Name a single scene in movie history that is better Kino than this

Name a single scene in movie history that is better Kino than this.
You can't


When that movie came out something like that was some edgy extreme shit even for a female prostitute

Not even 20 years later and male little kids do that to each other like its natural

Faggots like this arent joking

Do yourselves a favor and nuke your shithole of a country


define "natural"

primo kino

anything I agree with.
Everything you like is degenrucy.

Watching an "empire" fall in your lifetime is entertaining tough.
The grandfathers of these faggots ruled the world with the oil-war machine, their sons will be poor homosexuals sucking nigger dick to survive.

that old guy is so excited


those wall street types have all the fun

He woke up that morning and knew exactly what he wanted.

I love how it's supposed to be a degrading scene but ends up being an act of comedy.


If I was doing that scene and that guy said AAAAASTOOAAAAS I'd fucking crack up.

What did they mean by this?

it's funny to post-modern disaffected youth because they lack empathy

Bet you can't explain what kino means

Helicopter attack in Coppola's Apocalypse now.

That scene doesn't even have a single doubledildo, how can that be good Kino?


considering male animals will rape other males of their species when a female is unavailable, i'd say it is natural - but its also immoral just like theft and murder



This is why I don't undertand people making waifus out of actresses. Why not make a waifu out of a gutter rat? Same thing.