The lack of revolution around the world

I've noticed that internationally leftist orgs aren't rallying the general populace for revolution to the extent that they want to.

Naxalites in India are getting crushed by the government, and despite militant attacks aren't achieving much in rallying the masses to their cause. They're more or less hunted down by the gov. and the state conducts mass purges of people suspected of being Naxalites.

Anarchists within the west are still more of an underlying current that only peaks up now and then. Greek anarchists helping refugees and starting riots is all well and good, and considering 60 percent of the youth is unemployed, but there isn't much potential for a government overhaul like there was during the 70's. And while violent protests against gentrification are all well and good at raising awareness of capitalism's failure to provide, it's nothing that can't be solved entirely by some liberal reform.

Are the material conditions to start a revolution failing? Was Fukuyama right? What would compel better first/third world revolutionary movements? What could anarchists/ marxists do aside from protests and rallies of solidarity?

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We don't have the social conditions for revolution right now. But we are good dialecticians and we understand that capitalism now is much more stable than it will be in the coming years. Capitalism itself will convince the working class of the need for revolution. It is our job, as the most advanced layer of the proletariat, to guide our class to the correct conclusions, but we can't do that without the help of capitalism itself. The working class needs to be convinced the of the correctness of Marxism through its own experience. A leftist org can't start a revolution, it can only seize the opportunity in a revolutionary situation. Be patient, comrade.

The best thing to do right now is learn, network, and build up the forces of Marxism. Use the relative calm before the storm to read up on history and theory. Leadership cannot be improvised in the spur of the moment. And don't fetishize "doing something." There will be plenty to do in the coming period.

marx said this over 100 years ago
so when action?

The Naxalites have been "on their last legs", "getting crushed", etc, for 50 years now.

IMO the material conditions for revolution in the Global South are there.

The biggest difference from the 20th century is that the capitalists today have access to things like surveillance, drones, helicopters, night-vision, etc.

When Lenin and Mao had their revolutions, they were fighting against an enemy with roughly similar technology and armaments. This is not the case for 21st century revolutionaries.

All of this makes conducting people's war extremely difficult in the Global South. In the 1st world, it makes armed struggle virtually impossible.

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It's not just the advancement of surveillance, it's that all the old forms of social organization which could build solidarity have been obliterated by modern financial capitalism. Unions have been dead and marginalized for years, religious identification is continuing to drop, ethnic communities are breaking up, and most traditional community orgs are nowhere near what they were 50 years ago. On top of that, western workers are very physically mobile thanks to modern automobiles, they live in atomized suburbs and work at small, distant firms, and are often only brought together by schools (if that). All of this means there's very little IRL social support where people could build support and education networks and begin to agitate against the system, even though workers are more precarious than ever. The only thing left is internet activism, which is mostly useless outside of awareness raising and education because your audience is massively spread out and semi-anonymous.

More people should read critical theorists like Mark Fisher, because books like capitalist realism is not just ideological critiques, they are descriptions of the very real social impediments to revolutionary organizing that exist right now.

This is why I advocate for this:

Global North Protracted Peoples Urban Economic War

Find a group of people, criteria: Communist, willing and able to save up £$ Euroes,2000/3000/4000??, willing and able to take a central active role in planning and carrying out party activities, these groups should function democratically. The activities are as follows:

Each group should start a recruitment program based around education as a priority and as far as possible drawing membership from local communities, in the inital stage party members should set up a school of socialism that teaches a broad range of Marxist, Anarchist and general socialist theory, history from a left wing perspective, and about local class struggle and issues, as well as the network's aims and goals. This could take the form of a monthly or weekly gathering, from these schools and from the broader socialist community party members can be gradually brought in. Alongside this, party members should conduct physical and self defence training and build an armed wing, preparing specifically for the task of defending the network, with a view to the future of the network and the possible threats it may face.

At the same time, these groups should go into communities and find out how they can help them with their labor and resources, what they need. Inititally use this for sponsorsed fundraisers in order to build funds to purchase a business to be a co-operative, so that the task carried out can be funded by that co-operative and a real need is met and this provision is sustainable for the future. These events can also be used for recruitment and therefore the founding of other co-operatives. The groups should raise money in any other way they see fit besides borrowing at interest, but personal labor and sponsored community services must be part of it, this will also help in the creation of co-operatives, allowing them to come into being already connected to the communities they establish themselves in.

The party members will work in the co-operative,these co-operatives will : be directly democratic, pay in shares instead of wages, provide a needed community service free of charge, pay into a network fund for the expansion and improvment of the network as a whole, including the outright purchase of private property to become collective property, and benefits for the workers such as child care in the initial stage. They will also be constitutionally bound to remain collective property and to function in an environmentally sustainble manner.

As a network they will fund education(for instance by hosting the school of socialism and funding propoganda) and agitation (by providing representatives to help with wage disputes for example, enabling direct action) as well as physical resitance to the state and reactionary groups. At the early stage, these community needs will most likely be small scale, regular food drives, perhaps providing school tutors for struggling children.

Party members will recruit, guide and mentor new groups building new co-operatives.As well as this, once established, the party members able should begin again saving for new co-operatives in a different industry(but this time with the help of the network for funding), in the same community, that provides a different service. When they leave, the party should recruit directly from the local community while providing education to this new recruit so that they are equipped to understand the nuance of a democratic work place and the communist project as a whole, thus providing jobs within the community and creating the conditions whereby the community manages itself.

In the ideal situation, several co-operatives will have opened at roughly the same time in several different cities.Once established, the collective fund drawn from these will enable these projects to be scaled up, the network might begin providing a house call nurse for a community for example. A food drive might become a food bank, tutoring becomes a night school and so on. Similarly, the industries the groups enter into initially should be easy to access, however once the network is stable they may buy into industries with higher costs of entry, thus two cafes, a food truck, a bar and a corner grocery store, open a supermarket. New co-operatives should be focussed on, but not limited to key industries such as food.

At this stage or perhaps before it, the network should be considering setting up its own mutual bank, so that all funds in the network are controlled as directly by the network as possible, (it may wish to consider alternative currencies such as bitcoin).

From here, with a large and well established network, with popular support generated from community outreach, funds can begin to be accrued for supply chain integration, locking out the capitalist, cutting costs to be given back to the workers and the community around them, as well eventually allowing whole products to be created within the network from scratch and therefore being able to be completely freely distributed without exchange value.Supply chain integration will naturally spread the network abroad, and allow for dramatic raising of third world working conditions, if one imagines what started as a cafe eventually integrating its supply chain to include coffee farms in central america, created and run by central american workers themselves with resources provided by the network. Alongside this, with larger and global, industrial spending power comes the ability to build whole power plants, hospitals, and schools, and other necessary services.

The goal of the network is simple, to become so large as to supercede the state in the localised "nation" area, as well as eventually superceding the international capitalist state, undertaken by the combined process of providing free services to communities and providing benefits such as free housing to workers, until all necessary services are provided by the network free of charge, and all employment is within the network. In tandem with this, money will be phased out, as services are provided for free their cost can be deducted from pay according to democratic agreement, until all services are simply provided, as the network grows into new industries so capital is gradually abolished and the state of capitalism has no reason to exist, in its place standing a democratically run network without private property providing all the necessary goods and services.

The energy industry is key here, once the state has been superceded or perhaps before this point has been reached, the network can begin the process of automating physical labour, the conditions now such that they are able to do this without ultimately creating unemployment and making the workforce work harder. Energy should therefore be the first large scale industry entered into, once the network has a large spending power. In the immediate this will allow co-operative housing and businesses to operate on free energy, the network providing maintainence, reducing overall costs. In the long term, the comittment to environmental sustainablitily is essential, community owned and maintained sustainable energy sources can provide unlimited free energy, from this base, in combination with automation, we may create a world where all human needs are provided as part of one fully automated machine, one that does not pollute or waste, its functions controlled directly by the people whose needs to it must satisfy, politics will become the perfection of the machine.

Because basically anybody who suggests "muh armed revolution" in the west in the next 25 years basically hasn't thought for a single second about what that might look like, and are dumb "i like soviet aesthetics so im a commie" larper.

it's hard to rally people to revolt when you don't have any fresh ideas. people haven't provided new ideas past 20th century communism, so even if the proles revolt and get power, what would they do but repeat past mistakes? extremely centralized economies are nightmares to consolidate and make efficient.

Read Cockshott

this sort of happened in Catalonia whereby people fought to do easiest jobs, the simplest and least demanding because 2hours of washing dishes would be just as lucrative as doing 2hours of brain surgery or 2hours of hard-manual-labor in a mine or oil field. This created resentment between people, for some had to work much harder to earn the same amount of bread.

This system is actually itself unequal because it alienates people from the complexity/skill/effort they generate and doesn't take into account proficiency.

I like this idea, usury is bad and rent and dividends are basically forms of usury.

Read the full book you cunt. He addresses this.

It's like he wants to replace capitalism with something even worse

Remember that capitalism has only been the dominant system for a few centuries. Feudalism was around for about 1400 years, and slavery even longer. Marx said capitalism would collapse but he didn’t give a time frame.

So have a base hourly rate modified by factors such as average calories expended, number of hours/years of schooling to become qualified, and average deaths/injuries per year. That way more physically/intellectually demanding or more dangerous work is rewarded more.

how about supply vs demand? seems to work fine for most goods

There have been many opportunities in the last century. Some of them were seized, obviously. Most of them weren't, and that's why the few that did were destined to fail. But as long as capitalism exists it will keep producing revolutionary situations.

Probably to come if the Russia UK conflict comes to a boil, or if not that, then when peak automation happens & everybody is not having phun

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An armed conflict now will look less like red October and more like Terminator.

If that's what you want for you, your kids and your grandkids, then by all means be my guest.

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But serving coffee and flipping burgers part time doesn't make you part of the working clas. Service industry is not working class not will it ever be, you're providing a service NOT producing anything that pushes the nation forward

Consider actually reading a fucking book for once.

is not working class now.

You're still ""generating"" profit by changing the dead labor of the patty, meat, lettuce, etc into a burger to be sold at a profit. If you're in sales you have to meet shitty quota, get paid based on your sales, work awful hours, etc, in IT you are basically the backbone of a company, like these service jobs are working class, they are working for (petty) Bourgeois bosses to generate profit. The working class in the west is starting to look different than in the past, but if we go by what you say then most of the US isn't working class now. You don't make sense go read Marx you silly kid