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Newt back from the dead

Hicks is also back

This is such old fucking news, niggers need to stop reporting it like it's fresh.

Alien 3 was the best film in the series. It's not a surprise that millennials hate it because it's a kino with complex metaphysical themes that they can't even grasp.

This new film will be another TFA or Crystal Skull, old actors with one foot in the grave trying to relive their former glories. More nostalgia fueled trash.

There you are,
the contrarian cuck.

Fuck you Hollywood. Fuck you.

Get a load of this pleb here.

I didn't mention Resurrection. We're talking about AyyLmao 3.

But it was also bad.
I watched Alien when i was a teenager

Alien 3's Assembly Cut is legitimately decent, it's not fantastic like Alien or Aliens, though it's a better sequel than anything else we could see pumped out of this series at this point. It feels like an ending to the series with it's way of wrapping up the life of Ripley and the Xenomorphs, since it's a conclusion and a logical one at that. Considering the event of Aliens, and the conspiracy continuing from Alien, of course Weyland-Yutani wouldn't allow the Xenomorph to escape their grasp, and anyone obstructing their goal would likely "disappear" or end up dead.

Regardless, I think the best thing the film does is strip it down back to Alien with the single Xenomorph concept. I thought the movie was tense and thrilling, perhaps it does drag, but it was an enjoyable time. Now, I don't know about the original cut, but I liked the Assembly Cut when I first watched it.


ITT: Holla Forums proves again it is full of contrarians willing to defend movies that are obviously bad


I liked Alien to the Third Power well enough, but my real issue here is that they're still trying to milk Alien. I don't like franchises. I don't like sequels that come so long after the last movie. And to be honest, I don't like Blomkamp's movies very much.

Resurrection was trash and you know it.

And he's the only one who says it. Resurrection was trash but there was nothing wrong with 3.

the point isn't that the original is good or bad but that the new one will be an inferior copy that is trying to supplant the original's existence. it's literally parasitic in nature.

Same as with all remakes and reboots.

It was an interesting study into the birth and death cycle…tied into the concept of rebirth and if "Ripley" was Ripley (if it was her soul or something else).

More of a character study than a monster mash like the previous films.

It has some good parts, better than fucking AVP and that garbage Alien that came after 3, the one with the dindus and Ron Perlman. But it was too contrived and it was a jumbled mess. The CGI alien cow sucked, but that's just the nature of CGI in the day.

It isn't as bad as people say it is, but it isn't nearly as good as 1&2. Resurrection was straight fucking trash though. That was terrible. By the way I say the director's cut, not the theatrical cut, and I have no interest in watching the theatrical cut.

Yes it's poetic and shit, no argument there, but it's still too derivative.


Any more derivative than Aliens though? That's just a standard 80s action film with the Alien IP. It wasn't really doing anything different than what Stallone or Arnie films being made concurrently were doing, aside from the aesthetic (which was being done with smaller budgets elsewhere in any event).

But that was better received than Res. Maybe because Cameron?

In any event, Resurrection was solid continuation to the series with a lot of potential launching off points for future adventures. What would have happened when they landed on Earth, for instance?

So that is even worse, they are just lazily reaching back to dumb action rather than take a more sublime and subtle direction.

Just because I don't bend myself over for public opinion that doesn't mean I'm necessarily being contrarian. Fincher did an excellent job and made an infinitely more interesting film than James Cameron who is about as boring as you can get. I really liked Ridley Scott's original film, it was beautifully shot and is a pretty timeless film thanks to his eye for aesthetics. Unfortunately like all films by Ridley it lacked depth, the imagery was excellent but shallow. Just like Blade Runner it was a beautiful mood piece but not much more than that.

Alien 3 on the other hand wasn't, it was both masterfully shot and had some depth and meaning to it. The religious and philosophical motifs were present throughout the entire film. The many low angle shots makes the film oppressive and dark. The iconography is often obvious without being obnoxious. This is why I consider it to be the best of the bunch, it tried to be more than a genre film and an by the numbers Alien sequel.

I say do it. Alien can have multiple continuities. It isn't unheard of. Like when the Hesei Godzilla series retconned everything except for the first film or when H20 retconned everything after H2.

So does Star Trek, that worked out nicely didn't it?

There is a difference between a reboot and retcon, you clueless autist.

JJ Trek is a retcon; Enterprise is still canon in both timelines, and in fact the setting is exactly the same until about 30 years before TOS. Afterwards things are largely different.

It's a pretty fun movie if you aren't the kind of dork who takes horror too seriously. It felt like an adaption of a comic book, with the satire but also darker and more serious stuff being present at the same time.

No one apart from autists knows what Enterprise is. It's a reboot. Eliminating two films from a continuity is not the same thing as starting over with new actors with completely tweaked characters.

It wouldn't be too bad if they at least had an competent director and writer on the project but this cuck as both? Terrible idea.

Oh look, the evil company is researching the same not so mysterious ship (anymore) from the first two films and Prometheus. Are you guys excited yet? No? Then read these excerpts from an interview with weaver:

Amazing, not only will we see Newt and Hicks again but also learn what the aliens really want and what they crave and we will get a proper ending to the series that's more definite than Ripley sacrificing herself at the end of Alien³. This is going to be so cool guys. Maybe there will be class warfare and loads of dindus in it too.

Well thank god Ridley is saving us from this then. I'd rather have Prometheus 2 right now anyways.

At least it has potential to not suck I guess.

That's not exactly true otherwise there would still be Star Trek on TV, wouldn't there?

Aliens ARE dindus.

Black ✅
Violent ✅
Rapists ✅
Lays eggs ✅
Aliens confirmed to be coons. 😂👌


I don't want no modern shit by some hack retconning anything classic, fuck off. Alien 3 was good you plebs. Highly flawed, but good. Citizen Kane in comparison to anything they will make nowadays.

How did we even get to this point?



Actually it wasn't CGI, it was a badly blended in puppet.

director's cut is isn't good

the "work print "is the only cut of that movie that you should sit trough. one if the prisoners thinks that the alien spared him and Ripley because god wanted them to be crate a new civilization. that's why he opened the cage and let the alien out at the end.

Shame everything after Alien can't be retconned.

That's still fucking stupid.

Alien 3 is one of the worst sequels ever made and I'm glad it's being retconned.

But Newt ain't attractive now, she ain't even pretty.

24 years later and still butthurt about Newt and hicks huh? You need to get a grip, user.

Alien 3 started strong but then became a real shit monster flick
Alien 3 > Aliens > India > Resurrection tbh. Cameron = hack

This tbh fam

Alien 3 is the only reason why Aliens fits with the original. Aliens is an okay film, but it goes and ends with tone so naive that it makes my teeth hurt. Alien 3 was fitting end by kicking the flight back to earth.

I don't mind them using the setting, but just stop the fucking nostalgia-pandering. Let Ripley rest in her grave. Do something new and don't use stupid useless hacks to make them. District 9 was okay, but everything Blomkamp has done ever since has been worse each movie, and those concepts they leaked looked like absolute fucking trash.

I see that the sets look like trash again. How hard is it to find competent scifi designers?

eh I think it'll capture what he's going for. IRL bridges aren't exactly pretty to look at

After Aliens, you can't go back to the original's slasher in space formula. It just feels stale and contrived.

But there's an entire sub-race of people convinced that "alone in the dark" situations make for unlimited, ever fresh horror stories. We call them the easily amused.

Good thing they didn't do that then. In case you didn't notice that was just the backdrop for a more philosophical film, the alien was transformed into a satanic creature instead of just a monster. It was a symbol rather than a villain, the real enemy was within the characters themselves.

at last I truly see

Isn't Blomkamp's Alien basically not going to happen because of Ridley and his fifty Prometheus sequels?

She's a schoolteacher now

That's only true for the assembly cut though, the theatrical version was just a straight up slasher.

What films/shows would you say have good scifi design?

Alien 1-3
2001 is okay-ish.

Nigga you what?

thats one of the shittiest, most retarded copypastas ever crapped out on tv

Really? Still very bad looking.

I watched the assembly cut, not the director's cut, my bad.

Oddly appropriate for this franchise.

user, you used "kino" unironically. That might as well be a stamp on your posts declaring "pretentious jackass."

Didn't the comics and vidya go into that?


Used universes beat shiny.

And yet they made it anyway

Kubrick might've known they'd enjoy that shit

Alright fine, you make a good case. But Resurrection just felt kind of meh to me.

You really believe that? I thought I was pretty obvious in my mocking of Hollywood and pretentious American film snobbery in general but I guess not. Let me spell it out for you then. I genuinely do believe that Alien 3 is the best film in the series but only because I find the cinematography and tone in it the most interesting and appealing. They're all very commercial films and I hold no illusions about what they are but as far as Hollywood garbage goes the Alien series is pretty decent. The set and costume design in particular was great.

I guess my disdain for Hollywood also explains why I thought Aliens was the worst one. It didn't have those small creative impulses that the other films did, it was just your typical American schlock with the Alien thrown in.

What are you even talking about? It took place on a prison planet.

GOOD. Alien 3 is the worst film in the series. Resurrection was almost good by comparison. Almost.

What you say about Ridley I would also say about Fincher. He is a vastly overrated director, his 2deep4u themes are all ultimately meaningless. Putting "religious and philosophical motifs" in your film doesn't make it either meaningful or a good film.

There are no points for trying, sorry.

You'll probably be proven right about the new film but for now pull your pants back up and wait until we have any evidence. No, concept art is not evidence.

Main reason Alien 4 is at least watchable.


This movie is a train wreck. It's not watchable at all, unless you're one of those goobers who likes Sensitive Joss Whedon un-ironically.

How did you get from A to B?

They couldn't because of legal issues, he didn't want his likeness to be used that way.

Millennial stupidity never fails to amaze me. It's like your entire culture is made of pop references from parodies, unaware of the source material.

You are just unable to understand an unironical war movie. "What's the point, is this like vidya?" If it were up to you, a franchise would be a series of copypasted movies. And god forbids there's a series you don't like, that doesn't even exist in your vocabulary, it has to be wrong and bad if it doesn't please you.

Watch it again and pretend it just came out, the politically correct inserts are staggering. Mary Sue placed alongside Ripley, super handicapman, hints of animal abuse, lore wipe with fascism replacing corporativism.

Not at all. Aliens satirised American militarism however and was far from a film about war. At the same time it was also painfully dumb with a happy ending and so forth. Alien 3 on the other hand was grim but brutally honest and had much more nuance.

I think I've rewatched 3 as many times as I've rewatched 2 personally.

Anytime people talk about why they don't like it, it's the same exact single beef, that they killed off Newt and Hicks off Camera.
Dumb move, 100% in agreement.
But as a stand alone Alien flick it's in the top 3.
I doubt anyone would deny that without just doubling down on tard rage over the lack of those 2 characters.

3 brought us the concept that Aliens can change their characteristics if they inhabit a different animal.
Something that has been used in comics, games, novels, and later movies as well.
My biggest problem with 3 is that it ended with ripley suicide.
Which was just stupid.
It made sense within the film but in the grand scale of Aliens it almost seemed like an attempt to end the franchise.
Then we got reserection which was a crappily modernized attempt at capturing the charm of the second movie.

Aliens' ending is no happier than Alien's ending

You don't know what that means. Having a vietnam war scenario in space doesn't make it satire. M.A.S.H. would be it.

Again, you repeat half baked notions you scavenged on the internet without knowing what they are.

James Cameron is a hippy. The anti-war and militarism themes in Terminator and Avatar should have tipped you off. Aliens made fun of the murrica fuck yeah ooh rah attitude just like Starship Troopers did and didn't take itself seriously at all.

It was. I also think it made sense to end the trilogy on that note, that was the best possible ending for the series.

But unlike Avatar and The Abyss, Terminator and Aliens didn't demonize soldiers.

It didn't demonize them but made fun of them, hence it was satire. Avatar never tried to obfuscate Cameron's feelings on the matter.

It's a fucking horror movie.

Explaining the motivation of the alien makes it less alien by definition. The alien needs to become more disturbing, more unfamiliar, more foreign.

Just fuck my shit up. Another 2 hour apartheid apology. With less Die Antwood, hopefully.

Aliens' ending is no happier than Alien's ending

When did The Abyss demonise soldiers?

It's not getting made. This is old news, OP is a faggot. The new news is that Blomkamp's planned Alien sequel won't get made until Ridley's finished making his hundred Prometheus sequels.

thank you for that news.

not the Prometheus news, the other stuff.
