Let's suppose a communist society is achieved by all quantifiable measures

Let's suppose a communist society is achieved by all quantifiable measures.
How would you possibly try to stop people from having conservative or rightist sentiments?
Will rightism simply be not allowed in any function, even if it is harmless to the socialism

Forced Education (not re-education) camps. Compulsory book-reading. Compulsory gun ownership so porkies never try to step on their fellow man's rights without fear.

Political power is achieved through control of material conditions, so no one would have an incentive to listen to what these people say if they don't like what they hear. If people wanted actually reactionary values, they would have to voluntarily organize their own communities instead of forcing their beliefs on others, just like everyone else.

Capitalist ideology will still remain in some way, but it will likely take on more of a quasi-religious tone.

Their "rightist sentiments" are irrelevant in a society where they can't act upon their beliefs. They can't decide that some faggot or nigger should be fired from his job or thrown out of his place if exploitation and homelessness have been eliminated.

Capitalism will die completely once people realize that exploitation is not human nature. The only possibility of it coming back is if people think the system they have isn't working (like if the government doesn't share the common man's interests) (which can be solved by a simple "listen to the people" policy)

People's lives are controlled by material conditions, but not necessarily their thoughts. Some people are just insane and have no concern for human beings as living things with needs and wants.
Ancaps, for example, are borderline misanthropes. Their ideology is so retarded because their love of capitalism is religious, not practical.

Internal material conditions are a thing. People with mental disabilities (for example ancaps) are still controlled by the faulty wiring of their brain.

Wouldn't it more be the case that the conditions which allow what we term as "right wing" thought simply not exist under a Communist society and therefore "right wing" thought as we know it becomes impossible?


People can spout "we should put all these publicly owned and managed services, resources, industries, utilities etc. in the hands of a few" all they want, it's not like anyone's gonna listen to them.

By demonstrating that leftist societies are better for them than their conservitard visions. If that doesn't work we'd probably have our own establishment consensus and/or deep state to subvert any rightism that pops up.

I'm mentally ill and I resent that. Even schizos are capable of forming logical views if they aren't left untreated.
Being an idiot is a choice.

You have to literally weed out conservatism from the general populace over time. You do this through a combo of education, re-education, quarantine, and if it's necessary, the big one.

It doesn't matter if you are a libertarian socialist or a Marxist-Leninist, if you don't accept this as a necessary part of revolutionary society you aren't ready to be a socialist and need to either get serious or leave

If all you experience in life is darkness you'll never make the choice to seek out light. Being an idiot is a result of material conditions you can't simply choose it.

define rightism

desire for the means of production to be in the hands of a few


Let's suppose a capitalist society is achieved by all quantifiable measures.
How would you possibly try to stop people from having reactionary or feudalist sentiments?
Will feudalism simply be not allowed in any function, even if it is harmless to the capitalism

Nah, go fuck yourself you little faggot



Not making excuses or some shit but i feel like its worth pointing out that Hungary had the Most Market reforms of all the Warsaw pact states Bar Yugoslavia