You seem to be of the jewish faith

What did she mean by this?

she meant that the teacher has curly hair and a huge nose

schmaltz: the episode

kinda like every episode on S2

I liked olit. One of Lisa's best episodes. Dustin Hoffman was good in it.

It's so corny, it's one of the only old episodes I can't rewatch. I get douchechills through the whole thing.


what did they mean by this?

i don't get if this is trying to make fun of the media's fearmongering against trump or if it actually is media fearmongering against trump


Probably both

what did he mean by this?

The writers fell into the media's trap and think they're writing some groundbreaking comedy by saying "DUDE LIKE TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER LMAO"

Poe's law strikes again

The lead writer for that said it himself. He wrote it to sway young voters to Hillary.

Don't these idiots realise that there are probably more people out there who would not want to share an opinion with them? Probably the biggest thing Trump has going for him is how obnoxious his detractors have made themselves.

Liberals tend to be really arrogant. They won two elections, so that means everyone agrees with them, I'm guessing?

I used to be a liberal, but now I'm a conservative. People's opinions can change.

I think they will try rigging the elections, however.

It's CURRENT YEAR Simpsons they don't have writers capable of being subtle or satirical. What you see is exactly what it means.

To be fair, it's not exactly hard to see the meaning behind the earlier episodes. Thing is, It wasn't so obnoxious about it.


Cultural Marxism.


Do you know even the first thing about condescension you fucking pleb?

it's "plebe"

as in "plebeian"

as in non patrician free citizens

You mean the people who enjoy the films of Wes Anderson?

what the fuck does this even mean?
this whole sentence is so poorly constructed, it's something you would say to a fuckbuddy not your spouse
it's like the bratty millennial cucks who write the show now have no concept of a relationship having staying power

and why the fuck would marge leave homer over something as petty as a vote when she's stuck with him through all the shit he's done?
have the writers even watched the show?

so much easy material to work with and they can't even come up with a good slam on that idiot? really?

Homer is a kind and fun-loving person at heart, he wouldn't vote that way anyhow.
"Zombie Simpsons" Homer, on the other hand-
