What is your favorite show?

What is your favorite show?
All memes aside, I actually like Seinfeld

objectively the best detective show ever made.

xavier renegade angel

The episodes are 10 minutes long, on the surface they appear to be a silly Adult swim show but it's very cryptically full of deeper meaning with a lot of visual symbolism giving more information about the show and character.

I'm surprised 4/tv/ and 8/tv/ like Seinfeld considering both boards hate the shit out of Jews, and this is one of the Jewiest shows ever

Sounds cool user, I'm torrenting the first season right now.

Either The Simpsons or Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

It's still more critical of Jews than any gentile-made comedy of the last 50 years.

This ol' lie is trotted out whenever someone defends an obvious piece of trash.

"ironically" making your show bad doesn't make it better.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Also Malcolm in the Middle.

just skip the first episode; it feels more like a pilot and it isnt representative of the actual show.

Whose Line

Have you ever read old man in the sea? it's a boring book about a man who catches a fish, it's simple but full of symbolism about life that gives a story about catching fish a deeper meaning.

There was a yt channel who talked about the symbolism in XRA, but his videos were removed. There are plenty of visual pieces that don't make sense or appear to be put there just for humor, but if you know symbolism you'll see a different story (like why his third eye is on his pelvis, or what his desert location setting is symbolic for, or why the MC is so oblivious of the wrong hes doing and keeps trying to distract himself by "helping" people)
It's not "ironically" bad though, just strange and the surface deep humor is funny even if it's corny. The only genuinely bad parts of show are the 3d modelling animation. the humor and the story are interesting and dare i say, creative.

Wait, XRA is a PFR show?
Holy shit, no wonder it's so good.

Yes, from the same people who made wondershowzen and the not so good problem solvers.

In both Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld the jews are pretty shit people.

It's a good show despite having jewish subliminal messages.

I'm not the kind of guy to skip episodes, if I miss one, my autism is going to go off the charts.

This. I've always been surprised how terrible they show Jews to be.

Not really.
And it's one of the best television shows of all time. Hard to not enjoy it, compared to traditional "sitcom" garbage.

I was hoping you meant Renegade featuring Lorenzo "baddass with a duster" Lamas.

Raven was also a cool show around the same time.

well just be aware that the first episode isnt representative of the rest of the series, then.

That is the catch 22 of Seinfeld.
I see the show as Jewish purgatory.
They are forever trapped in void of nothing with no end. Hence "It's a show about nothing". Too be fair they never talk highly of anyone in the show, let alone jews. If you makes Holla Forums feel better, they all end up in prison for not helping a white person.