the absolute worst human stock in history right now.

Decades of coddling the weak and allowing them to breed will do that.

What? Aren't millennials people born in the 90s who are now becoming adults? You're telling me there are 36 year old millennials?


also, iirc the 95 and onward crowd are considered post-millennial or some dumb shit term, millennial is more of a blanket term tbh

Is the current teenage generation, the ones going through high school right now that will be graduating in a couple years, more leftist, less leftist, or equally leftist then traditional voting-age memelennials in their 20s?

I was born in '81 and I'm on the borderline between Gen X and the Millenials.

tbh i think they're more concerned with getting laid and posting memes than politics, and will most likely just follow whatever their parents do.

also, i'd personally like to kick the shit out of most of them, they just need an ass-whooping.

I was born in '82. I never really bothered to give much thought to the whole "Millennial vs. Gen X" thing or particularly care which one I am since they're both pretty cancerous on average.

More like

The lines are not exact and you have a big divide in millenials thanks to the Internet. You have 80s millenials who learned to use it and then late 90s millenials who learned to use facebook apps.

It's a weird as fuck grouping and doesn't fit well as each group is so vastly different.

What the fuck do you think a millennia is?

How can anyone complain about millennials when the great majority of the people you've been posting with on any chan for the past however long have been millennials?

Most because the majority of posters on chans are millennials doesn't mean majority of millennials are channers.



millennia is the plural form of millennium

Was getting caught a part of your plan?

Which is why I assumed "millennials" were those people born near the end of the old millennia and the beginning of the new one, aka, the 1990s.

What exactly am I seeing here?

someone being literally assblasted.

And this thread is why we no longer have any OC and cuckchan is overshadowing us. Someone suggests an idea and you would rather bicker about Millenials than try to make it work.

I'm not here to compete with halfchan. I'm here to shitpost.

You sound pretty millenial yourself tbh m8

Did you get lost on your way to Wizardchan?