I work at Adult Swim and have all the gossip right now. Eric Andre is working hard behind the scenes to try to kill MDE...

I work at Adult Swim and have all the gossip right now. Eric Andre is working hard behind the scenes to try to kill MDE. He refuses to promote it across any of his social media, and is making a stink because its politicizing nature. Its not because its alt right, but he thinks that adult swim should be apolitical. Lets face it, he is just made because MDE is just as funny if not funnier than him and, luckily hes not getting his way except 'lets see about the ratings'. Well he's saying they only have high ratings because its literally during his time slot. It's very likely if things keep going like this then Eric Andre is going to give AS an ultimatum and we will likely NOT be seeing an MDE season 2.

Other urls found in this thread:


But I like them both.

Watching clips of Eric Andre's interview stuff, it feels like he's just trying to be live action Space Ghost. Adult Swim has really become complete trash.

You say that like Space Ghost was ever good.

So I take it you saw his unfunny "lol so randumb", this conservative commentator is ebil lol it's Jack Mcbreyer lol Subway noodles, shit-show last night and decided to bait a conversation out of it.

I miss the old, no live action, Adult Swim

Adult Swim really is trash. Most of its popular media is basically the cartoons aimed at redditfags I don't mean that in the usual le reddit fag type meme, the cartoons and most of their staff regularly hang out and chat on reddit or tumblr. And most of their programs aren't even original and just consists of Fox's recycled shit.

Also thanks for sharing OP. We appreciate it.

Adult Swim officially died to me in the final season of Boondocks where instead of cancelling after Aaron left, they decided to keep going and fuck up the show horribly.

How is Eric Andre (((apolitical))) when he didn't cover the DNC?

Are you implying you wouldn't fuck that actress in the ass?

The Boondocks was never good.

The death of Adult Swim was when they started making live-action bullshit like Saul of the Mole Men. Tim and Eric finished the fucking job for good; all of their shit is pure weaponized autism.

i didn't know Aaron left before the last season
i guess that explains why the last season sucked so bad

No, she's a qt.

Are they retarded?

At least he wasn't a nigger

Where were you about 7 years ago?

Dude what would happen lmao

What the fuck is MDE you kike?

Looks like you're the real kike.

I used to like MDE. Used to. Why?

Now that they have an adult swim show they're so arrogant. Also they toned down a lot of their stuff. It's getting closer to really pleb-tier slapstick now that they hit it big.

Also sam hyde is a fucking kike. Asked for donations for Kickstarter TV and couldn't even buy a decent mic. and that was when he wasn't as popular yet.

a butthurt nigger kike. how predictable.

it was only a matter of time

A nigger-kike? Great, so you can't turn your back on him, nor can you take hand off your wallet.

Of course, in the sense that "apolitical" translates into "left-leaning".

If only adultswim gave chris and zach a deal

Eric Andre always gave off cringe, fake vibes. He's got this company man thing about him.

You can't be subversive if you're dancing within the lines like he is. 30 years ago his act would be cool because it mocks late night tropes. Do you have any idea how stale that is in 2016?

People liking this guy is a litmus test for your comedy IQ.

It's almost like they made the show in a way to unequivocally dispel this accusation.

Eric Andre is butthurt that he'll be ousted into taking a side.

He called himself a 'nihilist' during the RNC video. That's complete bullshit. You can bet he votes and has serious opinions on what's happening in the country.

Why would Eric Andre have any political power at CN anyways? I always hated his shit anyways. I don't think he understands the point of anti-humor at all. At least this new MDE show has a point to it.

is it true that when asked about MDE he said

"No comment. They will probably be canceled soon"?

Saw that quote somewhere recently and couldn't find a source

Same as the MSM like Clinton News Network. Time Warner (parent company of CNN) donated to the both of the Clintons several times.

Andre is obviously a butt hurt libtard.

He did, but it just didn't go viral.


Nigger is just butthurt because MDE does his style of humor plus other styles, and they do it way fucking better.

I shouldn't have read the comments.

MDE were around long before this talentless hack

Why did they replace Tim and Eric with this guy anyways?

Literally fucking who?


I know, I'm not saying the nigger invented absurdism, I'm saying that's his shtick, that's his humor. And now a better version of that absurdism is on, directly after his shit, and it also includes more avant garde and better styles of humor, he gets butthurt. Not to mention Sam and the boys are right wing white nationalists, when Eric Andre is a mongrel nigger commie.

Yeah right liar, this is the same guy that went to the RNC trying to troll Trump supporters (I'm not a Trump supporter BTW) and then went on Colbert to brag about it. He's political.

MDE is Sam Hyde's comedy troupe.

Sam Hyde is a convicted mass murdering white supremacist, and active #gamergate member.

Here's a reply

Space Ghost was great, but I haven't seen [AS] since Awesome Show was cancelled. Their old stuff was quality; sealab, frisky dingo, TGTTM, squidbillies, ATHF, etc.

He's claims to be "apolitical" but was nowhere to be found at the DNC.

Also there really is no source that Andre hates MDE or Sam Hyde at all. We really going to believe that Andre hates them because a user says that he works at adult swim? That's on par with the My dad works at Nintendo line.

Even then I tried to watch a few interviews of the Andre show and it was pretty Reddit tier trigger humor. Like having naked people show up and him jacking off a dick or something. It's pathetic.

He had the absurdist market for himself on AS so far, is a mulatto and probably a lot smaller than sam hyde.

I can imagine him being highly insecure about this whole World Peace thing.

I'm taking it with a grain of salt, but it wouldn't surprise me one fucking bit if it was true.

Eric Andre is 6 foot, Sam Hyde is 6'5". He's a big guy.

If you're Jewish can you just go back to Reddit and stop shoving it in everyone's faces by saying
in all of your posts, just because you know your own title is a dirty word?

?What did he mean by this?

Probably saying that the do shock humor too then that's just as bad? Idk

requesting the clip of him calling reggie watts a watered down, white-friendly modern house negro (didn't say house negro but was making this message)

guessing he means a similar thing to eric andre

goon pls go


Are you implying that MSM isn't liberal?

are you implying that anyone gives a shit?


That was literally the fucking point, he spent the money on bikes for fuck sake. He insulted his audience and got away with it. Good on him.

I would say that san gave enough of a shit to be colon crippled hard enough to make his post.

He said it was to pay for rent you dumb fuck. All the patreon money could easily have went to computer/camera/traveling fees and he would still have to have outside money to pay for the rest of his life expenses.

I thought they almost did. But Chris and Zach didn't want to give up the rights to Hellbenders. Zach or Chris made a post or video explaining the situation.

He had such a successful casino.


You think that the MSM is pro-nationalist and anti-immigration?

I hope both unfunny, cringe-tier tim & eric knockoff faggots kill tim&eric and then each other

I think OP is speaking the truth.

World Peace once and for all put to rest the idea that MDE is a T&E ripoff. It surprised me, but we can no longer make the comparison

I think sam's standup is where he shines most actually.

Seeing him engage with small live audiences is something different entirely. I don't get where people even get the T&E comparison from.

It's just sad that his standup could never scale and that it might die entirely now that he has the show. He requires both a small audience he can make uncomfortable and an audience that doesn't know what to expect.

It's selfish of me but I almost wish he had never gotten the AS contract.

(((They're))) probably going to shut it down anyways. Maybe you should've donated more shekels to him.

During hte first episode they had an intro like this. I'm missing some comics but you get the gist.

Lenny Bruce
Richard Pryor
Andy Kaufman
Andrew Dice Clay
Bill Hicks
Million Dollar Extreme

I got to get the screen grab. It shows[as] psyche as they decided to associate themselves with sam. And you know I think they're right. Sam and MDE are in line with genuinely brilliant, relevant comedians in recent history.

Whatever happens next woh the fuck can know. He's going to have adult swim on his resume, even if he doesn't get S2.

I was born within a month of him (1985) and I think this dude speaks for my generation the way people in the 90s thought Bill Hicks spoke for them.

Just bought his kikestarter and immediately regretted it because of the sound quality of the first 3 videos.

Well, I hope he doesn't make it so I can feel like I did something charitable instead of getting ripped off.

Why would AE hate MDE? TBPH the ASEU is ATM set to have 2 SETCs within AU and ETC so why would STB with D&C?

Sam responded to this thread.

Yeah, it's pretty well known Sam lurks and probably posts on this site.

It's very well possible you called Sam a nigger faggot some time.

That's where you're wrong.

Explicitly doesn't deny that eric andre is being a bitch about World Peace.

It's probably safe to assume he's got an inflated ego, so I'll believe it.

Hi Sam. If this is really you, you need to stop being a cuck. If he is truly cucking you in any way,,, you're fucking up right now!

Think about your marketing objective on AS. Is it to make money and impress the chans… or is it something that is truly worth pursuing?

Find out what is worth pursuing? Because until you do that, you are in the same nihilistic league as Andre Whateverthefuck.

Why does Sam use leddit?

To fuck with people on his subreddit. Sometimes he answers questions and asks for stuff.

Supposedly he wanted to do an episode on the Zimmerman trial but the network refused to do it causing him to leave.

eric andre a shit


Good. Also, Sam, just know I'm ready to fight whenever, you lying kike.

Look at it from his perspective, he has owned that timeslot for 4 years and now the MDE come out of nowhere and start blasting your jewish heritage on the air, stealing your ratings, and with far greater meme power. If world peace is not renewed it is def EA's fault

I'm pretty sure he's joking. Sam is not autistic enough to go around AS asking people if the browse 8ch lel

I think its safe to say that at this point even Tim and Eric would be scared of MDE, mostly because Tim has voiced somewhat lefty opinions before and Sam directly assaults those sacred cows, using their own weapons against them

You can tell by talking to anyone if they go on sites like this.

only if they're meme-spouting spergs

actually, nvm, most of you probably are

Any word on World Peace's ratings?

Adult Swim producer here. Sam eats his boogers and farts all the time :\ swear to god

He isn't included in that. Sam was telling you that he was the one who started this thread.


I believe it

Not all of reddit is a meme spouting circle jerk fam, for little tight knit community like this it's a good way to stay in contact with people

I want to believe it

second, behind Eric Andre, last friday
not just for AS but for all cable ratings

That's good then, isn't it? if he's neck and neck with le randumb nigger jew man all we need to do is push the envelope ratings wise, no?

Eric Andre on suicide watch

I can't believe you guys are ignoring eric andre passive-aggressively liking my tweet.

Because it's not all that relevant, Eric Andre is a known attention whore that will pull shit like this regardless of it's validity because it gets him internet street cred, it's honestly pathetic

This. Everybody here with cable or satellite NEEDS to tune in every Friday, exactly when the Eric Andre's timeslot ends and Sam's begins. If you can't make it, make sure to record the show on DVR if you have it.

Yep. That's where we are right now.

MDE are the biggest guys in the room. Still don't know how/why [as] signed them, but as the saying goes, consequences will never be the same.

I'm starting to think signing MDE was Adult Swim seeing if pandering to the Alt-right crowd instead of the lefties will work

I mean shit, they put World Peace on right after Eric Andre's timeslot, it almost seems like they're testing a possible replacement for him

I can't believe you think it's a big deal some Z-list niggerjew celebrity gave you an e-cookie.

Even if [as] doesn't give MDE another season, the fact that they gave him airtime for a few episodes already shows that the tides are starting to turn.

I was joking. But now that you told me about it I'll probably print out that tweet and put it up somewhere.


I'm not even joking when I'm saying that he was genuinely too smart for them.

They thought he was just doing standard ironic bullcrap. They did notice however once production started. If you check out his comments on reddit he was seriously pissed for a while because there must've been some beef between them and AS. Also you'll see all the things censored in the slides between scenes aswell as the outro logo.

I can't wait for the uncensored "leak"


Thats the thing about Sam, most people don't even seem to really get the jokes, or at least don't get what he's trying to say with them

Video(can't embed, somebody else used it) for what I'm talking about: youtube.com/watch?v=1l1awGRnSHw

Sam makes a "joke" about being raped by a woman, and they all eat it up because it's funny when a guy gets "raped" by a woman, and then he turns it around to make it a dig at the jews and they still go for it and laugh

Smae with the part where he does the "abusive husband" and says he's a Trump supporter to get a laugh out of the crowd, the joke isn't that "Lol republicans are racist and evil" the joke is supposed to be these pozzed faggots are laughing at a "Lol republicans are racist and evil" joke, he completely switches it up on these people and they don't and won't get it

I don't understand erics show, why is it still on the air?


Exactly my point

Apparently the Pilot Episode had 1.033 Million views. Plus with good ratings like posted.

Yellow is the Eric Andre Show and Red is World Peace, and Brown is Eric Andre Show 1st season.

World Peace so far seems to be doing fine.

do shows 2 episode usually get as high ratings as the pilot?

Remember when Cartoon Network was about cartoons?


rumor disregarded


We'll see if they can keep those viewers. I sure hope so.

Yeah, trash created by Time Warner.

Dude, the bad mic is part of the joke.

he was suckering ppl like u lol. that was the whole joke

I am happy for him, he was great and gave us the lulz. I honestly don't think he was going to carry the same material we knew him, to tv.

Why do people here get suckered into the charity bs

He uses leddit for donations. There gullible folks over there.

if hes nihilistic why doesn't he kill himself? wouldn't that do wonders for his show? it would be really funny.

sam is that u nigga?

I like the way u think user :)

This is accurate but the downside is he can't really play to his fans. His fans are hordes on the internet laughing at the crowd he's fucking with.

To some degree [adult swim] executives are the crowd and [adult swim] viewers are like the viewers of his utubues

Better get some girl pregnant you fucking sam kyke, if I'll see you in the street I'll shot you in the fucking balls just for fun

I don't like you, Sam. You have a serious case of gayface.

You're trying even harder than you did for "cumskin". Sad!

He did but wasn't as funny and therefore not watch as the RNC.

wtf, I hate Sam Hyde now

Sam Hyde is a con man.

I would like some proof about this Andre beef

oh my god this guy is LITERALLY a nigger jew.

those nigger genes must be strong to drown out the jew IQ points to the point that the best he can do is lame copies of CKY and Jackass videos

They thought him being a black jew could reel in BLM and Tel Aviv's audience. They thought…

that just proves he's a shitty comedian

btw this guy is amazing
in this vid he triggers a roomful of college kids

what accusation?




you'd be surprised, some make it pretty obvious, others manage to hide (I used to hide it, then I decided to go full aut-meme irl and see where that led)

Yes, keep responding to the goon who only shitposts specifically to get more (you)s.
That'll show him!


What's it like being a retard, reddi/pol/edditor?


user, do you really think you're winning by responding to a faggot who literally only cares about derailing threads by posting low effort memes?
Are you really so deluded that you think you're improving Holla Forums's quality or some shit by giving goons what they want?

wtf, I love con men now

i think it's based on the all important youth demo

This was uploaded 5 mins ago by MDE and watch what Charles says at the beginning either one of MDE is op and it may or may not be the truth or op does work at AS and it is true



inb4 Holla Forums shoots up a mosque screaming

Jesus I was 10 seconds into the video when I made that comment and they are already fishing for it.

Their 2nd ratings did pretty avg. Lower than 1st ep though.


Inb4 he gets shut down for inciting violence

They're seriously hoping somebody does a terrorist attack in this show's name, aren't they?

Nigger jews are an abomination.

gonna tell the truth, the second episode was way better than the first, it was probably a mistake to air the first one like that, they didn't make much of an impression

the second was a 10/10 the first was like a 7 and then I rewatched and it was an 8 or a 9

Eric Andre was always Tim and Eric with niggers, no innovative comedy, nothing of value. He pretends he doesn't care about politics but he's done political comedy. Fuck him.

Eric Andre is sleeping tight tonight, his ratings stayed the same, MDEs dropped 20 %.

Eric suppresses his political views so he can maintain his position of Jimmy Fallon of [as].
He sleeps crooked because he has no spine.

Do you really think a self-identifying Black Jew has no political affiliation or personal beliefs? When he says "I'm not political I'm a nihilist" do you actually believe him?

His body language in the RNC was telling. His voice was kept down more than I've ever seen and his physical demeanor was more inward. He knew what they think of him, and we know what he thinks of them.

2Ch is the other way my Japanese friend. :^)

I checked the new Eric Andre episodes. Same old shit tbh. I wonder where the whole "fake late night television host shtick" is going to go once actual late night television dies.

Andre is multiple seasons in. His first season didn't have the ratings MDE has.

In the 2nd or 3rd episode of this new season he does an abortion thing. He is not even pretending to be apolitical.

If you don't respond it creates the illusion of consensus. That is why the world is as fucked up as it is right now. Kike spent decades doing what they want and nobody gave enough of a fuck to say, "Shut you lying mouth, Yid." So it just looked like most people agreed. The silent majority stayed silent because they didn't want to be outnumbered.

The jew must be denounced anywhere you find them. When the time comes we can drag them from their homes.

i don't see why it's a problem see:
andre stayed in the 7-800k range his whole first season and now he's on the fourth season

unless they just want to beat the jewnig out of sheer ego

This is truth.

The 'don't respond!' Faggots ultimately wind up just letting their threads get shit up.

Save yourself the time and just say "I'm mad" next time.

There's some AS staff who work for other popular shows that browse here. I won't specify here.

who the fuck made this pic? An Eric Andre staff member?

True but that is not how executives think. All they see is that 200,000 people changed the channel once MDE was on. That is tens of millions in ad revenue. It looks especially bad since the first episode with higher ratings was less political, it is appearing that audiences are rejecting the redpill style content.

I'm sure they do cause it's the only place you're going to get honest feedback

Eric Andre is the Jimmy Fallon of [as].

Remember when hannibal buress show?

Eric Andre is due to have his 'Hannibal Buress moment' and is extremely lucky he's been able to stave it off as long as he has.

Smart viewers already know this. Mentally vacant chaff who stick around for Fox-Macfarlane reruns (hey I actually like Family Guy and American Dad but watching rerurns is some serious "i've checked out" shit) have buoyed it.

Eric Andre is in the same category as Loiter Squad. Some black dudes with hipster irony cred trying to make a go at what can only be called 'white humor.' They are to millennial comedy what Eminem is to rap.

yeah but they wouldn't know the second show was more political based on the first


I don't know anything about this case, but he did set up a different kickstarter (about $6k) with the intention to scam people out of money. That's not "just a prank, bro xDD", but (potentially) a crime. Potentially, since he fucked up and got fucked before he could grab the shekels.

tl;dr: he's a scummy fag.


it was to troll pony fuckers
hahaha you probably donated thinking it was real

i keked

Gas yourself

There's only been two episodes aired. Calm the fuck down.

lol. They nailed Sam's hairline.

Couldn't agree more.

Were you honestly dumb/autistic enough to believe that?

It was to scam them out of money. You can call it trolling, but it's still a scam. Btw I (and probably most of /mlp/) thought that the pony dating was gonna be fucking autistic, but that doesn't make fraud acceptable.

I honestly don't care about dating sims. The only thing interesting about it was the drama around it.

tell them to stop making shit live actions shows that are boring edgy unfunny edgefag bullshit, and kill Lazzo for being a faggot

No one cares how /mlp/ feels. It doesn't matter that it was a scam to anyone except /mlp/ because they (including you, it seems) were targeted.

To everyone else, it was fucking hilarious.

No one cares what you think horse fucker

His ratings dropped 10% episode-on-episode, brochacho.

You don't matter. No horsefucker matters. Do you know what happened when a furry convention got gassed? The newscasters reporting it laughed.

That is what your life amounts to, a joke that no one cares about. You can scream and cry about being retarded enough to give your money to kikestarter, but all you will get is human beings laughing at you.

When you die you will have no children to carry on your name. Your family will be grateful you are finally dead and no longer there to bring them shame.

Sure. I guess that's why Sam came to /mlp/ asking for support with "we're gonna scam the autists xD, it's gonna be so funny, you don't like them too, am i right? xD"

We certainly enjoyed it, I'm glad to hear you did too… seems Sam was the only one who was left with "existential crisis" instead.

Post proof with your claim if you want it believed.

That's even dumber than just making a spelling mistake.

Much of it went down the gutter when the 4chan archive went down. Although there's some horse-news articles, some caps on derpy, and some claims on ED, there not much about this. I'm pretty sure I saw some caps of his damage control when people started getting suspicious, maybe someone still has them. There was some proof that he was browsing the board at the very least, but all the videos were taken down since then.

That was fucking hilarious. On MSNBC no less.


That's all well and nice, except he was to retarded to pull off the scam properly.

Fuck you talking about?

Fuck is the Brak Show?

Most kickstarters are scams anyway. You basically make a bet that throwing money at someone may make them do the thing they promised to do.

Pretty sure TV ratings don't work like that, aren't there only 30-50k Nielsen households?

People who equate MDE to T&E are the same people that label any bizarre humor "lol randumb"

They are also probably very autistic and/or don't have a lot of experience talking to people so they can't pick up on certain things, like parodies of common mannerisms and responses.

You probably made too. Fag.



yep, this is Holla Forums alright

lol no self-awareness at all



all me

AS might as well be BK


t. never worked in production doing anything and have no idea what i'm talking about


niggaz are burying themselves deeper and deeper

~850k, watch the latest MDE video


lmao. pewdiepie taking a dump gets more views than that.

It's cable. He's second on [as] and 850k concurrent is his most viewed video times x amount of episodes

whats your point?

MDE had a smaller audience prior to this and now it has a larger audience. Growth has to start somewhere, why laugh at it?


No that's the thing I know a guy and he also happens to be my dad and he works in production at Nickelodeon. He's friends with the Hymen Divider. Basically he said if I ever aired a show on Adult Swim he would disown me. Maybe its a conflict of interest though, not sure.

how many times were your feet raped?

was it because he has a professional rivalry with the other network, or does [as] represent something to him that upsets/disgusts him?

The problem is now liberal tripe is so ubiquitous that you can say any of it and be considered apolitical. For instance, do YOU even have any appreciation for how fucking political Modern Family is? Well if you just had to do a double-take imagine how the average burg has been aenesthetized by watching this crap 5 times a day. Political= right wing in the current cultural climate. That's what we are looking at here.

Which of these is more likely to get signed to make a TV show?

1. Only experience is making YouTube videos

2. Only experience is making YouTube videos as well as an Adult Swim show

Which of these two guys do you think is more likely to be hired? Answer key is below.

kill yourself, retard

he's that jelly has been kike coon.

If anyone sees his affiliation with [Adult Swim] they're going to say, "Ugh. Gross. Pass." It's over for Samuel's career.

That's just not true in any capacity.

In every capacity except true it is true.

Hm… Not sure how the "in any capacity" phrase works exactly but I think you're right here.

Does anybody even watch Eric Andre?

I leave adult swim on at night. His last interview, with the fellow from 30 Rock, made me laugh. As did him swinging a blind man's cane around inside the glass store.

He's hit and miss for me. His show is alright. But episode 2 of World Peace has blown anything I have seen Eric Andre do out of the water. I look forward to tuning in for the new episode - something I haven't said about a tv show in years.

Fucking Jan.

i know sam said that watching it is important but does it really matter if you dont have one of those nelson box things?


how i thought they dont count ratings for people who dont have one?

Watch it on Adult Swim's websites, I'm sure they use those metrics.

I personally am running each episode in the background while at work so that I can get just that one extra view. I really want this show to stay on the air.

Nigger it's 2016, all the corporations are spying on what you watch through your cable box along with the government.

Can I get a link to this? I want to see what all the hype is about but I couldn't be bothered to DVR it and youtube-dl hasn't downloaded anything new since he got the contract.

When is the next episode?

friday night 12:15 eastern

Thanks sam, remember to notify me when your "leaked" director's cut is out.

Well yeah so you have to be more clever. The average WN is a 'hur dur niggaz are stupid, now laugh' type of retard.

Uncensored episodes when?

I just saw my first MDE episode tonight (the new one) and it was total shit. Are the first two episodes better at all?

ayy is it on youtube yet?


the show is fuking cringe. his social commentary is too obvious and comes off as try hard. not to mention ITS NOT FUNNY!!!. this last episode was especially edgey with the whole "kill politicians"

Let's not forget Sam was a pioneer in the autistic humor department

this one was pretty low efford tbh. Like they ran out of budget or something. I didn't like it as much as the other ones.

BUT im happy they dont sell out and now try to be more maisntream with their attitude torwards stuff.

Also you have to remember that usually we as an audience see sam hyde fuck over an unexpecting audience (him fucking with ppl at stand up comedy or him fucking with ppl who try to interview him). Alot of this is basically them fucking with Adult Swim realy. The first skit he was dressed and kinda looked like Eric Andre if you didnt notice.

meanwhile on adultswim.com

They made Eric Niggerdre looks like highschool stand-up.

Whats the red mark come from?


I liked it, but some parts were hit and miss. I loled pretty hard when the guy drove the car through the house.

No shit Sherlock

I would love to agree with you but the libshit normie crowd is like a gorillion times bigger. So that does not make any sense, kiddo

God bless.

Patrick is a fucking hero

fuck I meant Nick

This show seriously has some uncomfortable shit in it.

The tap water skit was amazing.

Not clappers but do you guys pay tax for gays or something? or am i misunderstood the scene?

Episode 2 > Episodes 1 + 3

Here you go.

The elected officials are all faggots that don't do shit for their people, and the people who are most affected by the shit water have been feminized by said water which has made them passive as fuck.

Actual nigger jew, of course he is shitting bricks.

Eric Andre isn't that funny tho. He's got the occasional gem but most of his show is pure garbage.

Are they trying to make it into a contest to see who will get the most clicks? WP's thumbnail is clearly larger and better presented placed next to eric beaten up and getting fucked in the ass.

I like the genuine look of shock/confusion that his guests bring to the show. Makes me laugh hard, which is why I enjoyed episode 2 of World Peace so much - those females looked legitimately bootyblasted. This is also what I enjoy most about Hyde's stand up.

Harness this schadenfreude more on your show and I guarantee viewers.

Apparently the women werent actors who were clued in to what the whole thing was about. Those were actually genuine reactions

I hope they invite real tumblrtard or feminist to the show, their reaction will become pretty dank memes.

Looks like they fucked up with that "2000$ dollar compensation" and completely misunderstood what somebody at AS said.
The show's ratings are fine and they said that the only thing which would cause a season 2 not to get made is if "something crazy" happened.


So AS told them they would get a second season if they called off the threat?


He's already cucking them.

I think this might be the best one yet.

hanniball and eric have the passion.they are genuinely funny.

hyde is funny in some places but mostly hit and miss just like his youtube channel, the as show is a bit better though.

Sammysams so adorable trying to put the pin back in the grenade. It's too late fat boy… too…late.

Was it me or was that nigger character in the breakup skit supposed to be a mockery of the niggerjew?

No idea.
However, something interesting about this show is that apparently every skit takes place in the same universe.
I know there's a subtext to all of that second quote especially, but I can't figure out what Hyde is trying to say.
Is the show meant to be what the world will be like if it continues down its current path? That the Hell we create will be a true "world peace"?

That's why it's great and will probably get pushed off the air.

I refuse to believe this.

the leaked 4th episode

David Duke

my sides are in another dimension.

Knowing aaron's tendency to call out dumb niggers on their shit I bet the network didn't like the episode because it made traytray look bad

After all that dipshit was a IRL version of riley

honestly the worst one yet

also fuck Sam Hyde for giving a musician cameo away to that fucking faggot

moustache's aren't for men who suck dicks on a regular basis you fuccboi

I think you might be a closet gay, user. Don't say fuccboi, even ironically. This isn't a command, it's a suggestion. You sound like a faggot.

I was literally just uploading this, but I'm glad someone got it without the Adult Swim format.

Aw fuck now I won't be looking forward to this this weekend… but I have to watch it.

What said. If you say fuckboy or fuccboi or any variant, you might want to look into killing yourself.

I'm not a closet gay, you faggot. I'm incredibly gay. I'm one of the gayest people on this fucking earth. I'm in love with the boypussy. I exist to fuck the smug out of twinky fucks like you and then cuddle with you for hours at an end, you piece of shit. Fuck, I'm here to make you feel like a real woman.

So don't call me a closet gay. There ain't no closet big enough for the kind of gay I roll with and my gorilla dick

You're a real fuccboi, user

Kill yourself. Today.

Bitch I'm gonna follow through on that by fucking your sweet ass until our bodies shut down from exhaustion

You can convert this to webm yourself if you're going to cry.

Nobody gives a shit about /fa/, i'm betting a large amount of them have tumblrs. You probably also heard the word for the first time 3 or 4 years ago, but since you're so young you still see that as a huge span of time.

Also your last greentext is an outright lie and it's no use pretending, I've been here at least semi-actively since the first few months of the site's creation. A few people saying it doesn't count, and even if everyone said it it's still an incredibly faggy word.

also fuck off faggot

Climb inside of an oven. Nobody loves you, and your life is literally meaningless as you will never pass down anything meaningful to any children.

whatever you say baby

Why would you lie to me baby? I always treat you right

gonna fuck off and take a swan dive into your ass with my gorilla dick, and by gorilla dick I mean a dick the size of an entire fucking silverback mountain king gorilla, head to toe, I tell you no lies mane, shit, got myself a 6 foot dick, you gonna be having a 6 foot dick shoved up your ass at mach speed boiiii

ayy bby I get tons of love all around and shit, I'm an example to every child in America, you know all your kids are gonna want to be just like me bitch

fuck off faggot

why would you randomly take a photo with your webcam and post it here? fuck off attentionwhore

there's no way someone can be pretending to be someone like this that well

if you're not actually what you're portraying, fucking 10/10

if you are what you're portraying, kill yourself

it was a /jp/ thing way before back when there was a phase of being as incredibly gay as possible there

And here you are trying to gaysplain your use of the word fuccboi through fake Holla Forums history. Please attend one of these, get double-pozzed, and then die in a dumpster.

Wow, can't believe I haven't seen this before. Is this what the meme comes from on TRS?

Of coursh. It's from a disturbing documentary called The Gift.

ain't a word of it fake bby, but whatever helps you sleep at night after getting boofed in the butt by #yourstruly

fuck off faggot

Come try and rape me and I'd kill you with my bare hands. No one likes you. Fagposting this hard should be a bannable offense.

how can you do that when your hands are wrapped around muh dick

that's a nice girl you've got there, but she better have a penis

I could rip it off and bludgeon you to death with it.

Ep4 is prob my favorite so far.

wouldn't be that sure of that, the harder you'd pull the harder it'd get, and after some time I'd just drown you in the cummies you crave bby gurl

This isn't even funny, it's just ugly.

Nah, he was going to make a dating sim that was full of wacky MDE humor instead of what the bronies actually paid for, but then he buckled under the pressure and cancelled it.

I think you misread that

my dick is too hard to pull off
it is infused with nanomachines that harden in response to physical trauma

Have it ejaculate super heated plasma globs, like the weaponry from Lilo and Stitch, and you've got the perfect penis.

Saving up to get that done

It's been a lot of work to get this far but if you can't do your best for your penis what can you do your best for?


Am I the only one seeing this?

It's fake, or at least deliberate. Generated from js, check the page source. Publicity stunt?