Be at a party


If you wanna fit in that badly just ask questions about things you don't know.

Their movies are inconsistent and comic books have been cancer for decades.. You are not missing anything of value.


I want normans to leave

Even low tier quasi-normalfags are disgusted by you. Time to stop putting off tying that noose and taking the plunge.



Next time, bring up the fact that The Dark Knight sucks dick. That usually gets a good reaction for capeshit fans.



so lets recap:
you're at a party with normal people, people who like pop culture and popular bubblegum garbage

you crave their acceptance obviously, because you opened your mouth to converse about said bubblegum popular topical chatter

you had no idea what you were talking about

after being thoroughly and entirely destroyed by a single comment pointing out your complete lack of knowledge about what you were trying to converse, you then judge them plebs and one in particular a turbo-autist

normies - not even once


0/10 shamefur.

this is where you dun goofed
this is where you dun goofed even more


You could have mentioned how in Apocalypse Bryan Singer yet again performs dutifully as a kike sodomite propagandist pushing the holohoax meme that Auschwitz was a death camp. That probably would have gone over better.

what the fuck is kinema

Good job, newfag, you just wasted some perfectly good doubles. I hope your happy.

what the fuck are doubles

you funny guy

this fucking guy

I bet you post memes on fb irl