Ahmaud Arbery did nothing wrong

I too sometimes go into construction sites at night on my neighbourhood. Just to see if the construction is following all the regulation needed.If something is wrong, I usually take some photos and then send them to the authorities.What if Ahmaud Arbery was just a good citizen, reporting anything wrong to the authorities.Maybe Ahmaud Arbery was a hero!!!!!!!

Attached: Ahmaud Arbery.jpg (1091x717, 127.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>257114976I too like to hang around with the local negro youth, just the other day I saw them remove a harmful object from an old man. I dont know what it was, but they held it up and started chanting, its probably just part of their beautiful culture trying to cast away evil spirits or something

>>257114976Ahmaud, I understand that, but the governor won’t protect us with stay at home lockdowns, so we have to take it into our own hands. You weren’t out for anything essential, could’ve contaminated an entire construction zone, and were not wearing a mask. You could’ve killed grandma, my guy.

>>257114976J O G G E D R A W . C O M

Easiest way to spot a nigger: reacting violently when confronted. This jogger saw two guys with a shotgun trying to get him to stop and talk to the cops when they arrived, so ofc his reaction is to try and take the shotgun by force. Wtf do people expect to happen? If somebody fights a gun out of your hands, it's so they can fucking shoot you with your own fucking gun.

Attached: 1588090332622.jpg (329x1280, 192.87K)

>>257114976Attacked a man with a gunGame over

>>257114976Do you have a rap sheet? He did.Did you bring a gun to school? He did.Did you have a history of burglaries? He did.

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>>257114976That's not armed robbery but I guarantee you it's his friend. Black guys give each other heads up about spots that have shit to steal.

What I love about America is that even with all the media and leftists meltdowns they will still be acquitted if that's what the facts demand. This feels like Jussie Smollett 2.0, I can't wait to see the ensuing shitstorm when they are let off.

>>257114976>The individual remains on the property for under 3 minutes before continuing to jog down the road. This video is consistent with the evidence already known to us. Ahmaud Arbery was out for a jog. He stopped by a property under construction where he engaged in no illegal activity and only remained for a brief period. >Ahmaud did not take anything from the construction site. He did not cause any damage to property. He remained for a brief period of time and was not instructed by anyone to leave, but rather left on his own accord to continue his jog. Ahmaud’s actions at this empty home under construction were in no way a felony under Georgia law.

Attached: 111.jpg (320x215, 15.92K)

>>257116676break and enter is illegal

>>257114976>>257115570>>257115865No. FIGHT BACK, do NOT organize. Every White movement will be invariably infiltrated by KIKE shills pushing (((OPTICS))) telling you to CALM down, don’t FIGHT BACK. The MOVEMENT must be DECENTRALIZED until the larger WAR ERUPTS, only then will WHITES be able to ORGANIZE ORGANICALLY. If you want to LEAD by example, lead BY EXAMPLE.

Attached: 52A11C54-DF8C-4F6A-8D64-39E5DF9EB748.jpg (600x409, 37.3K)

Just spraying for bugs 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote Paper Tiger

>>257116615hopefully the state of Georgia drops the case soon, if not it will go to trial, and it all comes down to the jury. Much hangs on the jury selection process. High probability of hung jury and multiple trials. These guys' lives are ruined either way, but hopefully they at least don't sit in prison for decades.

>>257116829I'm glad to hear this guy in the photo is doing well now and has recovered but I did not read the back story. Care to share it?

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>>257116676We are being zogged

>After months of silence, officials in the Georgia county where 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed are offering their own explanation for the delayed arrest of the retired county investigator and his son.>In a statement, Glynn County’s Public Information Officer Matthew Kent said the day of the shooting that Glynn County police officers sought legal advice from the Brunswick District Attorney’s Office ( the bitch in pic related ) on possible charges for Travis and Gregory McMichael. It’s the same office where Gregory McMichael was employed as an investigator for more than 20 years.Basically, crooks defending crooks.

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>>257116829did you have to show me a nigger carcass to tell me that


Attached: Jackie-Johnson-Greg-McMichael.jpg (536x597, 64.59K)

"Sorry to bother you user. I really like your new driveway. Do you have the number of the company that did that?"

Attached: EXCUSE ME.jpg (1280x720, 37.03K)

We understand. You're just a lying nigger like all lying niggers. Go jogging. At night. In a white neighborhood. Into construction sites. Bullets await knee grow.

>>257117306>“At that point, the DA’s office became involved in the investigation. The DA’s office advised that there needed to be further follow up and the detectives would be contacted the following day by the DA from the Waycross Judicial Circuit. The McMichaels were deemed not to be flight risks and officers were advised by the DA’s office that no arrests were necessary at the time,” said Kent in a statement.The police tried to arrest them. The DA's office stopped it. Basically Friends helping each other to avoid facing justice.

>>257117107Kek10/10 filename

>>257116801People, white, black, green etc go to construction sites all the time. They don't all deserve to be shot and killed.

>>257117636Nice seeing you and your mental gymnastics when it comes to blacks.How was your day?

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>>257116676Imagine this because of niggers>Break into home>Get confronted by home owner>Beat homeowner>Cops come>Tell cop you were simply making sure the house was built up to code and wanted to admirer it>Cop lets nigger go and arrests homeowner

>>257117979this wasn't a "construction site", like some road under constructionIt was a housePeople do not break and enter houses all the time except for criminals.

>>257118026>>257118180>In a statement, Glynn County’s Public Information Officer Matthew Kent said the day of the shooting that Glynn County police officers sought legal advice from the Brunswick District Attorney’s Office ( the bitch in pic related ) on possible charges for Travis and Gregory McMichael. It’s the same office where Gregory McMichael was employed as an investigator for more than 20 years.I don't need to make shit up. It's facts. There is a huge conflict of interest in this story. You don't want to see it because you are a filthy hypocrite and the truth bothers you.

>>257118291> they sought advice, his advice was that they shouldn't be arrested, based on evidenceso they did not "try' to arrest him, they inquired.

>>257118286He stayed less than 3 minutes and continued his joggin. No damage, nothing stolen. Ahmaud’s actions at this empty home under construction were in no way a felony under Georgia law.

>>257118469You can not break and enter a house and look around because you feel like it, you insane criminal

>>257118465What evidence? That he walked in a empty "house" without doing nothing and deserved to be shot down?

>>257114976wheres the reddit thread on this night footage emerges? I rly wanna read it

>>257118570>no damage>break and enterThat shit was under construction. Every thread there is at least one white dude saying he does that all the time.

>>257118654he was walking down the street, broke and and entered into a house, fled the scene running when suspected he was seen (he was, police were called), he was pursued by people looking to question him about what he was doing, he fearing being arrested and he attacked them.

>>257118469Where did you get full access to the video? I can only find the 30 second ones.>>257118654>Walks in with white shoes and get shot with brown>coincidence, goygo back to sucking your BBC

>>257116392Jesus Christ Joe what the fuck seriously what the fuck

>>257116392Why isn't the file name Joe Bitin'? Come on, man.

>>257118469that is some good nigger logic. good enough to land you in prison, shot by the home owner or some rednecks looking for a reason to kill a nigger.

>>257118844>home owner said nothing was damaged and stolen>he broke and entered the houseHe continued his jog. A racist cop saw a black dude running and called the cops. The dude got scared because he knows cops kill black dudes for jaywalking or even selling cigarettes. Fear put him in fight or flight mode.

>>257118833that's a jew just like you, memeflag

>>257118833> That shit was under construction.why do you keep saying that? It doesn't mean you can break and enter, you insane criminal. Arrest the white democrat fucks breaking into people's home as well.

>>257119213White teenagers or joggers do that all the time. by curiosity or to smoke some weed with their friends.

>>257116965One of Jeffrey Dahmers dinner guests.

>>257119253you can not enter people's homes, retardnot stealing anything doesn't make it fineand he didn't steal probably because he fled the scene

>>257114976Bait/10Fucking kys you fucking faggot

>>257115570Me too. I go partying here and there. Tons of fun

>>257119257>J-joo>>257119384see>>257119371And I already won this argument by showing the huge conflict of interest in this story. McMichael good friend with the DA stopping him from being arrested in the first place. They worked for 20 years together.

>>257119371They don't do it multiple times like he did.Also, the people who shot him had their gun stolen a month prior.

>>257119668these alleged white teenagers who break and enter into homes are breaking the law, too, retard.

>>257117979>People, white, black, green etc go to construction sites all the time. They don't all deserve to be shot and killed.that's not why he was shot. he was shot because he tried to wrestle away someone's lawfully-owned-and-carried weapon. you have to be an idiot to do something that stupid, even if you're angry for some perceived "injustice"

>>257119253If he's afraid of getting killed by a cop, why the fuck would he do something that would potentially result in the cops getting called on him? Multiple times. Real smart.

>>257119687>They don't do it multiple times like he did.They actually do. When you find a spot empty that you can use to spend some time smoking or just to see the construction changin as the work continues. He was jogging and always went by this construction site and just stopped by sometimes.>had their gun stolen a month priorSo?Yeah. So?

>>257119958it was a house, retardcalling it a "construction site" is like calling you a "living organism" it is deliberately misleading by not being specific.Both of these are "construction sites" only one is a house. People do not break and enter houses.

Attached: house.jpg (1000x843, 993.56K)

>>257119768And they deserve to get shot down and killed. I know your logic.>>257119787see>>257119253>>257119956Because like I said, entering a construction site people do that all the time. I did was I was younger. Its fun. And interesting.

>>257118654>he walked in a empty "house" without doing nothing and deserved to be shot down?that's not why he was shot. again, you grab someone's gun and hit them in the face repeatedly...well...you had it coming. let's suppose, for argument's sake, that he never set foot in the house and it was all a case of mistaken identity by actual racist KKK members who simply wanted to harass and lock up some random black guy. even if that were the case (which it is not) the fact remains that he was shot because he got into a fistfight with a man with a gun.

>>257118654he was shot in the struggle for the gunit's in the video

Attached: shooting avery jogger.png (1224x4216, 1.81M)

>>257120223They deserve to be arrested if caught.

>>257120184No furniture. Obvious construction going on.>IT WAS A HOUSE REEE

>>257120332He had to go inside to see that there was no furniture.You can not break and enter a house to inspect furniture, you criminal retard.

If I was building an addition to my house. The house is unfinished exactly like this one, some dickhead comes wandering in...guess what? I don't even care if it's ohhh but "he was drunk he didn't know" could be any scenario. The best part knowing I'll never call anyone lol. When you leave your house anything's possible, plan better. A squirrel doesnt deserve to be run over when it aimlessly bolts across a road, but yet it happens. This story this firebomb sensational national gripping story...is an average night in shit area. Unintresting unexciting unimportant like me and all of you. Am I a little salty? Yeppppp and not about this...

>>257116829What’s with your picture faggot completely unnecessary you cringe fag

>>257116801He just entered not breaking

>>257120259The police was called. They engaged and escalated needlessly. You threaten a black dude with shot guns and tell him you called the cops. What do you think will happen?

>>257120504he doesn't have to break down a lock to count as breaking and enteringalthough he initially tried to get in the garage, but he couldn't because it was locked

>>257120223That doesn't really answer my question. You said he ran because he had a fear of cops ending his life. Is visiting a home under construction really worth risking your life for multiple times?

>>257119253>The dude got scared because he knows cops kill black dudes for jaywalking or even selling cigarettesFunny you should mention that (pic related). Maybe the media shouldn't fill people's heads with lies that cops kill unarmed blacks at some outrageous rate. It's simply untrue.

Attached: police_shooting_stats_2019.png (816x3052, 288.15K)

>>257120318Cool. Then, call the police and let the police do their job.>>257120277Because he was approached by two rednecks with shotguns. Nobody knows what was said to make this dude act the way he did. But they probably provoked him.>>257120466a house under construction. i.e. a construction site. No Damage. Nothing stolen.

>>257116829did he died?

>>257119958He incurred risk against the contractor and homeowner by trespassing an active construction site. Construction sites are considered an “attractive nuisance” in tort law, and it could be argued that Ahmed’s repeated visits to the site constituted a trespass of liability which would have been claimable to the insured parties in the event he was injured. Injury or damage to the site is heightened extensively when non-contracted civilians enter a site, and they put themselves and others at risk.

>>257120754you can not break and enter houses, period.

Attached: whatdidhesteal.png (343x354, 101.64K)

>>257120666If he went there multiple times and the cops were never called he probably felt like nothing was going to happen to him. And again, nothing was stolen or damaged. Maybe these white dudes were just tired of seeing him running by their house. You are going to see his gun was stolen. Maybe his own son sold that gun for money. We can make all kind of assumptions.

>>257120332nice job dude! Showing everyone here that African IQ!

>>257120534>You threaten a black dude with shot guns and tell him you called the cops. What do you think will happen?Are you saying that black people aren't capable of thinking rationally about a situation, even when they're heavily outmanned and outgunned? Sounds like a pretty prejudiced and bigoted judgement to make.

>>257120534>black men don't have agency or self control.

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>>257120754Joggers have previously stated no one should call the police on blacks for any reason. Now you reverse this.Also, do blacks call the police when they see people committing acts on their property in their neighborhoods?

Your own argument sucks dick fag. If i point a firearm at you and tell you verbally the police are coming, you know what I expect you to do? Nothing literally nothing, disobey get shot, if your truly innocent then wait for the cops you fucking FAG! Oh noooo its fight or flight. Get ahold of yourself we all fucking die and thankfully it really. Doesn't. Matter. .

Was is he going into a house under construction anyway? Crack head logic?

>>257114976Is that fake? I don't see any videos of him at night

>>257120754Some construction sites have armed guards or Rottweilers. Lethal force is justifiable in the event of criminal trespass on an active site which is why security guards are armed on sites.

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>>257120754Also, your jogger IQ is showing. Construction sites are regularly vandalized and burglarized. Tools, copper wiring and building materials: all frequently stolen by joggers.

Jury's know this. Feelings>Facts.Their feelings will lock those two hillbillies up in jail. Facts are optional things to consider.White man bad. White man guilty

>>257116676Jogging 10 miles from his house.Trespassing on a construction site is a felony.Where did he get the hammer?Do you jog with carpentry tools?Charged an armed man, should've waited for the cops.

>>257120900He entered the house. Because it was a construction site. Breaking means you forcefully enter something. Nothing of that sort was ever mentioned. And again people do that all the time. Its illegal to do drugs. People do it all the time. Its illegal do a lot of shit and people still do it. You probably download illegally a ton of shit. Should you be arrested?

>>257114976hes a fucking ghost now ahahahahahahah

>>257121201It's the same all framing.

>>257120980Ok so is it "he's afraid of cops" or "he thought nothing would happen". If he though nothing would happen then don't go off in a mad sprint because a guy notices you trespassing.>Maybe these white dudes were just tired of seeing him running by their house and walking around inside it. ftfy

>>257120754Yea I'm sure you'd like me walking into your home and gawking at your belongings. It's okay as long as I don't damage or steal anything amirite?


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>>257121293>He entered the house.which he can't do, your criminal retard.> I saw a ladder and a hammer, so I can enterno, you can not, retard.

>>257120534>racism of low expectations

>>257121293It's a private single-unit residence under construction not a fucking skate rink in an open field.

>>257118654Do you blockheads actually listen? Maybe we should all kick your head in like niggers to get that point in? He wasn't shot for robbery, he was shot for wrestling a gunman you dumbfuck. They had weapons to ensure their own safety incase the robber had weapons, and then the stupid nigger went and tried to get his gun. To his own demise, the useless nigger died. Fucking tranny nigger

>>257120973Why is it suddenly blurry from his right hand?

>>257121293No. Entering property you had no right to access does not require you “break” anything, you moronic jogger.Do joggers think if a door is unlocked you are free to enter? Like vampires?

>>257114976He looked beautiful in his tuxedo

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>>257120998(you)>>257121004>>257121056White people with guns get arrested without them dying all the time. Thats not the case for black people. White cops do not care about non lethal arrests when they see a brown skin. >>257121061They do. But then they don't run after the potential criminal because they know it could possibly end bad for them. Let the cop do their job if you are going to call them.>>257121213Your point being?


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>>257119253>He continued his jog. A racist cop saw a black dude running and called the cops. The dude got scared because he knows cops kill black dudes for jaywalking or even selling cigarettes. Fear put him in fight or flight mode.He chose the wrong mode.

>>257121239Nothing was stolen. Follow the story.

>>257121670they absolutely, unironically believe that if somebody leaves their house to go to work or the shops, and they left the door unlocked, that people can enter the "open and empty" house

>>257121670I mean, to be fair, there's no caution tape or anything. You can check out construction sites if you want. The contractors don't live there either, but they can be there?

>>257121293>Equating downloading mp3s to doing illegal drugs.Wow.

>>257118833I am White and have done this. Got a sweet stepladder once, made lot's of money with it!

>>257120503This isn't reddit jackass

>>257118833Yeah I, a white man, like to enter the site of a house being built in the middle of the night multiple times. I've totally got priors too.

>>257121809That it is justifiable to use lethal force against trespassers, even on vacant construction sites. Only white people use that flag btw.

>>257122154>to use lethal forceAfter they've been attacked? He threw punches and grabbed the shotgun before shots were fired.

>>257121897Why do you think they had night vision security cameras?

>>257121867You're not following the story anyways. Why should that user even take you seriously, negro

>>257121293Burglary of an unoccupied structure exists.If your retarded nig cousin had clamly and slowly walked up to white dude THEN attacked him, you argument would hold water (very little)Charging 50 feet around a truck to try and get the quickjump on someone with a shotgun (pointed at the ground) is not fighting for your lifeAnd all related parties have recused themselves from the case so your whining about crooked cops goes in the trash.

there was damage to the pipes after the jogger had been there

Attached: pipe damage.jpg (1323x712, 238.2K)

>>257121897>There's no caution tapeThere aren't private property signs on most houses either, that doesn't make it legal to break and enter.

>>257121248>Gregory McMichael told police he had turned Arbery’s body over “to see if the male had a weapon.” Arbery was unarmed.>>257121462people still do it all the time. Even I did when I was younger with my cousins. And it was fun. >>257121464A black dude surrounded by white dudes with weapons. Sure. Totally not stressful situation.>>257121560They called the cops. They should have waited for the cops. Period.>>257121670There is a difference. And before a judge that distinction would be made.

It's perfectly legal to open carry. Perfectly legal to citizens arrest. Assault and battery are illegal. Self defense is legal.The nigge is the only one that committed a crime. Trespassing, assault, battery.Case closed

>>257122285Some properties are haunted. If you're selling a home and want to prove it's not a stigmatized property you may want to offer several hours of nighttime footage were no paranormal activity takes place.

>>257122276What? You are having a different conversation.

>>257122491so you're an admitted criminalthat was obvious

>>257114976>his name was armed robbery

>>257116829Good evening special agent Martinez

>>257122154The construction site had none of those security measures for a good reason. Nothing a value was there and really no contractor really cares about some people walking through an empty house.

>>257122631Renovated homes don't necessarily have ghosts but many do. The footage shows no ghosts, maybe a spook, but no ghosts.


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>>257122541Not to mention the dad is a retired cop of 30 years without any sort of incident like this prior.

>>257122783>The construction site had none of those security measures for a good reasonThe camera is a security measure> Nothing a value was there and really no contractor really cares about some people walking through an empty houseNothing of value? Like that expensive boat?

>>257117636>Former LEO goes to ask his old friend and DA for legal advice>DA's office investigates him but allow him to remain free until investigation is done>Deemed not a flight risk>Former LEO is arrested with his son a few months later, right where they were>Not flight risks.The DA's office did their job appropriately. You just don't lock someone up on a whim.Most blacks like to think that they get arrested for doing "nothing" but they are almost always guilty or incriminate the shit out of themselves. Most blacks refuse to listen to lawyers, or public defenders. They think that just having a lawyer means you get off scott free because of OJ.

>>257114976Post the photos you sometimes take.You people are ridiculous.

>>257122289(you)>>257122419He charged because he was probably provoked.>>257122650We are all criminals ITT. If you ever used a non officia streaming website. if you ever jaywalked. If you ever ran a red light. And I know for sure we all downloaded something illegally at least once. No need to act holier than thou and throw the first stone.

>>257121293You're applying a moral argument to a legal issue. Someone trespassing on someone's private property is more serious than downloading a song. It's more like if I got arrested for smoking weed, then I think the cops should let me off with a warning since it's such a minor thing, but if they arrest me then it's within their abilities since it's the law.

>>257123214>He charged because he was probably provokedLiterally animal behavior.

>>257122491>>257122541They were going to question the stupid nigger, not immediately detain. Also, tresspassing is still seen as a bad thing young or old you filthy nigger. Normal my ass. What crimes youre going to justify him of you shit? Tresspassing at night is also some shit everyone does with their extended family members and friends? We both know he planned and did some bullshit. Quit the bullshit you weak nigger

>>257122959>Nothing of value? Like that expensive boat?Or $2500 of fishing equipment that was allegedly stolen, which is a very good reason to not want people walking around your unfinished home. Sure, if that story is true then it's pretty stupid to just leave it there. But yes there are very obvious reasons to want to leave a security camera up.

>>257123214>He charged because he was probably provoked.He charged because he was on edge for the brake and entry. He knew why he was being chased.

>>257116829this is special dea agent martinez? i thought this was a jeff dahmer photo

>>257122959Nothing was stolen. And the camera was there every time and went there and nothing was done about his case because he never did anything once in the 'house'. I did the same was I was young. Never stolen anything. A lot of white dude do the same. And If the cops were called nothing would be done to them. because nobody cares about some dude in a empty house.

>>257123338But there are no laws protecting construction sites. No one lives in them, and what if I need some scrap wood? The inside of an occupied home is a different story.

>>257123332It's also amazing to me that people are shocked that boomers in the South of all places would carry guns with them if they were going to make a citizen's arrest. What else would they take? It's like people don't realize guns can be used as a tool of intimidation.

You would not believe what people steal from construction sitesThey steal shit they dont even know whats for and just hope its one of those rare parts that are hard to findThe only mind blowing thing is not the shooting not the controversy, its actually looking dead on at the face of someone who would scavenge in a construction jobsite. For some reason I expected a methed out tweaker that cant look in one direction, but just a normal looking black guy????Fucking boggles my mind.

>>257119253please respond to >>257120699Do you realize that the media is using you? That the media and politicians want you to be angry and hate others? That it's in their best interest to manipulate you by spoonfeeding you lies designed to play on your emotions?Look at facts objectively and get off the plantation.

He just joined the Army and was training with work boots for the 20k. How many times does this have to be said.

>>257123214It's not unreasonable to assume that someone trespassing on your property is there to steal. Especially if it's a convicted felon who visited the spot multiple times in the middle of the night.

>>257123489>what if I need some scrap woodThen go buy some? You obviously have very limited life experience if you truly believe that valuable things might be left behind in a construction zone.

>>257122783Lol there’s a fucking boat parked inside. Tools, materials, and wiring are often stolen as well.

>>257123101>Former LEO is arrested with his son a few months later, right where they wereBecause they were pressured into it. His friend the DA was trying to put this whole situation and wraps and hope it went away. If a white dude was shot and killed the black dude would be behind bars the next day.

>>257123653>Then go buy some?From where? Home depot? I'm not giving money to a trump supporting yid.

The missing tools are just insurance fraud. Didn't you see the pics. He was a good boy , he dindu nuffin he was a good goy.

>>257123816Ok then go to Lowe's. Go out in the woods and pick some up sticks you stupid fuck.

>>257123926Don't bother replying to the faggot. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know how to woodwork.

>>257123471>”when I was a child I did stupid shit”>this is a 25 year old felon

>>257123327(you)>>257123332Who the fuck are you to question me. Call the cops. I don't need to talk to 2 sweaty rednecks about anything.>>257123357If you say so.>>257120699All of that is very cute. But we are talking not only about the police but the police in Georgia. Not only that but 2 rednecks with shotguns probably insulting you and provoking you.

>>257124111>. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know how to woodwork.Why woodwork? All houses are made out of plywood and drywall these days.

>>257123214>He charged because he was probably provoked.>probably provoked>PROBABLYSo you admit to talking out of your ass?


>>257124344There's still framing

>>257124489>>257124629I said probably because Im trying to be nuanced. All those Holla Forumstards saying :>hurr they were just trying to talk>hurr they tried to calmy assess the situation with himAre exactly what you describe as talking out of your ass.I know black dudes like him and that's my hypothesis. He was provoked. PROBABLY with racist remarks.

>>257122548Can't tell if bait, or really hard cope.

>>257124868>nuancedmore like REACHING>Are exactly what you describeWe got to hear the whites' story corroborated by videos of dumbass wandering around construction sites.We got a video to show the nigger charging like a dumb bull towards a red cape.>I know black dudes like himObviously from your pornhub amateur sessions

>>257124868but you're also talking out of your ass by that logic. He got caught tresspassing and they have their right to be angry.

>>257124868also>He was provoked. PROBABLY with racist remarksWhat happened to the FIGHT or FLIGHT - omg he wuz fighting for his life???

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>>257125360I know a guy that does real estate in Transylvania. This is true, they do that.

>>257123541Ah yes... I still remember when I went through basic. My favorite part of the ruck march was the "break into a home and look for valuables to steal" segment

>>257125435It's a valid hypothesis just by hanging around this website.I'm black. I know understand his behavior better than you.>pornhubI don't fap or watch porn.>>257125511angry about what? The owned of this property said nothing was stolen or damaged. Are you the attack dogs protecting this construction site?>>257125612getting approached by two dudes that look like this is stressful. no matter your color.

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>>257116889Thank you Mr. bugsprayer

>>257126010>getting approached by two dudes that look like this is stressful.only to a jogga lmao

>>257126010Angry about catching someone tresspassing. Even at night you fool. It's like you disregarded the whole situation with massive cope lmao.

>>257126169oh shit is the virus back

>>257123489>>257123653>>257123816>>257123926>Private property is open to the public, if it is undergoing improvement>Private property, trespassing, and illegal entering laws do not apply to non domiciles>Stealing is OK if I determine I need whatever I am stealingwhere did you say you received your law degree from? It should be illegal to be this stupid

>>257126010I grew up near nigger neighborhoods, went to majority black schools, and have been to prison.I know dindus better than you(lol supposedly) fucks know yourselves. LOL getting approached by pic related stresses you out. Stfu already pussy larper

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>>257126352Call the cops?>>257126169You would have shat your pants because you probably look like a white sissy trap.

>>257126555I'd still be alive too because i ain't no JOGGA LMAO

>>257126555Bla bla bla all stated above about legal citizens arrest bla bla bla. Tldr you're coping. Stay mad, weak shit.

>>257126541so you're a filthy criminal acting holier than thou. classic.>better than you(lol supposedly) fucks know yourselves.White racist BS talk 101You know me better than myself and my people? lol. This superiority complex never end.

>>257127060>experience & knowledge = superiorityBy your own logic then, niggers are are the lowest since they have no practical skills/knowledge in a society :)

>>257126950Unless you saw the person doing the crime this whole citizen arrest angle is BS.He saw a black dude running and because he got his gun stolen a month prior he was trying to play Rambo.

>>257127256>better than>not superiorityYou missed school? :)

>>257120761it was nerve gas

>>257120973sauce on this?

>>257127385I'm surprised you can spell superiority without spellcheck

>>257117306I don't understand this picture at all. WTF is wrong with her eyes?

>>257127385Die nigger

>>257127531She's a squinter

>>257127272got caught tresspassing acknowledged it went for questioning. enough with this shit lol. We're so over it now. The nigger was planning some shit and got caught and guess what, they were going to question the right guy lmao. Holla Forums is literally dancing on a criminal's grave, negro. Note 'criminal'.

>>257114976Ahmaud wanted to be an Architect so he went out to that site to learn more about buildings. I STAY WITH THE NIGGER, NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT.

>>257127509You obviously don't understand what this word means and how it can be implied in your own discourse.Just do like this guy>>257127663 and call it a day.

>>257127696Without my glasses on, I read that as squirter.

>>257127385HOLD UPWhat excuse you got for this (pic related) ???

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>Ahmaud Arbery did nothing wrong>Video shows him immediately running down the street and trying to strip the weapon out of the hands of a citizen abiding by their second amendment right to open carry yeah okay, I'll wait for the trial where they get off like zimzam


>>257127861The video shows him approaching them anyways. It honestly looks like he was chasing them, runs around the truck, and tries to grab the gun. Where is the counter-narrative that they were chasing him even coming from?


>>257124868I knwo how to disarm people and I would NEVER disarm someone with a rifle or a shotgun. It's 100x harder than with a pistol. Mr. Armed Robber right here acted stupidly.

>>257127779Mehsee>>257123214>>257127858Don't start trolling now that I've exposed your lack of reading comprehension.

>>257128196Fear + Provocation can make you act like a retard.

>>257128196You wouldn't try to disarm someone with a shotgun over 50 feet away


>>257128376No, being a retard will make you act like a retard. How could a veteran not know how to make good decisions under pressure?>>257128464Also true.

All fucking joggers must fucking hang.

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>>257116392I can’t wait until all baby fuckers hang.

>>257128623>Veteranwtf are you talking about?>>257128557you should drink some lemon water and do some pushups.

LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITTThese threads are full of bots

>>257128086>The video shows him approaching them anyways. It honestly looks like he was chasing them, runs around the truck, and tries to grab the gun. Where is the counter-narrative that they were chasing him even coming from?OK, let's walk through this.First, the cell phone video probably wasn't some guy just filming the road, obviously there is something that happened prior to the video starting that got him filming. Considering the shotgun dudes jumped in their car with the intent of apprehending him, it's not a huge jump to think that they... jumped in their truck and chased him down with the truck as was their stated intention literally on the record. Even if this isn't what actually happened they are kind of locked into that at this point when it comes to a legal defense (protip: don't talk to cops, talk to your lawyer). The jogger guy cannot chase down a truck, like if I'm driving by a jogger I don't care if that guy is an Olympic athlete he's not going to run fast enough to even get me to notice he's "chasing" me.

>>257129230>The jogger guy cannot chase down a truckHe can if the truck stopped (which it did)

>>257128963I confused him with a friend of his. Nonetheless my point still stands. If you are innocent and you and maybe well versed in the law you can walk off or you can call the cops yourself (Best option) and nothing will happen to you. Disarming is dangerous and should never be the first thing you try and do, especially if you don't know how to.

>>257128376The real reason Arbery acted like a retard was because he was a nigger having a nigger moment.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhgwy9y5ttA

>>257129450I wouldn't try disarming two rednecks not even in my wildest dreams. What he did was retarded for sure.

>>257117212This guy eats poop.

>>257114976just another dead nigger. no big deal. This nigger posting in here can play his games all he wants. He knows what his people do. They're filthy animals. Slavery was the only way to control you nigs.

>>257114976I disagree where he went wrong was when he charged a guy carrying a shotgun and it cost him his life

>>257129318Then he's not chasing it, is he? Can you chase a tree stump?

Dindu nuthin just doin what a jogger gotta do.youtu.be/igThcykZsZk

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>>257120534Dead joggers and a slightly improved world

New cope:He had an interest in free-lance night security.

>>257123214Ok so the shooters should not be held to that standard of the law?

>>257130004Yesterday you were using a UN flag or EU flag. Why did you change it? I can tell by how you post you are a reddit roastie

>>257123442Wow hahaha so funny >you have to go back

>>257130448Meh. >>257130748I don't get your post. I was just trying to bring a little by of humility on the table. If textbook law was applied to all of us, we would all be in pile of shit. Be cause I know you downloaded your favorite Jav porn illegally.>>257130823You spend too much time on this website. Why would I use Flags that represent corruption?

>>257130448>Dead joggers and a slightly improved worldamen

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>>257131108break and enter is much more serious crime

I like to jog directly at people and attack them with my fists in case they are up to any racisms. Especially the white ones, for some reason.

>>257114976same energy

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>>257131289>Those found guilty of copyright infringement may face the following penalties: Up to five years in jail. Fines and charges of up to $150,000 per file. >In addition to any other charges that might be brought against you, the copyright holder can file suit, which can result in legal fees and damages that must be paid.Versus entering an empty house under construction without damaging or stealing anything.How many years would you go to prison if they applied textbook Law after searching your hard drives?

>>257114976OSHA wouldn't approve of him being on an active worksite with no PPE gear.

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>>257131577break and enter is a far more serious crimeit is an invasionit precipitates violencepeople who do it are violent animals, which is why it was no surprise that the jogger was willing to attack, and probably kill, in order to avoid arrest. That is what home invaders do.

We know that he was not simply a "jogger", he was a burglary suspect, who had many prior convictions. Whether or not he actually committed the burglaries, let's be honest he probably did, he was a suspect. When he was confronted by the neighbors, he took off running. The neighbors called the cops, and told him to stop running. He refused. Then he lunged at one of the men, and tried to steal his gun. He ended up getting shot.The McMichaels did NOTHING illegal at any step of this process. The only one who did was Ahmaud, who took off running from the cops.

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>>257131783Calm down. The dude entered an empty house under construction. He did so multiple times because he knew nobody was there. And he was unarmed. Come back to earth.And you would probably go to jail for life if they searched you hard drives, more serious crime or not.

>>257132190I will not calm down you cocksucking criminal faggothe broke and entered, he's got a record for thieving, he fled when caught, and attacked when confronted and was rightfully shot, you faggot

>>257132190yeah he was looking for tools to steal

>>257119194That's the president of Mexico

>>257118469Why wont they post the whole video?

>>257132371talking out your ass.>>257132308>he fled when caughtWho said that? They called the police when they saw the guy running out the house. He was not fleeing. He was just running. no need to get triggered. And I'm not a criminal.>>257132628Ask them.

>>257119958lol all these people saying this are going to be eating some crow dick when they post the whole video

>>257132371Obviously the writer of this post is a woman, guys line up when they see construction sites in the middle of the night dozens of miles from home. It's a guy thing. I go to construction sites in the middle of the night all time. I visited one yesterday about a 6 hour jog away at 3am and the foreman caught me and just laughed then gave me a tour.

>>257132779You are an admitted home invading criminal faggotrunning from the scene of a crime is fleeing.> when they saw the guy running out the house.wrong you criminal faggot, a man called the police saying he saw some guy go into the house, while on the call he then said he saw the guy running. Obviously the jogger started running realizing somebody (the guy on the phone) had seen him. Probably saw him speaking on the phone looking at the house which and so the jogger started fleeing. He then was confronted as he was running away and attacked to try and avoid arrest.

>>257132371Fuck are people still infected?

>>257120973>>>257120332We need to get hands on the actual videos. Its going to be ruled inadmissible at trial. That's why theyre showing 4 second clips and stills. They will argue that they never need to be disclosed. Someone has to leak the actual one or steal it or something.

>>257132053Mr. Barnhill is a stand up fellow from my past experiences around him and has an exceptional understanding of the law.

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>>257123338Can we call them "jiggers" now??You know.. like jigs for fishing?

>>257120980lol you really think he wasn't stealing lol? He jogs in khakis and a belt lol? WHy wont they show the whole video...I'll tell you why. It could pollute the jury pool. They only released these stills AFTER a home owner released his video showing Arbery going into the building.

>>257132801The home owner said nothing was damaged or stolen. If they release the whole video and he was in fact stealing why would I feel bad? I'm only referencing what he said.>>257132987>probablysee>>257124629and>>257124489

>>257133234You can call them jigaboos, it's close enough

>>257132779>talking out your ass.the fuck else you think he was doing in there?

>>257133453Well. I guess we will never know. You can let your imagination run wild with your Holla Forumstard friends in your echo chamber.

>>257132843Man, just got home from my late night jog/construction site tour. It was a blast but boy what a workout. Talk about High intensity training. Push your body to the limit jogging 20 miles from home. Then wander around a construction site. Then take off in a dead sprint. Its a blast. Thinking about making my own Tae Boe tape

>>257114976Ahmaud Arbery was an undercover agent investigating a sex trafficking ring

>>257123471you're so fucking stupid! we all know you're a nigger because only someone who doesn't work would say something like that. nobody cares about some dude in an empty house? bullshit! do you have any idea how nervous construction foremen are about leaving tools and materials about construction sites nowadays? this isn't the 1980s anymore dude. its a different world out there.

>>257122444 are we sure this is the same house?

>>257122444Stealing copper, huh?

>>257133865 It's a little late for that king of trolling, sir.>>257133931My screwdriver is going to potentially get stolen if I let it in the construction site. This is so nerve wrecking. Life is so hard.

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>>257134050219 satilla dr

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>>257133270He reported earlier fishing tackle was stolen. Now hes changed his tune because he doesn't want to die. He is literally in hiding speaking through an attorney and says the guy on tape looks nothing like "Arbery" and he sees no resemblance. He doesn't want to get killed by a pack of niggers.

>>257127272I don't recall the part where Rambo was following people around on a pickup truck telling them to stop and wait for police.

>>257126010stfu already. its called a citizen's arrest you stupid fucking nigger. there's also something called open carry. both are legal in that state. the nigger charged and attacked a man with a shotgun, plain and simple. stfu!

>>257133709there is only one reason to be there, looking for shit to steal.

>>257120973>jogging while wearing a belt

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>>257131578OSHA are just racist fucks thats why. You dont see them hassling white people do you? Whole country in racist.

>>257126541you get really nervous if you are approached by pic related knowing that you were just attempting burglary.

>>257134616I do think it would be funny if it turned out he had a sex addiction and loved to jog, but went there to jack off because he went on long jogs and needed to jack off every 10 minutes. It would make me laugh. Jesse Jackson could start a cum run for Ahmaud and shit. Buncha liberal faggots would come out and talk about how they do that all the time and Ahmaud gave them strength to come out

>>257134505>because he doesn't want to dieNothing will happen to this dude. He literally neighbour with an ex cop. stop it.>>257134560>telling them to stop and wait for policeYou don't know what was said.>>257134602you are going to get a heart attack. calm down triggered fem boi.>>257134616Like I said, thats your own hypothesis. I did that when I was youger with my cousin. All we ever did was playing some dumb games, exploring and smoking weed.

>>257133759Nice, bro! and I love randomly jumping to a dead sprint, especially when leaving construction sites. It's nice after the line to get into some of the construction zones, even in the middle of the night, it's crazy how busy it is. People say /pol isn't fit. 24+ mile joggers right here. heh. Poor Ahmaud. I guess racists are just mad because none of them run marathons 5 times a week like us normal guys.

>>257134326do you have any idea how much a set of chisels costs? A set of screw drivers? Good tools are fucking expensive

>>257120223Yes, they do deserve to get shot. Want to know why? Because it's a crime. I will protect my property.

>>257133270show flag, shill fag

>>257135034Insurance? I'm pretty sure you are not going to have to make a loan to replace a set of chisels and screwdrivers.>>257135092Murrica'!

>>257122444SHUT IT DOWN

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>>257135297My skin is brown. Thats all you need to know.

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>>257135301>>>257133759 (You)Ahh yes. Construction workers and contractors can just call their Swiss Banker to rush them the money lol. Is this nigger really arguing its not a big deal to steal from construction sites?

>>257122444The dude actually did that just by looking at it. He was under investigated by the FBI. He was probably a mutant.

>>257122783boy oh boy you are about to get BTFO'd when facts hit the mainstream.$2500 in fishing equipment stolen from a nearby house. A 9mm pistol, stolen from the son's car. And lots more shit. The attempted citizen's arrest wasn't out of the blue.

>>257117979Hahahahaha you probably even believe it right? You poor fucking dumb fuck.

>>257135538Why are murrican so fucking sure people care about their screwdrivers and chisels. You are afraid the construction site is going to get raided. Just hide the tools. Gosh.>>257135624And its related to the black dude because he was seen running out of a empty house. empty handed. right.>>257135740I do. Because its true.

>>257134908>You don't know what was said.I can extrapolate that's what they said based on what they said they said and that it was consistent with their behavior. If they just wanted to go Rambo on him they would have shot on sight... Instead they dicked around following him in both directions up and down the road.

>>257117979 No? What the fuck are you talking about? First of all, nobody fucking does that, second, it’s trespassing on someone else’s property (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s under construction or not) and third, from my experience contracting, if someone’s just walking about construction sites, that’s not usually a good sign, certainly not a telltale sign of a ‘jogger’.

>>257136274>extrapolate you like to do butt stuff, uh? Because thats what you are doing with talking out your ass.>>257136280People do it all the time. first result on google. houzz.com/discussions/5362083/strangers-walking-through-your-home

>>257120534>was called

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>>257136765>you like to do butt stuff, uh? Because thats what you are doing with talking out your ass.In that case you like to insert unusually large objects in your anus because you extrapolated, without any evidence at all, to Rambo. Enjoy that huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated dildo in your ass, megafaggot.

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>>257136885(you)>>257136935no. I said probably. And then I explained why I said probably. I wasn't shouting>HURR WHY ELSE THEY WERE AFTER HIM WITH SHOTGUNS! and calling it extrapolating

>>257135947Why do joggers have zero work experience or understand value.Contractors do NOT want you on their site. Ever. Even the potential owners are discouraged because insurance doesnt cover them. You have to have a liability policy with insurance and or be comp exempt. You’d know this if you ever actually worked. You just repeat idiocy other joggers told you defending mindlessly a fellow jogger. Joggers NEVER call the police and kill each other over being told to wear masks. Most recently a jogger killer two people over this worthless jogger you’re defending.Well he is dead and his thieving is done. Ever thus to joggers.

>>257137445The fuck are you talking about nigger? You said he was playing Rambo, not that he probably was playing Rambo. Point being if they were just going to kill him they had plenty of opportunities to do so without him getting anywhere near them... and they certainly had no reason to film it.

>>257136765Thats not a source you dumbass jogger. Why are joggers such anti-intellectual idiots? Do you understand what empirical falsifiable evidence is? Or anything outside of fried chicken and larceny?

>>257119958Did you know that once objects leave your immediate spatial awareness that they continue to exist?Get this, the gun could have still been with the person that stole it. That person could have been a 'jogger'.

>>257114976I mean, honestly, I've done it. Glad I didn't get shot by two fat retards in a truck though. That would have seemed kind of extreme.

>>257121293You're right, we need to build more walls.

>>257137659>implying a bunch of shitOkay.>>257137738Meh. And I that point I said they PROBABLY provoked the dude. And thats why he charged at them.>>257137871Who said I was trying to provide a source. I'm just pointing towards people just randomly talking about it online because it happends a lot. You said it never happends. You're wrong.>>257138813That's a lot of could have, sir. And that was my original point.>>257138978I have nothing against walls.

>>257126010>I'm black.Statistically, no, you don't understand many things better than most of the US population, especially behavior.

>>257139148Could have is all you need to bring along a firearm. Fog of war, etc.

>>257139148>Meh. And I that point I said they PROBABLY provoked the dude. And thats why he charged at them.Even if they did, provocation is not a legal defense for battery and disarming a man to shoot him, it's a mitigating factor that might reduce, but not eliminate, your legal culpability at SENTENCING.


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>>257139148No argument. You lost.Easy

>>257120503Isn't that one of dahmers victims?

>>257139148“Happends”“Some people be talkin”Idiotic. It’s amazing the level of stupidity niggers can achieve. You begin to understand just why they struggle so much.

>>257139216>muh stats>again with the superiority complex postmeh. keep that for your Holla Forumstard friends.>>257139300I understand. But now we know it wasn't the case.>>257139415Cool. You got your point across. I got mine. The dude is dead and we will never know. Now trying to paint this two dudes as angels is almost as stupid as painting Ahmaud as a savage burglar trying to terrorise a family while they were having a nice dinner around the table. >>257139573>>257139695I don't respond when stupid people call me names.He said something never happened I proved him wrong.