Bitch and moan all you want gentleman

bitch and moan all you want gentleman
kill me

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I'm sure this will be a big hit

This doesn't look terrible. The acting seems decent. Aside from the Evil White Guy she's edging out, the writing seems okay. If they stick with the with the "Suck it up and give it everything you've got" angle, it could be alright.

What bothers me is the propaganda aspect. "A true story on the verge of happening," "Bitch and moan all you want, gentlemen," Secret weapon vs. biology…

The actress is cute.


>>>Holla Forums

A science fiction show on Fox? It won't last a season.

I hope they don't strike out.

I love how the Padres were the franchise shitty/desperate enough for this.

the only good thing the Fox ever did was enslave matt groening and his creations, it was their single success, their one golden hen, but now the hen is dead, and they keep it pumping through tubes and chemicals even though its essentially a corpse that nobody likes anymore.

i'm amazed that the Fox is still a thing. everything they make is pure shit.

Avg knuckle balls are in the 78-82 range. So not only can she throw a slow ass knuckle ball she would have to throw it faster than the fastest female pitch ever.

I cant find it but in the commercial the coach literally says "its 2016 guys"

Married With Children


heh women don't have the shoulder muscles for throwing
oh wait, feelings beat-out biology

Remember 6 years ago they said we were in the golden age for television?
I really miss 6 years ago.

They're really swinging for the fences with this one, probably have all their bases covered.

Would put my spitball high and inside if you know what I mean.

Good things boom, often unexpectedly.
Just remember that when the tv repeatedly vomits shit into your lap that it is some motivation to actually try make a good creative show.

That whole trailer basically showed the entire series. Was this a joke or parody? It feels like it's a clever ruse.

To add to this.


A true story on the verge of happening? What?

"We predict the future. And the best way to predict it is to invent it."


Yes, they did


Is that Wadina?


You should totally ask this on /sp/

/sp/ moved a while ago, think to 16chan

>mfw grew up playing baseball and was throwing 70 by the time I was 16 and I'm scrawny as fuck

Wadina may be a WHORE, but she's at least a hwhite WHORE


They can't be this stupid.

Who would even want to watch this?

Perhaps a child in a high-chair, unable to operate a remote control because of the inability to grasp the tangible world around them and lack of fine motor skills.

I'm almost entirely sure this show will never really exist, it seems like 100% propaganda.

She's not even black. She's mulatto. They always cast heavily mixed brown people to represent blacks.

That's because the elite are still absolutely racist. If Holla Forums thinks the PC push is anything more than another means of retaining control they're delusional.

The child would still be suffering.