If Spider-Man has super strength why his punches don't have any effect on Doc Ock?

If Spider-Man has super strength why his punches don't have any effect on Doc Ock?

He's just human.

Why did Doc Ock throw a car at Peter Parker when he didn't know he was Spiderman and wanted to capture him alive?

Peter only avoided it due to his Spider-Sense.


A better question is
Why the fuck does every Raimi spiderman villain either
A commit suicide
B inadvertently cause their own death

Really stupid hamfisted writing in every Raimi spiderman film.

Also why did he throw it, then go back hiding, then come back for Peter?
Was it to make a cool entrance?

I think the tentacles blocked the punch or he was holding back because he didn't want to harm Ock too much.

So they get rid of a villain without having Peter to kill them directly. Cause y'know, killing is BAD.

With Green Goblin thats how he died in the comics. Doc Ock died as a hero to redeem himself. Harry died as a hero to redeem himself. Venom was just fucking stupid.

But, he does kill them he just does it in a sneaky dishonest manner. If spiderman didn't fuck around then they wouldn't be dead in the first place.

They explained this and all other scenarios in which people were like
their answer was literally
Really solidified my hatred of comics, they will always come up with some contrived reason, even going as low and lazy to write shit like
capeshit needs to go

As soon as the movie bubble pops you will never see it except in toy aisles. Capeshit is at the end of the line.

I agree. How does someone who lifts 50 tons even "pull his punches"? A normal guy could kill you with a well placed punch, let alone a literal superhuman.

He didn't, he throw a car at MJ to lure spidy into a trap….after he is shown as Peter

Why he thought throwing a car to a chick would make sense is behind capeshit logic

Killing is Badong

Technically it's 20 tons (last time I checked anyway), and pulling your punches isn't exactly difficult. Hell, some people do it subconsciously, if you've ever done martial arts, you'd know how many people hold back in sparring to a ridiculous extent without even realizing it.

As much as I wish that was true, capeshit will probably go on for at least another 50 or so years, what with the cartoons and the games keeping the cancerous industry afloat.

Fucking shame really, Superman, for example, could really benefit from being in the public domain and away from DC's shitbag writers.

When you're that strong, pulling punches is difficult. Imagine fighting a toddler.

He has the proportionate strength of a spider. Spiders lift twenty times their body weight. Assuming Spider-Man weighed about 180lbs, that's at least 3 tons he could lift

Wait, no. I got pounds confused with kilos.

He could lift slightly over one ton

1,5 tons to be specific.

In the comics he can lift around 10 tons. The math obviously doesn't add up but

Clearly this was thought up by a writer who doesn't know what 'proportionate strength of a spider' means. Or else didn't bother to look up how much spiders can actually lift.

The tentacles inject adrenaline to doc's veins.

I think they hand waved it with the spider being radioactive. It was the early 60's, nuclear power could do anything then in fiction.

If you get hit by a guy who can lift a car I doubt adrenaline is going to save you.

yeah but its like super adrenaline

adrenaline doesn't make you more durable, you know

The real reason is that Spider-Man's strength varies pretty heavily, just like powerlevel arguments skew characters' limits pretty often.

Dr. Octopus: He rendered me unconcious with a punch that, by my best estimate, was over twelve hundred foot-pounds. That, Dr. Louis, would be my first case of traumatic brain injury.

Radioactive spiders don't make you a superhero

You don't know until you tried it.


If they were nanotech spiders that injected you with nanomachines they would.

Yeah you retard. Everybody can reduce force when spanking/playfighting children. When is the last time you left your computer that you have so little trust in humans cognitive abilities?

I really hate this part about most movies nowadays. It's like the way they think a main character will be relatable is for them to be a complete saint instead of someone who tries to do good but has made his fair share of mistakes and occasional screwup.

Spiderman is supposed to be the type of person your supposed to be, a influence on the children watching the film. He doesn't kill people because of that, and to assume that fantasy should follow real-world logic is retarded. The explanation is fine, you're just autistic.

capeshit is autistic

why didnt the eagles just fly them to mordor?

Same guy as,

This is fantasy, expecting it to follow real-world logic indicates you do not fully understand the intention and purpose of these films, comics and fantasy itself.

I believe it honestly because of things like this…

1. In Secret Wars (I'll get the issue # later) he successfully dodges and humiliates Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, and Xavier at the same time. He wisely went for Xavier first and knocked him out of the fight for a while. He also pimp-slapped Wolverine with a backhand without even looking at him (he used only his spider-sense).

2. Later in Secret Wars, he owned Titania…who had been augmented to easily 100 tons. She had been beating the crap out of She-Hulk earlier in the issue before Spidey took her out.

Just turn your brain off, brah.

How did Ramiel create matter dense enough to penetrate the earth's surface and 26 layers of metal from nothing? Fucking evangelion doesn't even follow the laws of physics.anime is shit


Read The Authority. They don't pull punches, when they punch a bad guy his head explodes like a ripe melon.

Also, the book is fucking incredible in its own right. Read the Ellis run first, then the Millar stuff, then for the love of God, stop. It gets absolute shit afterwards.

It's called suspension of disbelief. Not being aware that fantasy of this type doesn't follow real world physics make you retarded.

It worked on the same principles as a drill.


How did doc ock stand on his own two legs with those massive metal arms on his body?

Holy fuck I never even thought about that

metal isnt always heavy maybe they're made from titanium or aluminum

No you stupid fuck they don't write it as pure fantasy, they retreat to that point because originally they tried and have pseudoscience explanations for these things, especially spiderman, but they wrote themselves into a corner because they are geeks who don't actually know anything besides useless pop culture science, it's shit writing and you have shit taste

you are aware, that comics are meant for children, are you not?

>>>Holla Forums

you know the rules, faggot.

and so do I

Why do Sony always make the same fucking mistakes over and over again?

All fucking weebs must fucking hang.
