Smashing social hierarchies by depathologizing shyness

Shyness, under the label of, “social anxiety disorder”, has become an unnecessarily “unhealthy”, or “suspicious” state of mind for people living in modern Western societies. In that it’s behavioral “symptoms” suggest a failure to achieve an arbitrary set of cultural values, such as chattiness, individual expression, and assertiveness. Shyness is more and more defined as a problem for which people can, and should, be treated, usually with drugging.
McDaniel (2001) [1] argues that high amounts of concern regarding shyness comes during times when it is thought of as a barrier to the emotional work required to achieve intimacy in hetero relationships for both genders.
Shyness in women and children has traditionally been seen as endearing and ‘cute’ (Scott 2004a) [2], and men are given more social stigma as being shy. Media representations of shy male characters focus on the barriers this poses to success at work and in personal relationships (Scott 2003)[3], where the shyness in romantic situations (Gilmartin 1987) [4] implies a tragic, “failure”, to assert one’s masculinity. Shyness is shown as a ‘feminine’ trait in the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem 1974) [5], alongside moodiness, gullibility, soft-spokenness, compassion and unpredictability. Being, “mentally healthy”, typically implies masculine instead of feminine traits (Broverman et al. 1970) [6]. Therefore, shyness being a feminine trait would explain why shyness has been seen as an undesirable attribute, particularly in men. Besides mainstream culture, the relatively underground network of men’s websites acknowledge this phenomena as well:

Women are unnecessarily stigmatized in a gendered way by shyness-as-disorder as well. For example, in the context of established relationships (Giddens 1991) [7]. This “newly discovered insideous problem” is described as a woman’s inability to assert herself to a point that it poses a serious threat to a particular view of how, “life-politics”, should be. Shyness in women is often seen in western culture as just another, “female malady” (Showalter 1985) [8], as some sort of unnecessarily feminine behaviour.

Those in the APA and other organizations who helped create “social phobia” as a disorder in 1980 (Marc-Antoine 2015) [9] hopefully acknowledged shyness at best occupies a blurred line between health risk and an unnecessarily socially constructed deviance. But we argue that the social construction begets the health risk, with the APA playing a large negative role. We ask that you publicly acknowledge people wouldn’t suffer emotionally from shyness if the desire for people to achieve an arbitrary set of cultural values related to confidence went away. So, this emotional disturbance from shyness is not usually a biological problem. A variety of anxiety phenomena is an, insular, biological problem instead from the drugging of psychiatric patients and personal victimization from street drugs (Cohen 1995) [10]. Emotional disturbance from shyness is a valid social reaction from shy people who are ostracized more so than others from those who need confidence from *others* based on a certain masculine set of cultural values.
You probably agree that shyness itself appeals to it’s own set of cultural values Americans hold dear, such as thoughtfulness, modesty, kindness, and sensitivity. We pathologize shyness instead of those who identify shyness as a negative trait (such as the APA) in an unprecedented amount of people. If you encourage people to see shyness as a current or potential sign of maladaptation, shy people who aren’t already emotionally suffering from shyness will be further socially alienated and stigmatized.
Since shyness isn’t itself a problem and appeals to many cultural values, and those who need outside confidence in their lives are the ones who initially fuel the negative emotions in most shy people instead of internal biology, we ask that you pathologize the need for others to be self-confident and label it as the disorder it is. Confidence isn’t a problem, but the need for it from others creates an unnecessary justification for the shyness pathologizing in question.
Please pathologize the need for others to be and/or show social confidence and label it as the disorder it is and not shyness. You could call it, “Needing Others to be Socially Confident Disorder”.

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Tell me how reddit is not raiding us

Shinji's of the world unite?


I don't even care that much about the terf bullshit. But this holodomor acceptance bullshit makes me mad.

Reddit doesn't like my articles very much

Take allies where you can get them.

terfs are sjws and more likely to side with conservatives than leftists because muh trans boogeyman

terfs aren't our allies and it should be remembered that no matter how hard they demand it, the R in terf will never stand for radical and will always stand for reactionary

I, as an alpha male (not self described i hate myself), stand with my shy brothers and sisters against wage-slavery which inherently favors extrovertedness over introvertedness, and against capitalism, which inherently favors communication over thought.

You mom tell you you are alpha?

I agree with the idea of the article, although I think the proposition might be satire.


Does the Chinese shy man in school get more female attention because Eastern countries supposedly value shyness?

Do Eastern women feel more allowed to be shy wives?

No, i just seem to attract qts naturally. This isn't something i want personally, i want to be feminine and qt but it's pointless lmao. I still maintain my earlier stance.

Are you like gay? Because… Dude that's the opposite of alpha. Plus the alpha beta denomination is trash to begin with, I was being a smart ass when I said that thing about yo mama

what if i'm unironically afraid of the trans boogeyman?

Yup. Gay. But i still get a lot of female attention and i hate it

This could explain why I never get any asian pussy. Seriously, I fucked everything except asian and i'm fucking half asian. Asians seem to really hate me for some reason

then you're spooked and need to stop worrying about things that don't effect you

seriously when ever I remember trans people exist, I do one of those high pitched homer simpson screams


Whatever you are saying would only apply to 1st generation asians, not 2nd+ generation as they don't inherit much culture.

Anyway, why? Because you are introverted?

Ime non-trafficked 1st generation asian prostitutes understand me best as an introvert. I don't have yellow fever at all, in fact I have little initial attraction to Asians, but I jive with Asian women

Mark Zuckerberg, lucky fucker. Actually she's probably 3rd generation.>>2278103

have you tried not being such a pussy

I'm not american. I'm half asian and half italian.
Culturally speaking I'm 0% asian tho.
I think they hate me because I'm really estroversed.

How do extroverted people find leftypol, that's what I wanna know…

Shyness should not be confused with introversion, which is a genuine personality type, or disinterest, which just suggests the person doesn't want to be there. Shyness is pathological and I doubt a single shy person will say they're comfortable with it. I know what it's like to be shy and it sucks, I didn't need anyone to convince of it. Self-confidence is an important trait to have, and while people shouldn't be maltreated because they don't have it, having it should be encouraged.

I need a place to go and have some giggles when I work. That's how I found /mu/. Then I went to /his/ stayed there until may of this year and then moved here because of the eternal Holla Forumsyp
plus extroverted doesn't mean that you can't be lonley as fuck. It's not the ability to talk to people that makes the difference, not the ability to pull girls at bars. This stuff is nothing when inside you feel constant unrest. Truth is that people choose to be lonley because they don't even know what's the alternative. We chase love and happiness but we are unable to reconize it

Stealth R9k thread? Sweet! Fuck femoids and roasties

The difference is that she DID get in the fucking robot

So did he.

Did he really though? Didn't he just hallucinate a whole bunch of 2deep4u bullshit to block out entering it from his mind? If you just put your body through the motions without ever actually entering the machine with your mind does it really count?

I think once you reach 10+ scholarly citations, you aren't a stealth Holla Forums thread.

Bring em to the basement and shoot them in the back of the neck

I'm pretty sure social anxiety disorder refers to something far, far more severe than mere shyness though, like not being able to talk to a shopclerk tier. Why should it be depathologized? If anything the real problem here is the over-diagnosis of social anxiety of subjects which do not truly suffer from it but might just be slightly shy, which can be blamed on the nature of the psychiatric institutions. There is sort of a weird caveat here though, in that the internet age has brought with itself a higher number of people diagnosed (and it's hard to say whenever legitimately or not) with things like social anxiety, ADHD, autism, etc.

The rest is very interesting though. Haven't read much about it personally, but i think shyness being seen more favorably in women rather than men is proooobably due to their different roles in capitalist society's history.

The fact that it was written by a TERF is kind of funny, considering this reminds me of gender dysphoria depathologization arguments

If you actually read the article it refers more to how idpol during the Obama administration turned away people from the left into the right, thanks to an excessive focus on issues regarding society's marginalized and outright ignoring or brushing aside all economic and political ills.

Sage for doublepost