After groundhog day, bill murray and harold ramis didn't speak for 20 years...

What do you think their final conversation was like?

"You're a jew"

why not?

They had a big fight over the movie

must have been a damn big fight for them to not talk for 20 years

my best friend fucked my gf and we only didn't talk for three weeks or so

Groundhog Day is my favorite movie ever, so sad Ramis didn't make another movie like it. Instead we got "Multiplicity".

Deja vu?

Sounds like you're a cuck.

I’d always looked up to Murray, until I met him about 8-10 years ago. I have never met anyone who comes even close to his level of rudeness and utter lack of respect for other people. He was just mean for the sake of being mean, like screaming at a girl who -In his view- took too long for bringing him his lunch, and then trying to get a guy fired who stood up for her. It’s really too bad I can’t look at him anymore without hating him for his antics…

Ramis said something Jewy and then Murray said something hipstery and then the Jew went to Hell forever.



I saw Bill Murray at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

he's pretty spry for a dead guy, then?

nah, it's cool. he explained his reasons for doing it and they were understandable

Murray is famously a massive prick. Look at his filmography, he's actually been in fuck all worth seeing (Although the good ones are great).

Ramis and Murray fell out because the latter felt the former had pigeon-holed him as an actor, forgetting that Ramis never held a gun to his head and forced him to act in the movies he chose to act in. He's a fucking asshole and I won't be too sad when he dies, more bitter and lonely than the average Holla Forums user.

Unless you broke up with that whore, this is your home, GET OUT

Reasons that stating that you're a loser and wants to fulfill your fantasies of having that slut that you call your girlfriend being gangbanged by him and a bunch of niggers?

guys its bait, and shit bait at that.



Groundhog Day
All those Wes Anderson movies
Lost in Translation

Plenty of actors have fewer movies than that worth seeing.

FACT: None of those are worth seeing.

Right after that is parenthesis with integral information, you fucking kike.


I've noticed that happening more often recently.
I'm starting to believe some anons really are just retarded to the point of having a complete lack of reading comprehension, and they all decided to start posting at the same time.

It's summer. Things really have gotten retarded as of August. It's like it's Oceanic time all the time now.

Sorry pal, but science facts can't be debunked. Bell Murray has beince proven to be a hackfraud with Badmovie Syndrome. One out of one fake Muslim doctore agree.

Yeah, basically after Ramis died he found another creative filmmaker to latch onto. What talent. I mean how many comedic actors can pull off that whole deadpan asshole thing? Not many. Murray is a rare gem indeed.

I mean, he pulls it off the best, everyone else just imitates.

found the newfag

You forgot Space Jam

I actually liked Quick Change a lot.

Broken Flowers are pretty good as well.

Classic Bill.

You should be paying for that kind of entertainment.

That's a copy and paste, y'know.



You forgot his magnum opus.


Was he black? ;)

I'd bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

must have been a damn big fight for them to not talk for 20 years

my best friend fucked my wife and we only didn't talk for three weeks or so

Sounds like you're a cuck.

can you fuck my wife?

this thread is amazeballs!

Was your best friend black?

do Americans actually do this?

He thought the film was going to be shit and phoned in his performance in it. It's ironic that half of his shtick comes from this role, when his performance came as much from him not giving a shit as any actual talent.

He hated how the film turned out and wanted to do things differently. This is why he fell out with Ramis. His ego couldn't take the fact that the ultimate critical and public reception proved Ramis 100% right.

What, you mean the quirky side roles? Look at Life Aquatic, the one that's centered around him. It's shit. Remember, Owen Wilson is also routinely used in supporting roles by Anderson. It doesn't mean jack shit.

I won't argue on that

I wouldn't be surprised if it emerges in 10 years time that Bill Murray fought with Anderson and Coppola every step of the way on any of the decisions that made those films work.

He's an SNL sketch actor who thinks he's a film genius, and fails horribly when he tries to do things on his own. Adam Sandler is good in Wedding Singer, Punch Drunk Love and Funny People even if I didn't really like two of those films, he was good, but he can't really take credit for that.

"Your new films suck, you're a terrible writer and you haven't written anything remotely decent since Groundhog Day. I love you pal. Stay spooky."

AIDF out in full force.

You've gone too far user.

Am I the only one who liked that movie? Maybe I just like long movies, you get your bang for your buck.

Long movies?

Long fucking movies - that's what you think this is about?

I took a day off to watch DAS BOOT when it was remastered so I could watch it at maximum volume and be INSIDE the sub.

Here are some other long movies you would like then:
Pearl Harbor
Inland Empire

Be sure to climb into your trashcan to enjoy them.

If you have some insight on why Funny People should be included with those two very good movies, I am all ears. But length, that's a new one.


I guess that you are just a beta cuck.

Ok why didn't you like it then, it was the last movie I remember Seth Rogen being any good in that's for sure.

no no no no no no no.

That's not how this works. I gave you 2/3 of your selections and vigorously derided 1/3.

Your initial response/defense was to imply that "I do not like long movies, due to not liking bang for my bucks".

I countered with DAS BOOT and my declaration that I do indeed enjoy an occasional "Long One" and am indeed not averse to the "Bang for my buck".

TBH I am genuinely curious how you will defend "FUNNY PEOPLE" to me and the board. I have been swayed in the past on the merits/structure/societal critiques of "Cable Guy" and "Liar Liar" and have even entertained serious discussion regarding "Little Nicky" for an entire 10 minutes - so, I am not close minded.


Wew lad how would me explaining to you my subjective opinion on the movie make you retroactively enjoy it? Either you liked it or you didn't.

I liked it because Sandler and Jonah Hill are funny throughout the movie and Seth Rogen isn't bad in it, its a comedy movie, I thought it was funny, nothing deeper than that.

Lad, did you just list 3 Sandler movies that you strongly felt were his best work, then defend the weakest of the three, after being criticized, by defending it with Seth Rogen nostalgia?

I just want to ensure this is accurate for the official record. Unless you are working for some extended, "Chewbacca Defense" gag set up that will reveal itself 3 post later, I am going to have to ask you to ingest your autism pill post-hase at a minimum. At the maximum I will be forced to demand you never speak to me or my wife's son again.

Bro for a start I'm not the one who listed those 3 movies, my favorite Sandler movies are Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and Big Daddy.

Never speak to me or my wife's son again.

What? He was funny in that movie.

You were succinctly paralleling Bill Murrays acting ability to Sandler's in non-comedic roles/portions of roles and I called shenanigans on FUNNY PEOPLE.

You hit me with the rare and vaunted "Seth Rogen Nostalgia Defense".
You then doubled down by stating that not only was Sandler "funny" then ENTIRE movie, but you injected the "Jonah Hill was funny the entire movie" defense".

Again you're confusing me with someone else, I only started posting in defense of Funny People, everything before that is someone else.

And defending a comedy movie by stating that the characters in it were funny is perfectly valid if you ask me.

Holy fuck, that's just as bad. We weren't even talking about the "Le Funniness" of the content, actors or costars - we were comparing serious acting chops of Bill Murray Vs Adam Sandler and I disagreed that Sandler displayed any serious acting ability in FUNNY PEOPLE and Additionally questioned OPs taste in movies as many found the movie not funny, despite it's name.

Personally, I think Used Cars is hilarious, although my nostalgia for a fat Jonah Hill might have accentuated the ridiculousness of Kurt Russell's American flag designed jacket. Used Cars premiered in 1980 and this predates the birth of Mr Hill, so do with that information as you wish.

Why would you talk about two comedians not in the context of comedy? That's like talking about two Shakesperian actors in the context of kids movies they voice acted in.
Neither Murray nor Sandler 'acts' anyway so your discussion is kind of pointless fam


If someone could have went back in time and let Bill Murray aware of this fact, he could have been saved soooooo much butthurt.
You do realize that this is a large portion of the discussion occurring here, correct?

That Bill Murray thought/thinks himself as more than a comedic actor is the running critique right now, fam.

Have you even seen Punch Drunk Love where Sandler is argued to have acted outside his comedic range?

Did you know that many Star Trek actors are actually veteran stage Shakesperian actors with incredible range?

Are you are aware that Mark Hamill, the voice of the Joker, gave a riveting performance on "Amazing Stories" on TV that has stuck with me till this day?

Most importantly, Jonah Hill was born after Used Cars, and that is what makes that movie even better to me right now.

I haven't seen Punch Drunk Love, I don't watch chick flicks

Anyway Funny People was a pretty good movie and Jonah Hill was funny in it.

Kill yourself my man.
You sound like a huge faggot and have absolutely nothing of value to add to this thread not this board. Get fucked nigger

What the fuck it's happening here?

Summer Holla Forums makes me sick.

I'm not sure but this frog guy is trying to be a cinema snob while talking about 2nd rate comedians, doesn't really make sense, I just like movies that are funny

don't worry you'll stop being a little fag someday probably

Jesus you are autistic as fuck

I'll stand with you on Ghostbusters (1984), I think it's overrated as hell.

To be fair, someone saying that Adam Sandler was, is, or will ever be funny also trigger my kino autism.


It was like the entire character was a mockery of him. He also played the depressed stuff well because he's depressed irl.

Daily reminder that Sandler was pretty good in Funny People

Hello everyone and welcome to the part of the day where I remind you that Funny People was a pretty funny movie and Sandler was good in it.

The only thing Sandler was good in was Schindler's List.

This has potential to be pasta.

You forgot Osmosis Jones

That's because you're a shithead millennial film hipster douchebag who probably has ironic retro t-shirts for 80's bands he's never listened to and rides a fixie. If you'd been around in the mid 80's like me, you'd understand what a great fucking film it was for the time.

It still is a great film

Best Murray film.

bill murray sucks shit