What makes a movie on superheroes a capeshit? There are some superhero movies that can actually be saved...

What makes a movie on superheroes a capeshit? There are some superhero movies that can actually be saved? i can see that we all agree ironman1/ Sam Ramini spidy1-2/Nolan trilogy are ok

It's just a meme, people seem to think the genre is 'immature' and you can't tell serious stories with it that aren't grimdark or whedon-esque quipfests.

If you base your taste in films on the opinions of others, then you've got some problems.

Also the nolan trilogy is complete dogshit, except DKR for the obvious reasons.

are you high? the first and second were FAR better than the memetastrophe that DKR turned itself into

DKR is good because of baneposting, and that alone.

I didn't mind Gordon in any of them, and I thought Two-Face was alright, but they weren't batman movies. I'm not even one of those people that jacks off over the Tim Burton ones since I didn't care much for those either, for similar reasons.


Batman is humanity fuck yeah as a character.

The best use Batman could ever be to Justice League is sitting at HQ mindlinked to the team thru the Martian and directing their battlefield strategy. Risking your genius general and tactician so he can fight with beings capable of turning him into a red smear effortlessly is so retarded it hurts.

Batman regularly fights high-powerlevel enemies, it's just his rogue's gallery that's full of normal people.

It's all jewified jewy jewaganda

Wonder Woman isn't invulnerable like Superman. Batman should be perfectly capable of hitting her and hurting her


Shit, how new are you? Baneposting exists because of the contempt for Nolan's Batman movies. While I wouldn't rewatch them, I didn't mind them, but there are people here who hate them and will pick it to bits whenever it's brought up.

I like superhero movies, and no shitpost will lock me from enjoying them. It's mostly for what reason the meme started

"Capeshit" is a meme. We all actually like super hero movies here

baneposting is about TDKR, not necessarily the entire trilogy

And there always be. But you can pick any movie and there would be an user shitting on it saying is crap like cirizen Krane

Baneposting is about Dark Knight Rises and the plane scene specifically. Not the entire trilogy, dumbass.

Look small guy, learn how history works and check a book. We can trace baneposting since early Roman era, and some research is being done to see if it's also in outerspace.

But the reason Baneposting started was because of threads waiting for the movie to come out, slating it for anything they could. The plane scene was released in 2011 as a sort of teaser, and a lot of people on Holla Forums ripped it to pieces because they had a hate boner for Nolan. It became so persistent because for months it was the only scene people had to circlejerk over hating, until the film came out.

I know the scene is stupid, but there are far worse scenes in far bigger movies that got nowhere near as much attention. It was talked about so much because large sections of Holla Forums hated the Dark Knight (largely because of it being so successful) and couldn't wait for the sequel to "crash and burn". If the heist at Gotham stock exchange had been released online instead, we'd probably have bankposting instead, because the content of the scene wasn't what made it popular, but the fact it was available to be shooped and shit on before the rest of the movie.

Batman Begins sucked.

Pick one.

So what in your opinion would make a optimal Batman?

Somewhere along the line /bane/posters forgot that as they became overrun with newfags. Now they legit think the movies were good.