Fug; marry; kill

harley kill
katana marry
enchantress fug



Kill katana and Harley, fug Enchantress.

Kill the disgusting nip subhuman
Fuck enchantress
Marry the white girl to propagate the white race

Kill katana
Fug harley over and over
Marry enchantress



If you're really lucky she already had that abortion or you'll be stuck with a mulatto.




Kill Margot Robbie
Marry Karen Fukuhara
Fuck Cara Delevingne


Fuck Harley, kill chink, marry Cara.

Kill yourself OP


Kill Karen
Marry Cara
Fuck Margot

Kill all three.
I'd rather fuck and marry my own hand.

Shemale skeletor sounds like something I'd like to marry.


I agree with your decision op.
Normally I'm the guy that just chooses "the gun" but they don't appear to be that bad.


We can't all fuck Will Smith user


lazy fuckers on this board smh


hi louis

so, who of these three gets blacked by will smith in the movie?

on camera or off camera?

The blonde of course. :^)


Go Catman style and knock up a crazy asian, yes please.

I'm the only one that would kill enchantress

fug enchantress
kill harley quinn
marry katana

first post , best post

Fug Enchantress nonstop

kill the rest.