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that's a very offensive depiction of mongols
some goy is gonna have to pay for this

Is that Oberyn Martell in the trailer?

I think so.

well the Chinese don't give a fuck about the Jews so it doesn't matter to them.


Isn't the director Chinese himself?

well he hasn't built the wall yet so they can't do the documentary until he becomes president.

Well actually, during most of that time nothing was happening.
Technically correct if you add their total length together. The "Great Wall of China" should actually be called the "Great Walls of China", as it's many different walls built by different people over many years.

You mean Mexicans

God fucking damn-it this is the kind of shit I feel like I should no but don't

It's surprisingly something a lot of people don't know.
However, the walls were mostly built for the same reason: to keep people out.
Here's a map of them.

jesus fuck, they're scattered everywhere
why didn't they just start on a smaller scale to begin with, they could have easily surrounded it then

because part of the point is to expend vast amounts of human lives and resources.

The wall is pretty much an example of a long line of egomanic and retarded leaders who wasted money, time and ressources on a project to placate the population and lull them into a false sense of security.

Eventually it failed because the foreign hordes simply walked around it.

Thankfully people today aren't so retarded to believe a pile of stones is a replacement for sound foreign diplomacy and military.

well the USA's border with mexico is a lot smaller than china/mongolia
not to mention we don't need slaves to build it, we have modern tools
and best of all MEXICO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT

If only the filmmakers knew how close to Hitler the first emperor really was

To add to that, the border wall in Mexico is also a symbol of everything else that would come to enforce it. Stronger illegal immigration law enforcement, stronger deportations. Enforcement and utilisation of policies that are in place.

Really, the wall doesn't have to be massive or even really built, if they enforce the policies and processes already in place, they'll have the wall in its truest essence.

I thought that was Attack on Titan for a second?

Sand barriers don't completely block hurricanes so why bother? Flu shots don't prevent new mutations of the flu so why take it?

The wall won't stop every single case of trafficking but it will make a dent, but even as a symbolic statement it is worth the price. The cost of housing illegals in one year is more than the cost of building the wall.
inb4 building a wall is all Trump plans to do, increasing the penalties for helping illegals couldn't possibly be in his plans

What if they're demonic stones and you can use them to hold rituals that will kill your enemies? I have those in my backyard.

Why don't use a fully chink cast? let's face it the reason this is being made is because they want renminbi.

Walls work. Just ask Israel!

Normally this sort of stuff would not bother me, but why are there two white guys in ancient China?


The blood of the Khans from his Finnish grandfather courses through his veins.


The point of the wall wasn't to keep the steppe hordes out, but to funnel them through predictable paths and to act as an early warning system.

The people that built it were never foolish enough to believe it would actually stop the enemy.

Just put mines down there. That's what a modern "wall" looks like, and what mines are used for in war even.

The point isn't to fool the enemy into walking into a minefield, the point is to let him waste time and effort cleaning a path through it while you pummel him.

Why stop there? I'd suggest a flock of Hunterkiller drones patrolling the skies 24/7 and genetically enhanced molemen that hunt down and devour everyone who tries to build a tunnel.

The Gobi desert is fucking awful it's hard as fuck to cross without the proper supplies and knowledge of the area, even then it would've killed a good chunk of a military force trying to cross it.

Also OP, Matt Damon could be a possible Tocharian, or Bactrian, or a child of a merchant from Europe itself, since Rome and China did have trade going on between one another.

The movie looks pretty interesting tbh.

Wonder if it will get a boost from the controversy.

I bet this has anti-wall propaganda.
It's Matt Damon, so it's gotta preach somewhere.