Any other good series/movies where the protags have advanced technology and abuse it when encountering less advanced...

any other good series/movies where the protags have advanced technology and abuse it when encountering less advanced civilizations?
something like SG1

GATE It's an anime

A portal opens up in Tokyo and medieval-level soldiers march through. There's a counter attack by the Japanese SDF, pushing them back through and establishing a beachhead on the other side. The rest of the series is about the cultural differences and interactions between the Japanese and the empire on the other side with this tension from the first attack still in play.

tbh, i already made a thread on /rec/ and mentioned it, i just didn't want to shit up this place with it

Fuck off weebcuck

and is exactly the reason why i only mentioned SG1

on a side note, not Holla Forums, but i should recommend the Lost Regiment series
it's basically GATE, but during the american civil war
however the technological superiority wares off by the third book

Fringe, with the 2 realities?

Garbage anime, total pandering, and shit directing. The propaganda and JSFD dick sucking are hilarious though, they put no effort into hiding this fact.

tbh the only worthwhile moments where where the helicopters and troops destroyed the medieval armies

This homage is pure plagiarism.

Army of Darkness in case you haven't seen it already

Why do Yanks hate Gate?
For an anime it's ok, although it has loli play and other weeb shite, it's decent enough. It also has Donald Trump as the President of the U.S.A. which is a good thing.

I enjoyed the propaganda at first, but the ludicrousness doesn't carry the show. The pacing is poor and the directing is really sub-par. I like the absurdity of it all, but the show from a structural level is just trash. I marathoned the first season because of the concept mentioned in the OP, stayed for a few episodes longer to see if it improved, shortly after dropping it. It's something to watch it you want to watch a very trashy anime, that has no qualms about being open about its propaganda.


Japanese Self Defense Forces

It's a fun romp

Problem with the premise of having a modern military fight a fantasy army is that it just a complete curbstomp, and would still be if you went a hundred years back and had a WW1 fighting against such an opponent.

There needs to be some attempt to give the fantasy faction a means to hit back effectively.


The first thing any competent modern military would do is target their command infrastructure and any noteworthy individuals.

This being a "standard" fantasy army all their important persons will tend to stand out and be very easy to pick off.

All you really need is a bunch of snipers hiding in the bushes and a bunch of infantry with laser designators.

because it turns into a harem anime instead of military porn

if it was actually about around 30k troops fighting vs 250k medieval soldiers all the time, and each side having to outsmart each other, it would have been great
The Lost Regiment book series did this right, since one side had advanced technology and had to figure out how to bring it to the new world, while the other side had to figure out how to reverse engineer the opponent's weapons

Nothing wrong with harem anime if they do the harem right.

There wouldn't be much to figure out. Modern armies move at such a pace that no other force from the past, magic or not, could match, and they specialize in delivering concentrated amounts of vast firepower on specific targets.

The only way a fantasy army could win is if they forced a modern military to exhaust all their fuel and ammunition.

Cutting them off from the Gate would have been the smart thing to do, but they lack the intelligence gathering resources to figure out these kinds of things quickly enough.

bruh you kidding?
in GATE, they had a human prisoner beyond the gate from the start, albeit she wasn't a soldier
and yet the prince never bothered asking her how guns work
if they had used some common sense, they could have at least made some shitty 17th century rifles, rather than using spears and bows
with that they'd at least stand a chance in ranged situations.
and they could have actually sent something like suicide bombers to the village the jsdf built. instead they only had 1 assassin fail at killing anyone

Can we stop talking about some stupid Gate and get back to talking about tho good Gate?

thing is i already watched all the seasons
i kind of don't feel like bothering with the movies, aside from the first one
that's why i wanted something like their early adventures to less advanced villages
the episode where they go to those asians that kidnap carter, or the one with the indians who believed in shape-shifting alien gods, etc.

b-but user, Arc of Truth is the finale of the series

You're retarded if you think making rifles out of thin air is that easy.

Why do you think it took until the 17th century to get that shit going? There's a need for cumulative developments in chemistry, metallurgy, manufacturing, organization et al to first be invented before they can start making that shit.

And it's certainly not the most opportune moment to introduce such a radical technological breakthrough in time of war, when your manufacturing efforts are better spent on more reliable weapons you know how to deploy and your troops know how to use.


Suicide bombers are a product of culture. It's why Muslims routinely use them (starting from the Assassins and even earlier) but Westerners never did.



The show is best described as "shallow", and while I know that it was never meant to be taken that seriously the lack of effort made to have anything distinctive, or show natural and organic progression of events, just kills immersion.

I mean, you have a single organization, not even the whole of the US, routinely toppling galaxy spanning empires with nothing but four people and maybe one shitty ship.

It's even worse when you realize that SG-1 doesn't even behave like proper military, let alone one in a desperate struggle for survival.

All in all, it's a cool concept wasted on Canadacucks that never dare approach it from a different angle, content to suck each other off in their atheistic, liberal, feelgood hugbox.

well if they had bothered to figure out how they work they could have at least made primitive explosives

Fucking amazing idea, Fantasy armies vs modern military is an excellent idea. Instead it's a one sided stomp where some greater dragon is taken out with an RPG. I wanted a conflict not a stomp. Then the show turns into a fucking harem anime with a walking otaku meme.

It's bad because it's a great idea ruined by poor choices to be more appealing to certain demographics.

And do what with them? Lob them with a catapult? When even a fucking infantryman outranges them?

Let's first ignore the fact they'd need to gather all the necessary raw materials to make gunpowder. Next they need to experiment around to find their right balance of ingredients, figure out a way to create a container and fuse that will reliably explode on impact, not while they are handling it, and somehow use it against an enemy that can spot such contraptions from well outside their engagement range and destroy them with ease.

You seriously overestimate the usefulness of gunpowder in the early stages of development. Just look how long it took from initial discovery to it becoming a dominant feature on the battlefield.

What really kills it is the cringe inducing pandering to Nip nationalist and JSDF dicksucking.

It's not that I mind nationalism, let alone having a diamond hard penis for military hardware, it's just how blatantly offensive most of these stories tend to feature such elements that makes me recoil in disgust, and this is me that is a fan of such a concept.

And why do people hate harems anyway? I mean, I hate the usual harem blueballing and cockblocking that goes on, but I do love me so harems that actually have the balls to go the harem route.

At first I thought it was a joke video. Like the Hitler Downfall scene.

German here. I dislike it because it's boring and filled with anime cliches. The protagonists just stomp everything with there's no antagonist being remotely capable or interesting. A wizard or shapeshifter or something using the gooks' weapons against them would be interesting. But instead the protagonists have pretty much no challenges to overcome.

The author seems like a bully victim writing revenge fantasy where he is the bully himself.

stargate asides from the first movie was absolute trash in all it's iterations though

anyways, fuq it i guess i'm just gonna continue reading the lost regiment
i'm surprised there were so little recomendations

You could always watch some old CNN reports of the Iraq war.