If Emma Goldman were alive today she would support alienated incels, so why wouldn't you?

If Emma Goldman were alive today she would support alienated incels, so why wouldn't you?

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cool, go dig her up from her grave and perform a pagan ritual to revive her then

How do you know Emma Goldman was speaking from the perspective of incels at all? Nobody gives a fuck about group of men whining about getting laid.

That quote is about marriage.

She wouldn't support sociopaths that think they deserve to be able to rape women.

How could quads fall on such an ignorant post?

You seem to be projecting a bit.

Incel holocaust when?

Not him, but the issue is that the cure suggested by many incels is state-mandated gfs or something. That is institutionalized rape on a mass scale by removing consent from the state gfs.

if emma goldman were alive today she would post incel shit in the incel thread

Well this former incel now committed to celibacy comrade just wants to live a simple lifestyle without being harassed by women.

Wasn't the incel board on reddit banned for advocating rape?

Yes. This is why for example as a virgin I make a distinction between virgin and incel nerds.

Anarcho-Hermitism when?


I love how l.pol likes to pretend like they aren't isolated and are just completely normal strapping young men.

It's volcels vs the incels. Kinda sad really.

Nacido en Trieste —entonces una ciudad del Imperio Austrohúngaro—, cursó estudios de filosofía en la Universidad de Viena; tras finalizar su formación universitaria, entre 1926 y 1928 realizó a un curso en la Konsularakademie de Viena.[1]​ Comenzó su vida laboral como secretario del banquero e industrial vienés Hermann Oppenheim. En marzo de 1933 se afilió al Partido nazi (NSDAP) en Austria, aunque, tras la prohibición del NSDAP en territorio austriaco llegó ofrecerse a Alemania como espía.[2]​ En 1936 se trasladó a Londres, donde trabajó como marchante de arte. Con posterioridad la Gestapo investigó a Tertsch y sospechó que podía haber estado trabajando como informador de los servicios de inteligencia y la policía austriacas.[2]​ Tras el Anschluss de Austria en 1938, regresó a Viena e ingresó en las Sturmabteilung (SA).[1]​

great, another incel thread. just what we needed.

Bring 👏 back 👏 the 👏 containment 👏 cyclical 🙌

Being isolated is normal, that sex is increasingly driven by apps where you order partners like a menu is something out of dystopian sci-fi a few decades ago.

Except it is correct

Spotted the volcel.

but women deserve rape