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Shouldn't even Hillary realize this is a kiss of death?

Wow, it like the universe is and was telling this cunts that there a stopping point maybe you should stop. Oblivion and realm of the forgotten await this two entities.



Nope. Hildawg pandering knows no limits.
Pokemon Go to the polls.mp4
Though if pop cult divination is anything to go by. Trump might have an edge over nu GB endorsing Clinton.


Deal with it fag

make me


Explain, please.


"Get your woman card ready!"

Anyone surprised?

Go to 1:02 mark in the vid.

Just tea leaves reading via pop cult detritus. IMO Clinton is pandering too hard and too much. She's playing it too 'hot' yet very traditional kabuki where the pulse and mood may no longer favor that approach.

Trump on the other hand seems to generally play it more aloof with the pop cult and media. Yet in some ways either he is naturally adept at shitposting, or understands it enough to let his team a lot of leeways with shitposting. His detractors calls him a candidate of chaos. I think there is some truth to that, but in many ways he is able to harness that chaos for his own use.

But here is some numbers after that mumbo jumbo pop cult tea leaves reading. Enjoy the laughs courtesy of Nu GB. At least it appeared to jump to #4 on the rank. Things are looking up, great things are just around the corner. NuGB might gross to 144 mil by it's theatrical run easy. And then, a cinematic universe trilogy, at least. :^]

Date Rank Gross % Change Theaters Per Theater Total Gross Days
2016/07/27 4 $2,251,502 -31% 3,963 $568 $94,318,168 13

Their candidate is possessed. Patty the gorilla should do something.

Faggots don't breed.

Yes Jewish faggot nigger-lover news is literally the best main stream publication. Prove me wrong.

Archive faggot.

Shut up. Here's the tweet:


"Boo-yah, we smashed your glass ceiling. There was a ghost behind it. #ImWithHer #BustTheCeiling #Ghostbusters"

Wew. The power of this film shall contriubute to Hillary's failing campaign. Maybe try not to use a movie that bombed and has caused people to lose their jobs to support Hillary. Who am I to talk? Actors supporting Hillary would have been better, but of course that wouldn't show those sexist men!

what's wrong?

Why does breibart trigger leftists so much?


A lot of the articles from breitbart are clickb8 tier but with a more right wing spin.
Of course this is going to trigger leftists.

Though it's still a far more reliable news source than a good majority of the shit you see posted on this site.

maybe she wants to die?

‘Ghostbusters’ Director Blasts Sony for Deleting Pro-Hillary Tweet


"But in a follow-up statement to the outlet, Ghostbusters director Paul Feig said he was surprised that Sony would take the tweet down. “This is the first I’m hearing about this but I guarantee that none of us — producers or filmmakers — would have taken this tweet down,” Feig told the outlet on Friday. “We are pro-woman and all about smashing the glass ceiling and we support the message of this deleted tweet. And I personally am very much pro-Hillary.”"

[no archive.is link just to piss off the whiners]


I hope this asshole is the first one into the ovens when President Trump takes office.

Well that's it then.

This movie has officially had THE worst marketing campaign for any major Hollywood movie ever. They did every possible wrong thing you can do in promoting a movie, and they did it hard: spitting on an established franchise fanbase in the hopes of attracting a new one despite the point of making a sequel is that you have a guaranteed audience in fans if you don't piss them off, forcing legal action on the franchise's obviously unenthusiastic old stars to endorse the new one, blatantly hamfisted jewish product placement and product tie ins that have nothing to do with the movie, aggressive, invasive, obnoxious, advertising on multiple mediums, cringeworthy attempts to appeal to youth with things like custom emojis, awful tumblr hashtags, a terrible soundtrack from hasbeen musicians who were going out of style ten years ago, and making your movie's headliners alumni of a sketch comedy show that has become so unfunny and irrelevant including them acts as a deterrent, and of course, the big one, completely and utterly politicizing your stupid dumb summer comedy blockbuster to the point that it is all but impossible to separate politics from the movie and the major draw to get asses in seats is not based on merit or quality, but by shaming your prospective customers into seeing it.

This last minor yet monumentally retarded display is the cherry on top of this shit sundae and also perfectly encapsulates every fucking thing wrong with this project: an awkward opportunistic tweet of a shitty tumblr gif with tons of forced hashtags unnecessarily endorsing an at BEST incredibly divisive corporate backed politician in an incredibly heated election year to further the movie's insistence of itself as an inherently agenda driven vehicle that explicitly treats the franchise's previous canon and anyone who likes it as an enemy to be despised.

To make it even worse, they dropped this prolonged assault on public decency the same year as quite possibly one of the flat out best and most successful movie marketing campaigns ever: Deadpool. Everything GhostJUSTers did wrong, Deadpool did very very right. It didn't talk down to or lecture its audience, it treated them with respect and treated the marketing as legitimately crafted content and part of a larger overall experience. The draw of the movie wasn't an agenda or a moneygrab, it was that it was a passion project that everyone involved fully believed in which was reflected in letting the marketing team stretch their creativity as far as they wanted.

Executives and investors were at a loss at how Deadpool was able to make such obscene amounts of dosh in what is otherwise considered a dump month, but really the answer is the simplest shit there is: regardless of your thoughts on the movie, the people who made Deadpool actually GAVE A FUCK about the MOVIE they were making. Not advancing an agenda, not setting new box office records, not launching a massive marketing franchise empire, but the MOVIE. You can't buy that, you can't fake that, and most importantly, audiences can ALWAYS recognize when it is or isn't there.

He'll never make a movie ever again. Not for any company with a name.


Jesus Christ, what the fuck is he doing?

It's funny, Sony had everything handed to them on a silver platter, and yet they still managed to fuck everything up. So much so that the box office is at around 132 million, it's been out for 2 weeks and it still didn't even make the film's production value back for what is supposed to be their new valuable IP to base a "Cinematic universe" on.


Feig has already talked some shit when he claimed it was the studio aka sony that prevented him making one of the nu gb character overtly gay. Mckinnon's character iirc.

Sony is trying to tamp down and do damage control. And instead of shutting up to save whatever chance he has left with sony, the fucking feiggot doubles down. I hope he continues to double down, and exercise the good judgement he has shown to date. I hope Feig proves his stunning nu male bravery, and go on a twitter rant on how Soreknee studio japs are horrible sexist racists motherfuckers who needs to get over it because it's current year.

I think Feig knows he's fucked no matter what.

Because the left is obsessed with controlling the flow of information. All of it… and since they're mostly achieved so (through the education system), they're rabid at the last few resistance spots.

If he thinks he's got nothing left to lose, then all the better. Feig meltdown when.

Yes, user, we already know. Doesn't make him any less funny, if anything it makes the left look even more hypocritical when they attack him. He's a ruseman, I wouldn't want any white traditionalist to be like him since I don't respect him but I do respect his shitposting and his ability to provoke people.

Sony did the right thing. Businesses should stay neutral on shut like parties because they can get both sides of people buying their shit. But you lose one side if you endorse the other.

Feig is simply there to spew his ideological bullshit. Hopefully Sony sees that Fieg has done nothing but make quick and shitty movies and is only hurting their business.

This movie is in the news again? The marketing guys at Sony are pretty decent.

Sony claimed the tweet wasn't a reference, but still deleted it

and yet it still bombed

All for the wrong reasons. Even with dvd sales shit, I doubt its going to make past 200 million in 3 years.


He supports Hillary. Huge surprise.

This is almost a bigger train wreck than Fan4stic!

Guys, I'm all for Trump but what happened in the DNC leaks is the way the whole system works.

There is only one candidate, the rest is smoke and mirrors.

I keep trying to explain this to my liberal friends,but they're too brainwashed.


Same reason tripe like Salon triggers Righties: clickbait trash.


Go home, Holla Forums, you're drunk.


Because leftists think there is a line that jokes can cross.
So muh feelies basically.




I will continue to not give a shit about your worthless opinions and I know that triggers you.


You could've just said that user.

Look, I understand what he does (act like a provocateur to the Left so they get out their comfort zone, which I approve 100%), but let's not fool ourselves. Milo is a terrible writter, and his supposedly "witty" faggot banter is trash.

wew lad, what a surprise. What's with kikes and their fixation on babies' penises?

But his opinion is validated because he triggers you, didn't you pay attention?

