How do you make women funny?

how do you make women funny?

if you show them being dumb or make jokes at expense of their physiologies, that's sexist. making them fail at something would count as demeaning too.

what's really left for them is being smug or making fun at expense for others, which is a shitty comedy.

women's solution to this seems to be to talk about their vaginas

By replacing them by competent male cast.

Women are inherently unfunny, nothing you can do about it.

Its pretty funny when they are naked and taking a dick

They should all do that more often

You can't. Also GET OUT

How do you teach a blind man to see?

You can't, give up.

A female's position in any type of production should, at best, be second to a man.

Honestly I can't think of any female actresses who made me laugh besides Pam Ferris in Matilda.

You clone Madeleine Kahn. Otherwise you haven't a prayer.

A woman can only be funny when they're taking the D. They make me hehe from my peepee.

Have men write their jokes.


resist arrest

Akari is not a cute. NOT CUTE.

Get a better taste, manchild.

Stop making queef jokes and vagina monologues.

Yuru yuri is written by a woman, has none of those, and isn't even funny.


I give her the dick therefore I am

have a male write material for them

I've only seen one female stand up comedian who made me laugh. She just made jokes about killing babies and molesting children.

This was open mic night though, so she was some random bitch.

She just made jokes about killing babies and molesting children.
And Louis CK and Seth McFarlane don't?

Keep them in the kitchen.