I hate this cunt. She acts like all because robin williams is dead she deserves a special level of sympathy and support...

I hate this cunt. She acts like all because robin williams is dead she deserves a special level of sympathy and support. Someone should tell her that Robin Williams was never that funny or special to begin with IMO

someone should tell OP not to make shit threads tbh

What did Robin Williams' daughter do to you?

I guess you dont remember her behavior when Robin died, she blamed men for causing her to leave twitter. It was a pathetic ass SJW move

1) I don't remember her blaming men specifically
2) I don't actually care

Well you are obviously just a white knight standing up for a 'qt'

Fantastic thread OP. Bravo

Literally, who?

Robin Williams was a shit tier comic though.

thank you, I try my hardest

I'm pretty sure the reason she quit Twitter for a while was because someone sent pic related to her.

She got triggered over a picture of someone else?

Because that's not her dad, and that's never been her dad, and that was debunked just about immediately.


Not trying to sound White Knight-y but try to put yourself in her position. Her dad's just killed himself and here you have a bunch edgelords showing you/trying to show you a bunch of pictures of a guy who looks like your dad with a fucking belt scar around his neck.


He killed himself because he was making Mrs Doubtfire 2 due to alimony.

He was just into erotic asphyxiation.



so did david carradine

it's one of those things people hear about

she didn't blame men specifically, it just happened to be a large amount of men that harassed her

fucking faggot, kill yourself

nice joke fam 100 100 100 lmao bruh i'm weak

I'll never understand you yanks and alimony.
Everyone can understand child support, but alimony? Money for the woman because they divorce? I don't get it. I mean I understand the function it's supposed to serve but it's just morally and ethically wrong.

I didn't realize he was married to Ted Cruz in drag.

Now let me rephrase this and tell me how it sounds to you

Nice strawman there, faggot

The fact that so many books still name Zelda Williams as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" actress ever only tells you how far film still is from becoming a serious art. Kino critics have long recognized that the greatest kino of all times are Aiden Gillen and Christian Bale, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Film critics rank the highly controversial Mel Gibson over film actors who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Flick critics are still blinded by commercial success. Zelda Williams sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Kino critics grow up watching a lot of kino of the past, film critics grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Flick critics are often totally ignorant of the flicks of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Zelda Williams did anything worthy of being saved.

Is this true???


Shitty excuse, the truth is, when you're celeb you have to say goodbye to your private life.

So-called "edgelords" tend to troll everyone, don't forget about death threats and other shit many people are facing even to this day and guess what, most of these people don't whine about it, actually they ignore this crap because they can do nothing about it, plus they shouldn't care about it either because "edgelords" are nobodies to them, this is not even real life, it's internet. Someone had to punch her for behaving like a stupid cunt.

Nobody would give a fuck about her and her dad if they were nobody, the same way nobody is giving a fuck about you. And did you try to defend cisbusters niggress too?

Good job naming exactly zero.

I've been away from Holla Forums for a week and that looks like copypasta, any new week old, popular shitposts created?

She didn't actually do anything

No, because she's a stupid cunt and she initiated most of the trolling. As far as I'm aware Zelda Williams didn't do anything to warrant being trolled except having a dead, famous father




How about you say that after your father's hanged himself?

I listened to Zelda Williams on a podcast once, and the subject of feminism came up. My heart sank as she mentioned how important it was…
…and then elucidated that she meant getting women equal rights in shithole African countries and putting a stop to FGM in muslim countries. Girl is based.



So saying you are not trying to sound white knight-y means you have cart blanche to act like a complete white knight outside of criticism? Sort of sounds exactly like what cuckolds do, cuckold.

(((Certain groups))) made laws to make a divide between the sexes and make marriage seem useless. So now we have hook up culture and more than 50% percent of marriages end in divorce with western civilians regardless of race.

you should really kill yourselves guyse


Most laws in the US are morally and ethically wrong. The harder you try to get it the less it makes sense.

oh yeah, so based, she's totally redpilled guys