What female character from a show would you hold hands with?

what female character from a show would you hold hands with?

Your waifu a shit

Who do you think you are that you believe you can say such things?

Jamie Vine from Vinyl

Daily reminder the hand you want to hold has probably held jew and nigger dick sometime in the past.

My ex-girlfriend said that if you kiss somebody, you also kiss everyone else that person kissed before. So if you kiss a girl, you kiss boys as well.

Does it sound like bullshit? Just like what you said.

she's completely right, that's why you don't kiss whores

probably also been used to wipe her own ass and pick her nose too but you dont seem too bothered about that

Pic related.

The fact is, every girl you've ever kissed has had dick in her mouth.

I feel that I could trust her



For me it's Donald trump from the Apprentice.


I feel that I could trust her


Every toilet sit you sat on was used by someone else. Does that mean that you rubbed your ass with theirs?

Nearly every spoon you used was used by someone else, does that mean you shared spoon with them?

Everyone shook someones' hand before you shook theirs, does that mean you shook hands with all these people, just by doing it with one particular person?

Excellent taste.

She was perfection. She was too good for Muldur.

She should have hooked up with Reyes.



go back to Holla Forums, stormweenie