ITT: We lament what could have been


Other urls found in this thread:–1966

final point confirmed youre baiting
second point made me suspicious





really got us there lad! communism has been btfo forever now!

So much for the nationalist right


I'm skeptical of this one. I can find very little information on how popular Asanuma and the Japanese Socialist Party actually were at the time. It seems like if anything Asanuma was considered a bit of a moonbat, especially with wearing a Mao suit after visiting China.
No doubt most of the good sources on this topic are going to be in Japanese but if anyone has a run-down I'd like to read it.

I doubt that. Soviet's might capture most of Germany, but reactionary forces would sooner or later overwhelm them. Still, Socialist Republic of Germany would be based.


it never ceases to amaze me how self-aware can Holla Forums be sometimes.

The RSFSR was this close to conquering Poland and aiding the revolution in Hungary, what could have simultaneously paved the road to Germany, Italy and the Balkans, all of which were on the brink of revolution. There is now a socialist bloc occupying most of Europe, with the Red Army having access to warm water ports. If that wouldn't start a victory countdown for world socialism, I can't imagine what would.






That would've never happened because Hitler's life goal was destroying the USSR.

Hold me bros…



Don't give into despair. We've shown the world that another reality is possible. Let the bourgeoisie tremble, as one day, their rule will come to the end

Don't forget

wasnt that guy a socdem? lol

never 4get–1966

Fuck this timeline



Read the fine name

No, there couldn't have. If the Soviet Union rushed America and invaded Japan first, we would have probably used nukes on them in the 1950s after using them in China and Korea. Japan like most of Eurasia would be rendered a wasteland amongst the ashes of WW3.

The USSR could have had automated planning through computer networks.

hold me, Holla Forums

Honestly user I doubt Japan wouldn't invade China in a last ditch effort to "beat the reds" although it would more likely be to intervene in the Chinese civil war than to slaughter

That would honestly be preferable since America would have also been eradicated as well while the USSR would have largely stayed intact.


Lol no
Even at its absolute height The JCP never came close to holding power

We wouldnt have had it anyway because Anime is inherently Reactionary capitalist Propaganda that in its most modern form was created in the US puppet state of capitalist Japan

Wait, didn't Kimba want the animals to modernize yet never introduced money into their society?

Imagine being so reddit that you believe this.

Imagine providing no rebuttal

What site are you on user
And what site inspired this site
And what did said site do?

Not sure if troll. The USSR was Western culture's last stand.

Anyway, time to whine a bit

We really live in the worst of all possible worlds.

Wait what, since when were the frikorps Asserite?

Otto Str*sser was a lieutenant in the Freikorps. He was cool though, and only prevented a revolution once, after which he supported the next one.


Wait wasn’t there only one revolution in Germany?

I think op's referring to the fact that the USSR was about to occupy Japan before the nukes dropped

No, there were several. One was by a jewish guy, one came after, and then there was Nat Soc which was supposed to be a revolution but wasn't actually.




East vs West

The only 'what if…' I think would have had a huge impact in history is a successful german revolution during WW1.

weebshits & south koreans are first to gulags

That'd be an interesting scenario, which might warrant some heavy guess-based speculation.



how tho

For starters the Portuguese FAI could use Portugal as a base and would probably force a prolonged two front civil war for Franco

b-but I still want communist anime!

Is the idea, that if only the Soviets took Warsaw in 1920 the whole world or at least Afro-Eurasia would be red, a meme?

Socialism has spread significantly in moat urbanized parts of Africa


Slowpoke. You're about four days too late, mate.
