Hey Holla Forums, Anyone into Film School here?

Hey Holla Forums, Anyone into Film School here?

Opinions Holla Forums,should i let a bright future slip away and spend my last days in a ragged apartment just to do what i want
or follow father's will and forget my selfish dream?

Don't do it. If you truly want to make it as a director/filmmaker, it will happen. You don't need to go school for it.

If you've already gotten a job then I don't see the point in gambling it away at a pipe dream, try learning your craft in your free time and see where it goes from there.

it is the reasonable thing to do but the feeling of losing the opportunity of my life to reasonable shit is destroying me

Look at it this way: You're only 23. Most popular media will have you believe that if you haven't achieved your goals when you're 21 then its time to give up because you're too old, but the fact is that many successful famous actors and directors didn't achieve their goals until they were in 30s or 40s, even later in many cases. Tony Scott didn't start directing until he was in his 40s. So I would say take your time at the moment and try finding some resources on film either online or find a "Film 101" course book and start there, reading it on weekends and after work. Maybe find a local film club or even an online film makers forum or some shit and see what other amateur film makers are doing and learn it that way.


wow, thanks Anons, that's great insight

Dude really Thank you, you might have influenced somebody's life forever

I know how that feels. Just succumb to reality and live a generic life like everyone.

This user has a good point. You don't need to attend school to learn an art.


it's been hunting for me for far too long
but i know that if i find myself living a generic life i'll just kill myself or whatever

everybody have high hopes for me and knows i'll be "the guy who always succeed"

but fuck that shit i'm nowhere to be seen in all that mess

fuck him whichever option i choose i'll always have more balls than him and will always do better

i managed to double his business just by fucking around with customers

Are you me?
I acted on some things that interested me but I was crap at it and then found no desire to continue, figured that it wasn't for me. Hope that doesn't happen to you.

Tell me more friend-o

Oh, maybe because he devoted his fucking life to make him sure you would do better than him.

I'm sure you never had to suffer hunger in your life. I'm sure you never had any financial problems. Be grateful for that, you fucking cunt.

might be right, but what i mean by this is that he could've done so much more for himself , he's just the kind of fucker to shoot his foot before every race

Figured I could be a writer but when I got to it, I couldn't write a single page even though I was a decent writer in High school and could fill up about 3 pages in an hour. I looked back on some of the stuff I wrote and two especially were flat out edgy as fuck shit and realized that I was a hack all along. Continued on with college doing an engineering degree I feel indifferent to, getting only average grades and feeling the pointlessness of my life during the holidays. My family think that I'm the guy who has everything planned out but I know how lost I am. At one point I did confront them that I wanted to drop out but to them I had no good reason to do so because I couldn't answer their question as to 'if not engineering then what else?'. As time passed, I grew to half-accept my fate, at least I know that the problem is me and no one else so I don't have to blame anyone.

End of blogpost.

I'd rather be disowned from my family and live happily on gibs before that. which i do actually

fuck, i'll drink to that tonight

I was at the same position and made tons of money in a great job i hated .

Now at the age of 37 i quit my Job, live like a complete slob in the house i bought from my money and for the first time in two decades are actually happy by being a completely unproductive drain on a society i despise.

The only thing i regret is that i was trying to conform until i was almost 40 instead of doing it earlier. Learn from my mistakes.

Make a living for yourself in your father's business. You don't know how lucky you are to have a father to give you an economic footing in the world like that. I never had that. Few things annoy me more than movies where there is a father depicted as an asshole because he's providing his son with a way while the son wants to be a flaky artist dreamer. After you've made a living for yourself, if you're really successful at your business, you can hire someone else to run the business in your stead so you can then start your own small movie production company as a second business. Also film school is a pointless waste of money, you can teach yourself everything you need to know on the internet.

I don't even drink but sure, knock your liver out on my name user.

That's the hope I have. OP you can listen to this guy as well, says similar things.

Take over the family business you autistic cuck. You'll make tons of money, be able to take vacations, and can use that time and money to make movies on the side. Don't be dumb.

You ungrateful little niggershit.

You're out of the will.

Wow, this must be what it's like to have a psychopath for a son.

Can't you take an extra year or two to double major in business and film?

From what i gathered ITT i think a double major will be the best thing for me to do

as and said, i'll try to be comfy around 40 and for that Tony Scott career, hope it won't end the same
the Fucker went for thhe bridge, The absolute madman

People like you should honestly just be shot. You're already 23 and you're still acting like a fucking teenager? Before you grow enough as a person to contribute anything, even the slightest bit of goodness to the world you'll already have been enough of a cunt that you'll never catch up. People like you should be shot in the streets.
