Give me one reason why i shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off

give me one reason why i shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off

It Would Be Very Painful

damn those niggers must be major players

you're a funny guy

For You

how about a magic trick?

In the name of the people and things of Hell, I dub theeā€¦ Spawn, general of Hell's armies. Arise, Your Crispness! Arise, Duke of Deep-Fried! Sultan of Sizzling! Emir of Ooey-Gooey!

i'm gonna make my life disappear


Ah, it's gone.

now I wanna see joker posting vs baneposting.

That guy is Russian. He'll survive.



Fuck off Holla Forumseddit

Fuck off Holla Forumsnion

i'm gonna make this cock disappear

Fuck off Holla Forumstube

Don't reply to me you queer I didn't give you permission

was making jokes part of huis plan?

I want him to fuck my wife.

Fuck off Holla Forumstropes

Fuck off /Holla Forumstypol/