Alright guys...

Alright guys, this is kind of a weird topic and I don't want to sound at all pretentious but I downloaded some of Lloyd Kaufman's "make your own movie" type books, and since I watch a lot of people who are indie filmmakers (cinemassacre, redlettermedia, indymogul, etc.) I thought maybe I could try my hand at making a movie.

I have scripts for a couple horror movies written, but I thought something like that might be a bad place to start since I don't really know any effects or make up people, and after watching Zero Charisma, The Comedy and Teddy Bear I kinda got to thinking, what if I made a movie about the modern nu-male?

It's just a concept right now, but the basic outline I have is like this.

-MC grows up with an overbearing single mother. He never had many friends. He's short, overweight and prematurely balding with glasses and a beard. He has anger issues and makes lots of snide remarks to upset people, and claims to have been bullied a lot as a child.
-Near the start of the film he gets a girlfriend. She's morbidly obese, has rainbow hair and is extremely demanding of him. His personality is completely different towards her than other people and he just sheepishly does whatever she tells her, constantly failing to meet her expectations.
-A typical scene for instance has them at a comic book shop. They see a poster with a scantily clad, buxom female character and the girlfriend complains that it's unrealistic moments before a girl cosplaying the character with an even more curvy figure passes in front of her.
-Through various social interactions we discover the MC isn't really the victim of constant bullying, but an asshole who picks on people when he feels safe, and cries of bullying when someone ends up snapping back. Also most of what he attacks people with is projection.
-There would be a few non-nude scenes of the MC's humiliating sex life.
-The MC has one friend he doesn't much care about he met through work who shares his views and is much the same, except he's extremely underweight instead of overweight. Another member of their social circle is a plain jane girl I'm picturing as a co-worker who the MC's best friend is constantly inviting out to eat with them. She grew up on a farm and is very mild and down to Earth. She's essentially the best friend's dream girl and he's obsessed with her, and she's aware of this but tries to be nice about it. To describe her personality think "female Hank Hill, but more mild."
-A sub-plot involves her informing the best friend that she's dating someone, him having a breakdown, and then showing up at their next outing in a wig and an outfit clearly made to match hers and announcing he's coming out as trans, and further that he's a furry. The plain friend is horrified and says clearly this has nothing to do with gender identity and he needs help, but the MC's girlfriend shouts her down as a bigot and says they should support the other one's decisions. The MC agrees with her with only the slightest reluctance as the girlfriend and the now tranny friend go off to the bathroom together. He has a short discussion with the plain girl where she asks him whether or not he actually cares about their friend and what's best for him before leaving.
-The MC goes to the bathroom to get them, and discovers his girlfriend blowing the tranny. This fills him with rage, be he stands there silently. An earlier scene established she refused to give him oral and called him sexist for even suggesting it.
-The MC is later fired from his job (freelance online reviewer) when lies he told about the product's creator get the website sued. He ends up having to get a job at a place that rents out ATVs and paintball guns.
-At his new job an older man who also works there hates him at first, but eventually takes him under his wing. We learn that the source of much of his behavioral problems was growing up without a positive male role model to get advice from.

Sound like something you might want to watch?

Hehe, I''ve already got my nephew writing the script for it, thanks for the ideas goy!

Sure sounds fun. Oral is degenerate though, dunno if you should make it aspirational.

So does this mean Spoony's finally making his screenplay?


freedom ain't free

praise kek



poo in the loo



gotta go fast

befor burgs awok












such such

wow wow

much thread











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