Is Tropic Thunder the last movie to pull off blackface?

Is Tropic Thunder the last movie to pull off blackface?

As a satirical joke?

Blackface is usually done as a joke. Except in maybe Birth of a Nation.

Amos & Andy was hilarious and still holds up by today's standards. Today they're considered "uncle toms" for being black men playing stupid characters, kind of like how Jackie Gleason and Lucille Ball made white people look bad I guess.

I'd assume so, it's definitely the most convincing one I've seen and I loved the way they used it as a plot point for his character.

I'm not sure if the It's Always Sunny episode where they make their own Lethal Weapon was made after it though, if you want to count TV with movies.



are you sure you know what blackface is?

white dude wearing makeup to look like a black dude

It appears his joke is beyond you.

if that was a joke then I don't see how it was supposed to be funny at all


Your "joke" isn't funny, get over it.

It was ironic blackface though, the joke was about blackface itself.


True, I don't think it counts. Doing it on reverse, with a black guy playing a white guy with a blackface would propably be pretty hard.

Something is not right. Is this show taking place in an alternate universe where the civil rights movement never existed?

how do you like this blackface?

It was before all that nonsense.

So the joke is just posting a picture of an arbitrary black guy and claim he is in blackface? That's just lazy and unspecific.


Wait, you mean that actor wasn't black? He was the greatest black actor of our time.

It's like the guy from Night of the Living Dead, you just never saw him again.

Jar Jar in the prequels


Have you forgotten Zoolander already, OP?


He was making a joke over how a black actor was casted to play a white character

then that's supposed to be a whiteface, faggot
get your shit straight before crying "y-you don't get my joke"

Not OP but I didn't realize Zoolander was newer than Tropic Thunder. I may be being sarcastic depending on when it did actually come out though.


Oh, I know nothing about capeshit so that went way over my head.

Wew lad, you sound incredibly anally ravaged over someone's shitty jokes.

Yep. The last one of its kind.

And still Birth of a Nation is regarded as one of the best movies ever.


I like how they never mention Irish slaves or that most blacks were sold into slavery by fellow africans.

This movie has some great funny moments but does anyone else feel like its tone is really weird outside of them?

or that Jews were a major driving force in the Atlantic slave trade

Meh, you get blacks doing white face and whites doing black face.

But because it may offend people (I can think of a certain few on certain boards and sites)

Holla Forums, tumblr

It's hardly ever done.


The Irish can't be slaves. That is like saying your horse or dogs are your slaves because you own them.

it's not even that since he didn't paint his face white
if anything it's just blackwashing

Slaves at least get fed.


Or the Barbary Slave Trade. Or that whites were commonly slaves of other whites pre-medieval times. Or the hundreds of thousands of east African slaves in the Middle East. Or that there are more slaves in Africa today than there were in the history of the United States.

also largely done by Jews, by the way

samefagging "y-you mad" won't save you nor your failed attempt at a joke, user