Isn't Star Wars day sort of consumerist garbage? Why are millennials not aware of this...

Isn't Star Wars day sort of consumerist garbage? Why are millennials not aware of this? Even Gen X would throw up at that blatant corporate propaganda, but millennials seem to buy the koolaid.

Consumerist garbage is all we have left.

Disney has the power to meme it into public consciousness.

Bad goy don't you know whites have no culture. Here here's some insert franchise/ product to worship and follow.

Look at the new age chinks, they're all about materialism and consume consume consume

if you were born in the 80s and onward, you're technically a millennial.

not that there aren't some very clear divisions within that 30 years, and even subdivisions as well, but technically most of us are all millennials.

what is
valentines day
diamond rings
le surpurb owl commercials cD
hallmark cards

Plebs have learnt not to trust the news so now they're fed bullshit in the form of entertainment.

As much as Holla Forums likes to think it's above such bullshit they'll bitch and complain about 'x is the most feminist movie this year' viral marketing which plays right into their hands.

Don't forget mother's/father's day.

but ive been watching all the existing star wars movies on the 4th of may (with a 5-10 friends) since before the prequels came out it was pretty hilarious this year when everyone left in between 6 and 7 this year tho

Millennials were taught to love capitalism, it's over.

Isn't Star Wars ANYTHING sort of consumerist garbage?

Star Wars is the single most soulless whored out intellectual property in all existence. The film equivalent of McDonald's. I can't believe next to no one was appalled at the disgusting scale to which Episode 7 was shilled.

fukken quads get

but don't worry user, anyone here who gives the film positive attention is a disney shill or redditor

It, yes is, garbage istconsumer…. from beginning the. Whole that's point the fucking.

Rogue One looks so goddamn awful. We get another strong female lead, supported by people of all different ethnicity, race, and gender. No white males of course. The new Star Wars movies makes it seem like every white male in the galaxy works for the Empire or whatever the fuck they are called now.

nobody's appalled because most of us still remember the phantom menace
I wasn't really surprised at the lack of dissenting reviews either, it has been obvious for years that Disney has all the critics in its pocket

I miss when the only people who still gave a shit about goy wars were video game losers. Now millennial normies have ruined it along with everything else.

Bernie please go. Your campaign is over.

10/10 wacky post gud reference would buy again

Because that's what is going on in real life.

Die straight white male cis scum. The revolution begins with white women rejecting you for strong black men.

not the video games dude.

you mean the video games before disney

aside from Kotor I can't think of any which aren't. I enjoy Lego Star Wars but I acknowledge that its consumerist as well.

really pleb

empire at war
jedi ouctast
jedi acadamy
battle front 1
battlefront 2
republic commando
the starwars railshooter arcade game
TIE fighter
Rebel assault
rouge squadron
rebel assault 2
the episode 3 licensed game
dark forces
the unreleased battlefront 3 that pandemic was never able to release
jedi starfighter

user tey havent made a good star wars game since 2005, lucasarts went to shit well before Disney took over.

well i didn't even know they were still making games in 2005 so there

These quads of truth do not lie. Almost a 30 year history of being nothing but consumerist garbage, yet SWVII proved to be the most blatant and soulless thing to ever come out of that brand name since the franchise's inception.

nice double 46

You know they will fguck it up royally.

Of course they will. Even the filthy plebs I know who loved VII unconditionally and think its the most perfect film ever realize that Rogue is not worth watching.

I still can't believe they rebooted him as some talentless fuck training Aladdin in a Disney cartoon…

can you even name American holidays and traditions that haven't been utterly commercialized and turned into consumerist garbage?

millennial here
what the fuck are you talking about tbh
if it's some sort of facebook thing the problem is you



It's was actually invented by OP's generation and he's just complaining about it because everyone comes here to complain and never to discuss things that they like.


Practically all of those were made prior to 2005 tard. Most of the best were made before Phantom Menace, like TIE Fighter (GOAT space flight sim)

the OT had some real heart and soul, everything afterwards (except a few of the games I guess) is a heartless cash-in on a franchise; a product, not "art".

if you want to know who really controls you, find out what you can't criticize. capitalists and banks

Except half the shit in the OT was there to make toys out of.

that's why I said "some".

it still fucking hurts user.
they fucking killed my favorite jedi. hell i loved him because he didnt start that way smuggler katarn was awesome too

the force unleashed games were actually decent, because there was nothing to take serious.

Leg day?

i bet there's a card for it somewhere

also, there are definitely those "Keep calm" t-shirts with leg day for sale

They did WHAT?

It looks like some spic is the new Kartan in the next SW Rouge One.
is the pic from the trailer, with the suppoosedly new Kartan.