ITT: Most overrated flicks you've ever watched

ITT: Most overrated flicks you've ever watched.

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Hearing people tell me this is a good movie makes me want to punch them in the face with a sledgehammer. It sucked. It worse than sucked, there was nothing redeeming about this piece of crap.

I watched it, and I couldn't really follow it. From what I could glean from the film, the actor that isn't Sean Penn but looks exactly like him from Warriors and Commando owes money but he doesn't have it so he asks a cop and an outlaw to save his ass. The sequel wasn't received favorably, they cut a good third of what was filmed out of the final picture so I'm guessing if that footage is ever restored and released you'd have a Payback/Apocalypse Now/most of Orson Welles' pictures-type scenario where the longer, pre-studio version is better than what the director was forced to cut and shut to the cinema.

Starting to think the Holla Forumstard infestation didn't actually do this board any real harm.

Inception and Interstellar.

This is kino though. Focus is not on the nearly non-existant plot or the character development, but the absurd audiovisual storytelling of the characters. You're just a pleb tbh.

what's the difference between a flick and a kino


flick: focus is on the entertainment
movie: focus is on the plot
cinema: focus is on the characters
kino: focus is on the life itself

Then what is a film?

Fight Club
Interview with the Vampire
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Raging Bull

What kind of idiotic shit is this

you are an autist


you can't really "rate" propaganda on any metric except for effectiveness in pacifying the public so I guess all movies did their job perfectly.

We could cite nearly all if not all Academy Award winning movies from the last 10 years as well

Not bait, I just didn't really like it.

kill yourself

I agree. Blade Runner is one of the few movies that actually made me fall asleep


I don't get what people find so appealing about it

The only remotely interesting part is learning how he escapes which is a tiny fraction of the movie.

I liked it a lot but I can see why someone wouldn't. It's a very strange style of comedy.

agreed, I really wanted to like it since the sci fi parts of it were super neat, and I did like it near the ending. But the rest of the movie was strangely boring and I couldn't figure out why.

I can see why someone would like it but out of all the cheesy fantasy movies about a dude rescuing a princess, how did this one get so much praise over the others?

because it's full of le maymays

Ehh, Princess Bride is solid. Enough action, comedy, drama, and romance sprinkled throughout the film to get the taste of each, without overdoing any of them so you get sick of it. solid performances around the board, except maybe Robin Wright's. Just no one really hates it, everyone usually can sit through it without complaining, and most people enjoy some aspect of it. It is the appetizer sampler of movies, everyone gets something they like and can ignore the parts they don't.

This "film" is nothing but pretentious garbage.

too obscure


The book is so much fucking better

Literally anything from this faggot.


let's be real: the only way this movie makes any sense is if the Joker can see the future


how can the Gremlins be overrated when really nobody likes it besides someone who saw it as a kid?


Fuck this shit movie and the retards who still worship it.

Something which you shoot all of them on.

Gonna agree with this one. This shit received far too much hype. Saw it for the first time last year and it was okay at best.

I didnt really get the movie i think
Can someone do explainings

idk user. Overrated yes but not bad by any means.
I've watched it about 5 times already.
I feel it really comfy.
I can't think anything particularly impressive but nothing bad either.
Is straightfoward, simple, good acting and good characters arcs.

I agree it's overrated as fuck, but I still liked it.

A complete waste of time.

I love this film but I can't stand how people have obsessed over it. This film certainly developed a "cult" following over the years.

What shit. At least Nolan redeemed himself with CIA Rises.

We all know Big Guy Rises is shit, but thanks to meme magic some of you niggers actually think it's good.

This so much, it's the epitome of bourgeois awkward anti-humor.

It's pretentious memery, it doesn't mean anything

And then faggots likes this perpetuate it.

Black Swan, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and Ponyo

Felt average and boring.

Agreed, I loved Alien but hated Aliens. The dumb "USA fuck yeah" soldiers and the small girl killed it for me.

This movie sucks. I watched it with a group of friends, half drunk. Most were enjoying it, but I and another were totally bored. Instead of complaining, we spent the whole movie laughing really obnoxiously. That was more entertaining than the fucking movie.

Why? Maybe the daughter's boyfriend was pretentious, but I didn't think the rest was.

I think Drive is beautiful shot, with amazing atmosphere and suspense. The story isn't that good, but I don't think it needed a stronger story.

I liked it but don't think there is much to get, it's just filled with weird characters. I'd say the same about Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which I don't like as much but still enjoy.


too bad all your opinions are subjective
post-modernism wins (again gee golly)

drive is the physical embodiment of "all style no substance"

I kinda liked it in a way but was pretty bored for a lot of it. I wish someone gave that director a script with an actual plot in it with interesting characters (Nightcrawler would have been fucking excellent there).

And for Pulp Fiction I appreciated it for what it was, and I get that the lack of traditional plot was intentional, but it's not for me. Some of the dialogue is pretty fun and it had nice music choice but that's pretty much it.

that isn't /thread worthy but I agree, people praise it as the best movies ever made when they're really no more than competent Hollywood movies that are competently acted with a competent script and competent visuals.

For a comedy film I didn't find it to be very funny

I can see why someone wouldn't like TDKR but I'm pretty confused about the Matrix being there…

It certainly isn't perfect, but unless you only care about movies for their acting it's a super good action movie and one of the very miniscule amount of sci fi movies with an original setting and visual style.

TFA was a vaguely competent hollywood action movie but it didn't have anything that actually makes Star Wars good, which would be the art direction and crazy good sound effects. They just reused everything from the previous movies without adding any cool shit. The reason Star Wars became so popular is stuff like the design of space ships or characters, even the worst SW movies did this part extremely well (all of the prequels). Everyone hated the prequels but they made lodsamone from the movie and merchandise solely on the merits of insanely memorable design of its art.

And this isn't just the spaceships and robots I'm talking about, I bet any of you can distinctly remember almost all of the outfits that major characters wore in any of the previous movies, but I bet you can't with TFA. I think Rey wore some baggy brown robes for the whole thing and I have no idea what the black dude was wearing other than the stormtrooper outfit early on (can't even remember his name).

The only thing TFA brought to the table was the bubbly robot thing and Kylo's lightsaber, neither of which were that cool anyways.

A lot of these are only "overrated" because liking them turned into a meme to be "hip".

Princess Bride was pretty funny and a pretty good movie. But it felt like there got to a point where suddenly everyone talked about it like it was the greatest thing ever made. But most people don't know why they are supposed to like it, they just say they do and laugh at a few parts.

What made Star Wars famous is not just the design, but also the huge world building. George might not be a very good writer or political observer, but he was amazing at world building. TFA lacked this.

That's a great point, they didn't set up any new scenery in TFA that wasn't a copy/paste of something in the previous films and went out of their way to destroy several planets that were quite a bit more interesting than anything in the movie. I don't want to see "desert junkyard planet" or "forest planet with space facility on it", I want to see weird shit like the planet where clones were made or a gigantic city planet. They've got the budget to do this shit why don't they use it?

Notice how this shit tier bait gets other anons doing it too



w-what's wrong with moustache wax?

I've been thinking about starting to use it

kino is actually focused on the skill in film making, where film technique is more important than the content. Life is too closely related to characters.

Kill yourself normalfag

The Matrix is plagiarized horseshit, and don't act like it isn't. It's basically a blended slop of Ghost in the Shell, Megazone 23, Blade Runner, the Invisibles, Dark City, and Neuromancer but dumbed down for normalfags. Ever wondered why the rest of the Cuckchoskis filmography is ridiculed including the Matrix sequels? Because the only remotely good thing they did was ripping other better works.

Tarantino and the Transchowskis have never made a decent movie in their lives, get over it normalfag.

Please stop kino meming

Dont fall for the kino autist, guy has been trying to force it for quite a while now.


Now here's the part where I say name a better action movie than Kill Bill or Matrix and you evade the question.

I don't think you know what that word means.

Also just because something existed before hand doesn't mean someone "ripped it off". By that logic there are only 20 or so original stories and everything else is a rip off.

Also, you don't seem to be able to separate imagery from the underlying themes. Dark City and Matrix could not be more different if you tried. The only thing they share is a "revelation that the world isn't as it appears". But in very different ways. Same with listing both Ghost in the Shell and Neuromancer. Which makes me wonder if you've watched (or read) either of them.

The first two Mad Max movies. Dirty Harry. The Death Wish movies starring Charles Bronson. Cobra. Predator.

Kill yourself, tasteless faggot.

If you don't think Matrix stole the aesthetics of GitS, you're retarded. Matrix was also filmed with reused sets and even used some of the same cinematography. The whole idea of a kid living in a normal world when in reality it was taken over hundreds of years ago and is a dream is ripped from Megazone.

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit defense about MUH ORIGINALITY IS DEAD. Maybe if the Cuckchowskis covered their tracks better they wouldn't get called out on their bullshit

what the fuck is bourgeois about Napoleon Dynamite?



Pic related confirmed

See you fucked up already, would have been fine if you just said Road Warrior but alas no. Mad Max was 90% boring low budget exploitation schlock with some action tacked on to the end. Bet you never even watched the whole thing.

There are at least a dozen better Clint Eastwood action movies alone. Some guy with elbow patches on his jacket ambling around San Francisco shooting people an action movie does not make. You probably only like it because it's set in Frisco.

As opposed to the Death Wish movies starring Vin Diesel? Wew lad. Yeah part 5 where Bronson could barely walk and the production budget was $500 was especially better than Matrix or Kill Bill, amirite?

Was boilerplate 80's cop movie tripe barely qualifing as kitsch. You could have named several Walter Hill films (eg Streets of Fire) and retained some semblance of actual taste, but that would require a genuine knowledge of action films beyond Razorfist videos. You should wait till after your 18th birthday to post again, dunce.

Funny how the closest you come to a good answer is a movie almost identical to the one in OP.
Even still I'm just going to chalk it up to the law of averages. Your taste in your ass. Stick to things you know like vaping and wallet chains, retard.

Boyhood. That piece of shit was everywhere and almost everyone sucked Linklater's dick, only because it "took 12 years to make."

But Pulp Fiction is overrated. It just does few things adequately, is full of dumb conversations, and relies on a "revolutionary" gimmick that has been done many times in film decades before (and centuries earlier in books). Pulp Fiction is like Boyhood of action/crime films.

It doesn't matter.


Boyhead was meh because it was a mediocre film everyone hyped up for a way it was made. Reveneant is the boyhood of action/crime films.

Pulp fiction is more like Citizen Kane, a film with some unique and often revolutionary elements, filming, and writing styles that have since been copied and done so many times that modern movie viewers can't get the same "shock and awe!" feeling from watching it because they've seen so many movies do the same thing.

You're both wrong. Pulp Fiction is literally "pulp fiction" - it's a film version of that heavily used but virtually unknown novel you picked up at a flea market overstock sale because you needed to kill three hours on a flight. That's the entire point of the fucking movie, filmography and all.

Were not talking about genre.


yeah haneke in general is extremely overrated

Jason Bourne is a really boring character, amnesiac protags are a shitty gimmick and the whole trilogy takes itself way too seriously for what is essentially a strung-together series of ho-hum action sequences in various locales.

yeah for all the credit these are given for redefining action style the stories themselves aren't that memorable to me

who are you quoting?

your mom


Describing the movies i pointed out themselves doesn't refute my argument normalfag. Even low budget stuff like Mad Max or Michael Wiener schlock like Death Wish or run of the mill fluff like Cobra is still a better movie from a writting and directing standpoint just by virtue of being straightforward than the meandering self indulgent ripoff hodgepodge that is The Cucktrix, not to mention as action movies they're better by being almost entirely done with practical effects and stunts, not video gamey bullshit bullettime and manipulated kung fu moves that were done better in any Golden Harvest hong kong movie from the 70s.

Kill yourself for your poor taste.

Yeah, arguing about a shitty flick isn't important.

neither is the boring action, plus the ugly protagonist is really ugly

that second cover is comically bad. it looks like he's posing for a selfie.

I always enjoyed Reservoir Dogs way better than Pulp Fiction.

Aliens killed the whole Alien-gimmick, no wonder why they haven't been able to repacture the magic and the horror of the first movie after that, Cameron made it into a fucking action-movie.

Speaking of killing franchises, Terminator 2. The epitome of a sequel. Well, let's make the same premise as the first movie, but with a harder enemy, more explosion and a metal-robot who is somehow fluid. It stinks.

What are saying!? Red Letter Media didn't like Boyhood, which only proves how awesome it is.


The Big Lebowski was a send of of the LA Noir genre and also explored the theme of emasculation:

-"We'll cut off your johnson Lebowski!"
-John Goodman's character still takes care of his ex-wife's dog.
-Artist lady wants a baby but wants to raise it without a man
-Old man Lebowski is wheelchair bound and impotent (his cuckoldry is a major facet of the movie)
-Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character is an asexual brownnoser
-There is no true romantic interest throughout the movie

There are other themes as well - post Cold War angst, the rise of postmodern art, the death knell of baby boomer counterculture and slacker 'culture', the resurgence of 'new age' mentalities, and the implosion of traditional family values

Most people overlook these aspects because of 'dude weed LMAO'

send up*

You're right, shitty grindhouse revenge movies made by directors obsessed with rape are much better than the Matrix. I'm just a normalfag whereas you are a pic related bastion of culture and hipness.

Antón didn't say Death Wish 1 and 2 he said "The Death Wish movies starring Charles Bronson". The first 2 were decent revenge flicks that got exponentially worse as the franchise continued. Nice try at twisting my words though, Stèfán.

The Leone trilogy, Josse Wales, Pale Rider, Where Eagles Dare, The Eiger Sanction, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, 2 Mules for Sister Sarah, Hang em High, High Plains Drifter, Kelly's Heroes

There fagget

Nope, do have better taste in music and vidya though

No just pointing out that anyone who claims to like Predator but hate Aliens is either a liar or a massive retard.


Turning a survival story into muh injuns and revenge bullshit is annoying. The movie should have been about man overcoming nature because fuck you nature not being butthurt that Bane killed my mutt kid.

>Holla Forums: it failed to impress me so its unimpressive shit.
Guys this is visual art.
You have to turn your brain off the first time you watch it to know how you feel about it.
Well guess what, normies actually get to enjoy the movies so they're doing something right.
The only fuckers don't enjoy jackshit are you guys and SJW's always lurking for a flaw to exploit and explode against to (reminds you of someone?).

Besides you don't have to be a normie.
You only have to watch it two times, the first one looking if you enjoy it and the second one to see if it's good.

You'll have a surprisingly varied menu of things you like even if you know and are able to accept are bad.

Because the only thing that really matters is if you like it dumbass at least the only thing it should matter to you.

Don't be an SJW. Don't use the same brain you use for politics to watch art.

Normalfags enjoy capeshit, so they are very fucking clearly not doing something right.


Closet SJWs

Read the rest of the post.
You can enjoy it and still acknowledge its bad. And not to want any more.

>maybe you are the real SJW's
this post gave me cancer

It took most of the major elements, but mixed them with all that kabbalistic mumbo jumbo to produce something unique enough that resonated well with audiences. Past that, the wachinskis ran out of things to rip off and were left with nothing but mysticism and sexual neurosis, which is why everything else they've done is forgotten and/or shit.

The tagline's shit too, MATT DAMON IS JASON BORNE just sounds silly.

You gave yourself cancer fam.

is that you, Chrysippus?

No I can't, plebeian.

Yeah, repeat what I said like that, that truly makes me wrong.
Still not wrong.

Also completely ignored that bit of "not having to change your opinion on the movie"
Because your brain seems so simple you can't stop correlating the two.

All your ridiculous post deserved and will receive from me is low effort shitposting.I will not dignify it further than that.


Not able to separate what you like from what is good.
Literal social cattle material.

What I like is good. Evidentially you like the taste of shit in everything you taste.

first time i saw it, i gave up halfway through
second time i nearly fell a sleep.
i gives me no reasons to sympatize with travis,
i don't care about the slut and i don't care about the politician assasination.
just a big bore of a film.

yep WAAAY better than Matrix

This. Mean Streets was boring AF too.

Yah and inevitably you would claim GitS stole it from something that came before it.

You said nothing new. Just asserted your argument again. Which as I pointed out, is internally contradictory and can't be applied consistently.

office buildings dont just explode when you bump into them

Now im interested

it's a great way to experience 1970s New York without getting raped and chopped into cubes

Fistful of Dollars is a fucking mess. No way. Other two, yes.

Not his best.


Babby Clint couldn't direct yet.

God, no.


That's four. Six if you're generous. Dirty Harry is one of Clint's best actions movies. Deal wiv it, bruv.

Sorry, I didn't realise you were this far along the spectrum.

kino is what you call cinema in slav countries

I would have enjoyed this movie if the character name was like in pic related

The Revenant is literally just a 2 hour landscape photography show-reel with the most trite, clichéd spaghetti-western revenge story awkwardly ham-fisted in.

also landscape photography is the lowest form of art

I fucking love Aliens. Ellen Ripley is still the ONLY "muh stronk woman" character I've seen done correctly other than Sarah Connor in T2. Every other attempt I see to create a "badass female" fails because they always forget about the "female". They usually strip away the woman's feminine traits to replace with masculine.What Aliens does, is have at the core of a very macho, masculine action movie an extremely emotional and feminine narrative: Aliens is about Ripley not only conquering her trauma from her encounter with the Xenomorph, but also about her redemption as a mother. The reason "get away from her you bitch!" is such an iconic scene is because its what the whole movie built up to. Ripley has gone from an emotional, traumatized wreck who failed her real daughter into this fearless woman who's found redemption in Newt and a new love interest in Hicks. Cameron actually creates the greatest badass woman by basing her motivations around the purest feminine concept, motherhood.

There's the problem. Women, especially 'geek culture' women, don't see motherhood as sacrifice and commitment to bring new life into the world. They see it as an imprisonment of responsibility that cuts into 'me time'.

They want a woman that can make it without sacrifice or responsibility

So was clerks, el mariachi, evil dead and a hundred other classics by noobie directors. It's only a mess compared to the films he did later.

Than what was? Pls don't say Unforgiven.

Guess it depends on your definition of action movie. Bronco Billy and the Every Which Ways could just as easily fit the category, and all 3 were better than Dirty Harry.

I didn't realise they had twirly moustache hipsters in england

Nice post.

Rob Ager did a good analysis of Alien and how it was a "birth porn death movie"

I'm pretty much ripping off Rob's analysis of Aliens.

I swear I've heard this exact explanation before only from a Davis Aurini video about truly strong females VS fake warrior-chick characters

there's something flawed with any girl who doesn't ever want kids

Still though, Cameron is a man hating scum who thinks that stronk independent womyn can take care of children without a man by her side. He hates whites too.

The only directors who truly understand females are Tarkovsky and Mel Gibson. They think that the greatest strength and courage women have is the will to sacrifice themselves for love, something that males rarely understand or have the courage for. You can see this in STALKER and Passion of The Christ, where the female characters willingly accept the suffering their loved ones chose and brought.

This female editor right here even called Mel Gibson "her favorite feminist".

Few Dollars More.

That stuff is obvious to anyone watching the film, though.


He filmed his future wife nude and (fake?) fucking Michael Biehn so, yeah, the glove definitely fits.

here's your reply

You seriously need to have cyanide tablets for dinner.

meanwhile geek culture men AND traditional men only see fatherhood as a financial commitment. feminism does attempt to address real problems: in the era of female empowerment, family roles and function require new examination and definition

Everything Woody Allen has ever made, except Sleeper.

I need to watch this kino again. Thanks for the reminder user.

The books they are supposed to be based on, is way better. I can't understand why they didn't go with that storyline instead?

Jason Bourne, old vietnam vet goes into a program as a special agent to hunt down The Jackal. Somewhere along the line it goes wrong and he loses his memory. The second book he's in Hongkong dealing with a copycat of some sort who runs around murdering chinks and high-up people using his name and stuff, good entertainment, which they were movies instead of the shaky-cam experience-trilogy.

Still like the first movie though, that was a pretty good action-movie.


We did it, we found the faggot with the worst taste on the board.

faggots generally have pretty refined taste tbh

In aids and shitty movies, yes.

naw dude, half the best artists of the last century were fags, meanwhile traditional masculinity's sole representative in the criterion collection is Michael Bay
pretty sure testosterone is anti-art tbh

Nope, you're just living in self-indulgent bubble of cuckoldry. Fags rarely make anything good.

bullshit. Faggotry doesn't enhance creativity nor is creativity reduced by testosteron. Fags are just attracted to professions that free them from the responsibilities of masculinity, writer, artist, actor, interior designer, etc, so many fags became artists to do drugs, butt fuck each other, and act like degenerates and still be praised for it while getting shekles to sustain their coke habit. But if a high test manly masculine pussy crushing man wants to be an artist he still can and still has all the potential for creativity and talent any human being does. Not even accounting for historical unwarranted faggification of historical figures being assigned faggot labels though their faggotry is unverified and the degeneracy of cultural marxist modern art.

Case in point, Frank Cunt Destroyer Frazetta.

I'd hope that everyone on Holla Forums hates this movie. It is so fucking bad.

Faggot, tbh. Although I agree about Home Alone. Shit made me fall asleep on Christmas morning as a child.

You have to give it props for being the most competently put together, movie-est movie of all time, though. That's why it has so much praise. I kind of liked the second one more, though.

We did it, we found the biggest twirly moustache on the board.

Fuck me.

The real /thread

Alright, you baited me, no one can really have shit taste this bad.

Also, your mustache hipster forced meme isn't helping your argument, which didn't really have to begin with.

These and The Raid series.

Shoot yourself in the head. Boyhood was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life, and you have to be a zombie to think otherwise.

sounds like you're the one living in a bubble tbh

yeah great taste dude, you sound like a real refined guy. feel free to post more guns and babes "art" to further prove my point though

american beauty's great, it's one of the few oscar movies that doesn't follow a fucking formula. what's your beef with it?

Pretension isn't an argument.

In a century Frazetta will still be loved.

lmao you are completely deluded, most normal people lump these trashy pictures along with the rest of the kitsch fantasyshit and don't even know his name. please tell me more about how the D&D manual is the pinnacle of western art and destined for display in our most elite art museums though.

I couldn't understand why it was so hyped when I first watched it, but every so often I remember little things in it that make me chuckle. like when he scribbles on the stickypad This is more than I can say for most other films.

Queers don't make good art.

Again you're just being a snob. Art is remembered when it evokes an emotional response or tells a story to the viewer. They connect to it. Frazetta achieved that, and did so brilliantly. You just look down on the audience.

There's more people who enjoy looking at something like this than a Picasso. Frazetta is already being celebrated. He's made his mark and it will last.

Meanwhile most people as you think, don't know or care about who's currently selling in galleries. Modern art is dying because it's completely out of touch.

And yeah there's been some pretty good paintings in the D&D manual.

You're aggressively fifteen.

You're passively homosexual

frazetta's art is extremely emotionally shallow.
no, they're aren't. Like I said, you are completely deluded. Only comic book freaks like this garbage.
you have no idea how fucking popular Picasso was in his own time, by the way.

this tbh

No one gives a shit about modern art. The average person mocks it and rightfully so. Just because a group of art critics circlejerk something as great means nothing. No one cares except them and the poor fools who waste their time getting a liberal arts degree.

what about Dali or Francis Bacon? you don't like surrealism?

And what stands for emotional depth these days? Meaningless pretentious anecdotes from pathetic cunts in extremely long form? Oppression narratives? Performance art? Frazetta's art is derided by cosmopolitan wastrels because it perfectly captures the masculine and feminine ideal, and does it with a great degree of honest talent. These complex concepts are fluid and effortless in action, and far more powerful than anything decrepit marxists and post-modernists can shovel out. People which you are obviously model of.

even the retards you hang out have heard about Banksy or Andy Warhol. Modernists like Monet, Van Gogh, Klimt, Picasso, Seurat, are still some of the most popular and recognizable painters today.

your fedora is showing
are you fucking kidding me? frazetta's ideals are the ideals of a horny teenager, see


Doesn't mean they're not shit. I'm not defending Frazetta but I'll be damned if I don't feel tempted when you bring up post-modernists as examples of better artists. Modernists were also pretty terrible but at least a couple of them had some form of talent.

or evocative, however you look at it. Fact is Frazetta's painting has more in common with this than Picasso's Guernica.

Sooner or later modern art won't be able to hold itself up any longer. It's already lost the public and validates its own existence with your kind of inclusive snobbery. Meanwhile the "kitsch" speaks to the public. One judges the audience, offers them nothing, the other loves the audience and gives them what they want. That's what painting used to do and why we still remember it today. This conceptual fagtopia bullshit isn't the predecessor of yesterday's great painters. The pop artists who still need to create the illusion of form, who still need to tell a story, and who still need to move the audience are.

The average person may vaguely recognize a couple of the names you listed. You show them their art without the name attached to it and they laugh at it. They only praise it when someone tells them that they should.

Your useless college debt is showing.

You're pathetic

wew. Opinion dismissed.

blair's with project

Banksy isn't my favorite at all, I just brought him up to show that some modern art is still important to the popular consciousness, but honestly I think he probably is a better artist than Frazetta, at least he makes you feel something, at least his work SAYS something
come on you're not being fair at all there. many of the modernists were EXCEPTIONAL technicians.

does it? when you look at Michelangelo's fresco you instantly see the symbolism, you understand the intended figures of God and Man. It's such a powerful image that it's become embedded in the popular consciousness. This Frazetta shit is just sex and violence, it's practically a fetish picture. All of his artwork is interchangeable, and none of it is particularly memorable.

this is a complete turd of a picture, just look at the fucking expression on that animal. there is no way he actually wanted that thing to look so mopey

this is a complete turd of a picture, just look at the fucking everything on that nigger. there is no way he actually wanted that thing to look so dogshit.

Mongolian cave paintings have better form and function than that shite.

lmao wut, francis bacon wasnt even an artist.

which was the entire point of the entire avant garde movement. the rich were shitter shattered that they werent leagues above everyone else in the realms of fashion and art, that they decided they would spend their money on literal shit and retarded clothes so that they would look different and plebs wouldnt understand it.
avant garde is little more than the last gasp of aristocratic elitism.

banksy is just an edgy political cartoonist.

Sex and violence are and have always been very common themes in art. And if Frank Frazetta's paintings aren't memorable why would so many of us know and remember his work? You'd love to dismiss him, but he achieved what artists set out to do, connect, and here we are.

the guy on top of the heap is Frank Frazetta. The guys in the heap are you


I'm not being fair because modern art is shit. What's the point of having technical skill if you're not going to put it to good use? Artists have crawled too far up their own assholes while forgetting that artists are in essence craftsmen, not anything else.

No, the guy on top of the pile is Conan the Cimmerian

The real reason why Frazetta is looked down on is that he illustrated pulp. Traditional western oil painters illustrated the western canon which is high brow and Frazetta illustrated works such as Conan and the Barsoom series which is low brow and pop culture.

It's funny though because it's not like giant buttplugs or artists painting canvases with paint enemas are that highbrow either. Frazetta was fairly talented and he was great at depicting movement.

What's not so funny is that the art students of today couldn't even match the pulp covers of old which were quite nicely illustrated even if they wanted to. Art has become a business for con artists and rich people looking to invest or gamble.

yeah I stand corrected you're a gentleman and a scholar

that flat style is kind of what he's emulating. personally I like it. but fwiw the contemporary french academy shared your snooty opinion, I guess maybe you're more elitist than you thought

different guy, same name. pic related.
and franzetta is just a pornographer with hangups

they don't. his style is not that recognizable. most people outside of the genre art world have never heard of him. they would look at that picture and (rightly) think that it belongs on the cover of a shitty fantasy book.

i dunno personally I think Dali put his talent to good use. you neo-realists seem to ignore one of the central motivations for the modernist painters: photography makes traditional representational art obsolete.

We got a live one boys!

>>>Holla Forums

Yeah, you really are a tasteless faggot. Your meaningless scribbles will burn with the rest of the piss Christs and poop sculptures in due time.

piss christ is beautiful though. have you actually seen it before? It's not just shock art because it has real aesthetic appeal, in fact it transcends the concept that everyone dwells on because it makes something beautiful out of something so ugly.

I completely disagree. I will only concede that photography can fill the same function as portraits but it will never be able to replace art. Only technology can become obsolete, not art.

not only can photography fill the same function as portraits, it has done. how many people do you know with paintings of themselves and their family on their walls?
paint IS a technology

Peeing in a jar with a statue in it, adjusting the lights, and snapping a photo of it isn't beautiful nor did it take any effort to warrant any sort of notoriety.

Which is what, peeing in a jar? It requires no effort and means nothing.

Please go back to reddit and kill yourself you untalented commie nigger.

Thanks for convincing me further that the nazis did nothing wrong.

Also it's a natural & organic meme

Undereducated post

Link related. Something to watch when you get home from your tee-ball game tomorrow.

Flick = entertainment, no substance
Joint = something spike lee made
Movie = about story
Film = about direction
Cinéma = about characters
Kino = a voyage into your own subconcious and soul

Nigga wut?


Kys = Kys
Kys = Kys
Kys = Kys
Kys = Kys
Kys = Kys
Kys = Kys


About a third of the people I know. I also have paintings of my family on my walls.
Yes it is, but the craftsmanship isn't and the content isn't. Photography could never replace paint and canvas since they're entirely different things. For commercial art digital have begun to replace the traditional craft but I doubt we're ever going to see digital high art.

that has more to do with the culture surrounding art than the medium. failry sure you were just baiting with that anyway though.

maybe but the photograph of it is, just look at it! the representation transforms reality. Klimt wasn't a beautiful man, but look what he produced!
please don't pretend that you'd be brave enough to produce a photograph like that in its own time. transgression does take effort. (he's gotten death threats for this, I'm sure) the idea took effort. hell, the photograph actually has a certain technical sophistication to it, do you know how to work with Cibachrome?


It looks like shit, represents nothing, and was made by an ugly spaniard. It's shit and if you had standards, you'd know it is.

If I had to piss, I'd do it right now and post it here for all of you to share it so you could see how little effort pissing in a jar is and how being TRANSGRESSIVE takes no effort.

No it doesn't. I can go out now and piss in an old ladies face, say I was being "transgression maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan", and say it is art. But at the end of the day it's not art. Being offensive for the sake of being offensive takes no effort.

No, just like I don't need to be a musician to know when a song is bad, and just like I don't need to be a director to know when a movie is bad.

Kill yourself, faggot.

They invented the word pseudo intellectual for insufferable dollops of catshit like you.

It's glowing piss, you fucking mong.

this is now a neoclassical art thread


That looks incredibly comfy.

That's not ancient Rome, it's Pompeii.


I'm impressed but that's far from the norm, as I imagine you know.
digital fine art has been around for awhile pal, modern art galleries even have photoshop-type collage exhibits. if you think these people live in ignorance and isolation of their culture you need to spend less time talking and more time listening.
are they?

so you admit that it took expertise to produce? good, we're getting somewhere
what are you talking about? if it represents nothing then why were so many people offended by it?
are you going to try that any time soon? because unless you do I won't believe that you "can". the social pressure not to is a powerful, real force. But look, I'm not the one saying that effort makes art, that's your premise.

no, it's a photograph. an image. without the title you wouldn't even know what the medium was.


godward is probably the comfiest neoclassicist. top tier women, too.

i got if off of some gay background site. you wouldnt happen to know the source would you?



Oh yeah, expertise he wasted on peeing in a jar
Also expertise =/= effort, being good, or meaning

Because taxpayers money is getting used for shit that requires no effort to be held in a museum and said no-effort art gets praised at the expense of other works that required more effort to make than a jar of piss

I also won't do it because it's not artistic in any way whatsoever and doesn't deserve to be, just like a spic's piss jar.

It's not my premise, it's a fact. Which you prove over and over again by heralding pieces of shit being good while everyone mocks you for your poor taste.



It's "The Last Day of Pompeii" by Karl Bryullov. Got it's own wikipedia entry and everything.

fascinating, i will definitely be taking that higher resoultion version from there as well. reverse image search does wonders, eh?

Excellent taste there, I've always been in love with the Course of Empire series.

is there an archive of high quality sluts I could download somewhere?

Mother and her friends that are artists which means they are lazy faggots without the ability to do anything on their own.

So I have a house filled with paintings, knickknacks, pottery, and sculptures that they gave me instead of money for doing shit like killing trees, splitting firewood, fixing cars, and repairing appliances.

It's all trash and I would throw it away if these faggots stopped coming over and asking if I like their garbage.

the botnet has a few is p lewd)

, wikipedo has some of the others that are larger than 8mb.

heres a complete godward collection i forgot i had favorited, but i cant speak to the resolution of these.

again, i had no idea of the source. upon review, i will definately have to download that series.

*a complete godward AFAIK




origin of the "hitler salute"


Underrated post.

expertise requires effort to acquire
but again, this is all in regards to your premise, which I don't accept. if you spent the rest of your life refining that post and I shit out the venus de milo in my bathtub, I'd still put the turd in the art gallery. what you're arguing is kind of like saying GRRM is a better writer than Walt Whitman because he takes longer to write his shitty books.
honestly I think people like you just don't understand art. you only see the technical side and not the actual point, you know, to communicate. what does frazetta communicate? that he likes sex and murder? that men murder and women hide? if that's what you want from art, that's okay I guess. But do you realize you haven't said anything about his art so far, other than that it's technically competent? Meanwhile piss christ has brought your limited intellect to life, it's made you viscerally ANGRY! I prefer art to be that, to make you think, to challenge your ideas, to affect you. but for the last time, I think it's beautiful. his piss and a plastic jesus statue and a light and the picture practically GLOWS, he turned urine into a halo.
on a technical note, I don't actually think these frazetta pictures you've posted display some incredible technique. the facial expressions (and expression is EVERYTHING) are shit and the backgrounds are all the same. Just look at , the composition's so fucking disjointed it practically looks like a collage! They look like what they are, quick hack work for hire. I don't think he's particularly great at showing motion, as you've asserted. Look at the helmeted guy in , what's he doing? running? tripping? hopping on one leg? Look at the crowd in – if you really think about it, the way they're pictured doesn't make a lot of physical sense. Sure, he's trying to portray the chaos of battle, but to my mind he doesn't do it in a particularly interesting way.


[A lot of TLDR filth]

nice doubles tbh


well you did dress the part

And we reached the top of the bait thread

Your idea of art is stupid.

Not really surprising the same hipsters are now talking about how snapshots of piss jars are just as good as classical art.

Mods need to take off and nuke this entire thread from orbit. Only way to be sure.

I haven't seen a meme that forced since Desu.

Which the spic who made pee jesus has none of.

No, you don't understand art. I guess have no choice but to use embed related, which has been beat into the ground for proving dipshits like you how wrong you are about art being only about transgressive bullshit and personal expression.

Kek, I'm not the one posting Frank's art. So again, you're the minority here faggot, among people who don't have time for your pee pee cups and scribbles.

I agree, peeing in a cup with a crucifix really is a sign of a hack trying to make a quick buck.

You know, you probably would make an effective argument against people here if you used words like "faggot" or "nigger" to insult us and not the same inoffensive worn insult HIPSTER MUSTACHE that makes you sound like you crawled out of reddit or facebook.

No, your retarded lack of standards and reverence of a spic peeing in a cup makes me angry.

You know there were artists who painted transgressive things that mocked religious figures like the pope centuries ago, but still applied basic standards as to what was accepted as being a good painting to do it?

I'm terribly sorry you're too autistic to think only the talentless and the crude are the ones that can only elicit an emotional response from people. Then again, you are an idiot that doesn't know what art is or the history of it.

Wow, it really makes u think!


are you saying you think I like that hat? Because I don't

you're going around in circles on this expertise thing. say something new if actually want to talk about this.
1) I am not defending all modern art by defending piss christ. I think piss christ has inherent aesthetic value, and makes a powerful, complex statement. There is plenty of modern art I do not like.
2) State funding of art is not the problem with art. Use of art objects as investment vehicles by the ultra-rich has seriously distorted the market, and driven the careers of e.g. Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst. Mass reproduction has also created some problems, we wouldn't have Thomas Kinkaide and Hummel statues without it. Commercialism does NOT make good art! The academy itself has created huge problems – now instead of letting art stand on its own, artists who aspire to the establishment need to write great tracts of self-justification. Academy does NOT make good art!
3) this video is not as great as you think.
a) the old art world wasn't such hot shit. Van Gogh died in poverty and was pretty unpopular in his own time. Artists had to do hack work on commission like portraiture, and the ones who couldn't find rich patrons often just had to give up. Much of the "greatness" of the old art world stems from the fact that paint was expensive and difficult to work with, so few people even got the chance. Gallery art was dominated by shitty shallow trends like still-life to appease the masses and fashion. Artists were effectively not allowed to portray anything other than classical scenes until the last couple centuries.
b) the issue of obscenity doesn't stem from the modern art world. our whole contemporary culture has become obscene. modern art merely reflects that. but not all modern art is obscene. this guy picks the worst modern art and compares it to the best older art. there's plenty of modern art that is beautiful. For example, I think Andreas Gursky is a great, original, interesting photographer, even if the art market has somewhat laughably inflated his value. I think Broadway Boogie Woogie is wonderful and evocative. The installation art world is obsessed with beauty, and there's plenty of technical challenges that have been addressed for the first time with that work. A great number of contemporary artists are not interested in spitting in your face, but in creating new images – isn't that what it's all about? And a great number of contemporary artists have performed magnificent technical feats – just witness the hyperrealists.
c) and I repeat, if frazetta submitted his paintings to the Academy de Beaux Arts, they'd laugh and tell him to learn how to paint.

you're still talking about it. What are your aesthetic complaints with piss christ?

Today, I understand why Holla Forums wants to gas people like you.

Oh fug, I need to rethink my entire life because someone put a sacred icon into a jar of piss.

If only someone had issued such great intellectual fodder centuries ago, we'd all be living on the moon!

Maybe if we dunked everything in piss, we'd be ten times as cultured as we were at our heights.

The fact that you think effort and expertise equals crass commercialism shows a fucking idiot you are. You also didn't refute anything in that Prager University video.

Yes, and it doesn't excuse piss being heralded as good art.

It's piss. Bodily fluids are not inherently artistic and never will be, even when covering sacred icons in them.

New images that are shit and worth even less artistic worth than pee pee Jesus.

People like you ruin art and deserve to be shot.

That's much more preferable to modern art in the last 30 years

look at the picture you idiot, it looks great. saturated colors and glowing light.

again, you can't get seem to get past process to the result. look at what he MADE out of a plastic jesus and his own piss

unless you're actually going to go to the trouble of addressing my explicit refutations, I'll assume you're just trolling. fuck off.

streaming X-Men Apocalypse @

come by and hang out

He didn't make anything. Wait, I got this little plastic g.i. joe, and I feel a watery dump coming on. BACK OFF GUYS, HERE COMES THE NEXT MASTERPIECE.

You didn't refute shit.

This post is art. The way spam angers me makes me FEEL things, it CHALLENGES me, makes me THINK. Whoa

How about you refute what I said about modern art being shit and undeserving of praise, other than spouting HURR OLD ART WASN'T AS GOOD MUH PEE JAR HAS AESTHETIC VALUE

In the mean time, I'll assume you're just trolling. fuck off.

Post it.

Eat shit, niglet.


Blade Runner just comes off as hollow to me no matter how many times I've watched it. I can get behind the '80s retrofuturistic aesthetic, but it feels like there's nothing beyond it.

I'm not sure what I think of Drive. I definitely enjoyed it more after watching it a second time when I lowered my expectations.

I have to agree with all these, even if I have a soft spot for Home Alone.

It's a good movie except for the insufferable "le dude abides" stoner following.

omg ur so partition and intellectual XDDD

Most people thought Lovecraft was just schlock, too, and nowadays he's more appreciated than ever, and has even attracted attention from academic types despite being a pulp writer.

Consume fecal matter.
Visual art doesn't have to be naturalistic in appearance to not look like complete garbage like post-WWII modern art usually is.


It's an Aliens reference you pathetic nigger faggot

I support this

That's pretty accurate



"Hey, let's watch some memes tonight!"

Oh but it did redefine action style, it inspired a wave of zero effort close shot shaky cam garbage with lots of quick cuts and loud noises so that they don't actually have to choreograph the scenes, they can just get a bunch of random cuts of people running and shooting and smash them together to call it an "action scene".

diogenes is the NEETest net there ever was

so basically it was a bout de souffle, is what you're saying

end yourselves

no u

This was pretty much the first Drive. It was more of a character study than a story. Travis is a lonely autist with /r9k/ fantasies of shooting normalfags, which he eventually does and nearly fucking dies even after his little training montage.