What does Holla Forums think of the Socialist Rifle Association?

What does Holla Forums think of the Socialist Rifle Association?

The fetishisize old Eastern euro rifles and cartridges even though they're 99% americans and if shit ever hits the fan, those will be the guns you want to use the least. If they knew fuck all about social upheaval and violent revolutions then they'd be buying so many generic shotguns and building the cheapest AR15s possible.
After talking to them I suspect they only care about guns now because they think they'll actually win a fight against the American people plus the state. They don't actually recognize ownership of firearms as a right that an individual should have and "after the rev" they want to pull up the ladder and ban guns ASAP.

I've seen multiple posts from them showing off deals on AR models.

I've been looking at them for awhile and I've never heard this

Around the rose hold your nose.

"they want to pull up the ladder and ban guns ASAP"

Holla Forums spotted

anarkiddy utopians get out

You've had a little too much to drink fam.


Is everything a honeypot?

Nice logo at-least.


If you replaced the bullets with bottles you’d have a great beer logo.

No, but a socialist rifle association that conducts itself out in the open with shit sercurity is.

I tried to pull up the info for the group closest to me and was redirected to a Facebook group which required a login.

That doesn't seem… ideal. I get that it casts a wider net for potential members, but fuck facebook and fuck cuckerberg.

Interesting idea. I like how being armed and ready for self-defense is an idea that's spreading through Leftism. It scares liberals away and lets conservatives know that we don't hate guns and freedom.

Where are you getting this info from?

They're not a revolutionary cell. It's not a honeypot unless they try to trick people into doing something illegal.

Unfortunately facebook is becoming an entire sub-internet of its own. Why take the time and costs to set up a private forum when you can just create a facebook group for free with one click? I think more Leftists need to be educated about the dangers and problems of fb and put in the extra just to be more secure.

Wow whoda thunk, it's not a honeypot until they're openly engaging in entrapment…

They have to be planning to engage in entrapment for it to be a honeypot. They've probably infiltrated it or are planning to like every other militant organization, but that doesn't mean it's a honeypot.

No they don't, you fucking retard. The goal of a honeypot can simply be to profile people and gather information on them for later use.

That information is useless unless they plan on entrapping them or think they'll eventually do something illegal on their own. By that standard any org can be a honeypot because any of them could be infiltrated.

or just arresting, framing, or killing them, or using them as leads to find more revolutionaries…