Nepal will elect a communist government

It looks like the only proletarian revolution in the 21st century is in the process of stabilizing itself. There have been over 10 government changes in the recent years, with the country being under provisional government so far. This is the first real election.

Other urls found in this thread:–Leninist)–present)




I got my hopes up but then saw this–Leninist)

He's coming bucko

none of you dipshits understands it. Nepal's communist parties are very moderate, not revolutionary. they've been in power before and overthrow each other.

This is exactly what my few Nepali friends tell me. And that the leadership is mostly corrupt af.

Shut up, we're having a DotP

So another Syriza?

listen me you little bitch. they've been in power before, this has happened before. stop getting horny over corrupt and liberal "communist" parties in far away lands. Nepal is fucked by India, and even if they did try to do something emancipatory a crisis could occur due to trade. if they do nothing, they'll equally be hated. they're very conformist

Most people here will support anything if you smack a sticker saying "gommunist partei :—D" on it.

people are bored and all looks grim, it's normal


I'm a nepali here. Most people actually prefer the monarchy because the people in power are so fucking corrupt. Nepal is essentially India's cum dumpster


I've read a lot of Nepalis go to work terrible, exploitative jobs in the oil-rich Gulf and China, is that true? Sounds awful.

Also interesting how Nepal is between India and China, two rising superpowers. Soon that area will be like to Asia what the Balkans was to Europe and the West: a playground for manipulation by the "Great" Powers.

This has a history of fucking up or being fucked up by somebody else

So why do all the different Maoist parties hate each other? Is it conflicting egos? How much of any political party would you say is pure opportunism over there?

Nepal is suffering from huge labor sink. Most of the uneducated young people go abroad and get massively exploited by the gulf and china, that is true. They also go to the western world like Australia, USA, and Great Britain and work under the table there and get massively exploited. I know family members who had to work like that.

The educated nepalis leave Nepal and seek a better life in the western world and end up working IT, medicine, or engineering. Basically the STEM careers. Their kids end up being brainwashed by capitalism and lose all of their culture and want to distance themselves from Nepal as much as possible. Shit's really fucked.

What about Nepalese culture do these intellectuals seem to despise?

You do realize that this election precedes a decade of violent struggle, right?

Tbh at the end of the day it doesn't matter what western leftists think about Nepal, it matters what they do.

I think some genuinely want to better the conditions here, but most are under the pocket of Indian Politicians. The "communist" parties aren't really communist because those who lead them are pretty bourgoeis and are large landowners themselves. Nepal still has feudalism to this very day. I dont know why the parties hate each other because none of them represent the people. I figure it must be competition to steal tax money, because almost all politicians use their position to steal from the countries natural resources and wealth and enrich themselves.

Nepal sells its resources to Indian corporations and the people have to buy back stuff like electricity from India. Theres also a huge import tax that makes things like automoblies 3-4X more expensive in nepal than in india and we rely on India for most of our goods.

This is a similar trend for all immigrant families. The parents are fine with Nepali culture, cause although its very patriarchal, theres a huge emphasis on community involvement and taking care of family. The children grow up isolated from Nepal and identify with wherever they grew up. They see themselves as western and thus anyone who grows up with the skills to make a difference back in Nepal ends up staying in the western world. I cant really blame them.

My point is seeing the mentality of most western leftists, they will get denounced anyway. Because they are obviously in a predicament, being dependent and India and such, so they have the choice between going against socialist principles or actually seizing the MoP which puts them at odds with Indian investments, setting them up for economic troubles.

It's making me quite mad actually. Let's assume they do expel Indian imperialists, they would turn into another version of Venezuela, give liberals and right-wingers another endless argument about the evils of socialism, and will cause western opportunists to call it "not real socialism". I mean look at this fucking thread, people already denounce this before they haven't even established government, can we at least give them a chance? Jesus.

Intredasting. Didn't know. They're Maoists right? I expect the people's revolution to continue.

Adding on to this, Nepal still has incredible potential to be a communist utopia. We have enough hydroelectric potential to power the entire country a few times over, and we could have 100% clean energy. The tourism sector could be used to build up the country a lot because we have some of the most scenic treks in the world. 8 out of the 10 highest mountains are located in Nepal. We could have great tea production because the soil is extremely fertile. And because we're between the two emerging superpowers of China and India, it could end up being a hub of trade and commerce.

It doesn't lol.

Okay. Which one supports gulags and industrialization (via heavy industry)?

God, Communism is such a losing strategy, why can't they embrace superior ideologies like Juche, Baathism or Centre-right Russian Conservatism?


This, fuck the chauvinists posting ITT.

This is why Venezuela discourse gets me so fucking heated.

Man, I have been reading this same headline for a decade. First it was commie guerrillas, then they made a deal for a national union government, then the commie president got predictably shafted, then they went back to guerrilla fighting, and after that I gave up. Now I see from wikipedo they have no less than 6 Communist Parties of Nepal, a Nepal Communist Party and 3 far-left parties with chickenscratch names. It feels like the entire country is re-enacting the history of Trotskyism.

Unified ML is shit-tier. What Nepal needs is Maoist Centre considering it is the largest far-left party.

Interview with the general secretary of the CPN (United Marxist-Leninist). Sounds a little reformist, but not too bad.


If Venezuela is socialist why didn't they nationalize all industry and banks? I mean it's pretty simple, you can't be a socialist state if your economy is privately owned and run based on the profit motive.

Venezuela isn't Marxist unlike the recently elected parties in Nepal and has done some serious mistakes. I don't think you could argue that Chavez and Maduro aren't real socialists, they just have been very incompetent ones so far. In that interview I posted the guy from the CPN says specifically he wants to collectivize farms.

China and North Korea call themselves "communist."

Don't get fooled.

Wrong, NK got rid of communist and Marxist references in their constitution in the 90's.

good decision. there's no point in pursuing communism now that we have superior ideologies like Juche, Baathism, and center-right Russian conservatism.


They never had Marx in their constitution, and the reason they removed communism from it was because they are in no position to achieve it. If you actually read the Juche writings you can see that they haven't denounced Marxism or communism.

The problem is that NK does not in any way follow Juche, their foreign policy is like the opposite of Juche, instead of self-sufficiency it's pure adventurism. You cannot look at NK and the way they constantly get into shouting matches with foreign powers and say that's Juche.

Now that's a hot fucking take I haven't heard before. What are they actually doing that is anti-ethical to their concept of self-reliance? I don't remember them threatening another country with invasion. The reason they get into "shouting matches" with the US is because Trump said he wants to exterminate them and has put the harshest sanctions in human history on them. You seem to forget that the DPRK was willing to freeze their nuclear program before when the US showed some will to compromise. Wanting to defend yourself against aggression isn't "adventurism".

I see this as not that great because they are probably Maoists and will likely fuck up with dumb state capitalist policy then it will be just another case of "see communism doesnt work!"

Indian communists are usually pretty based and competent, they haven't "fucked up" anything so far, Kerala has a similar party in power like the CPN (UML) and is a showcase. Now I know that Nepali are not Indians but they are obviously related and have similar ideological backgrounds.

Again, give them a fucking chance before you already prepare your talking points to dissociate yourself from it. People in this thread are already complaining that it is an election and not a revolution, this is preposterous, this election precedes decades of long struggle and a mass movement that overthrew the monarchy.


I don't thnink those are usually the same people.

I shit on both, fite me nerds.

Shitting on Venezuela, fair enough, Chavez and Maduro have made huge mistakes, but why shitting on the Nepali Revolution? Can you at least not wait till they do anything? Not the real movement?

Do what? They've already had a few pinkoid prime ministers since 2008, what exactly might change this time?–present)
Also have this, Prachanda knew they dun goofed a decade ago
My expectations towards the Nepalese commies are as big as those towards Melenchon, Corbyn or Sanders, ie. not too big when it comes to abolition of wage labour and so on. It's not a condemnation, but just stating a fact, they can't do much and won't do much, but if they give bearable capitalism, then I guess I can wish them good luck.

you oportunist always makes me laugh

the hate mainly gets transmited through the parents, and the parents hate the place because they got fucked by it everyday during years, come on have you ever even lived in a third world country?, the goverment doesn't give a shit whether you die or live, if you are poor it will never give you a chance to change that, and whatever does change it will be at random, you will get to feel as thought you can change nothing and affect nothing, i guess these complaints are the same people in burgerland will tell you, but that's because i don't even have the words to tell you how much life sucks here